Soloing MAX Difficulty Primovishap with EULA | Genshin Impact

#eula #thiswashardaf #genshin

Zero Buffs Btw

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44 thoughts on “Soloing MAX Difficulty Primovishap with EULA | Genshin Impact”

  1. This was actually the first difficult event I was able to clear at max difficulty, my units have gotten a lot better but even then this felt a lot easier than the rune event or the hypostasise events.

  2. I'm definitely far and away from being able to solo this at max score and difficulty, but I was able to clear it with max everything with a comp of C0 Eula, C6 Rosaria, C6 Fischl and a C2 Diona. Out of all of these types of events this one was probably the easiest for me to clear with everything cranked up to the max which just goes to show how nutty Eula's damage is.


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