#eula #thiswashardaf #genshin
Zero Buffs Btw
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#eula #thiswashardaf #genshin
Zero Buffs Btw
My Discord: https://discord.gg/hdUTxrE – My Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/VaIkyrjaYT?sr=a – My Small Minecraft Realm: realms.gg/QYuXUczLCck – My Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ValkyrjaYT
it took a lot of time but you did it wooo 🥳 congrats haha
And they say Phys Bad KEKW
Also at this point valk Knows 99.9% of geovishaps attack pattern
you became a pro at dodging the primo geovishap now 😭
I can’t even beat it let alone Soloing it
Ahahahahah so dedicated Valk
Im happy with the 4k score i got.
First try btw
"Technically I haven't lost, I quit everytime" now thats what I call a pro gamer move
My terribly built Eula is terrified at the moment
🌸🌹It could be uttered that this was far more easier than made out to be and I conquered it without incident thus it is good to be hold your effort🌹🌸
This kinda feels underwhelming after watching Tony's friend doing it under two minutes 🤣
Someones been watching some tony to videos xD … Jk love ya valk
My hu Tao finished this ftp on expert with the only 2 modifiers off. The shield and pyro resis off.
Is it possible to learn this power?
I feel you with the crit problem I have 69 crit rate and I do feel like it’s a scam
This was actually the first difficult event I was able to clear at max difficulty, my units have gotten a lot better but even then this felt a lot easier than the rune event or the hypostasise events.
But times should be 2 min na all difficulties 🤷
Crits modCheck
Bill gates may have founded microsoft, likewise Zuckerberg, Facebook, even colonel Sanders KFC
But have they soloed the primo geovishap? Nay, they have not
I rest my case
was helping fren and did it by default lol
Sup valk, sup comments
Now you gotta beat Tony To's friend who did this with the timer maxed too XD
Xiao solo when
Hmm… That's a God lvl Photoshop for a Godly character lel 😂
Actually bro i think you can iframe through a lot of the attacks so you don't need to run away
Henna Oyaji just beat this thing with Eula ult. What a costly build.
Me who can't even do in co-op -haha jokes on u I will only from priomgems
Cool cool
Saw this as I came across Tony To's Solo max point's Eula run.
Valk you are literally my father
I'm gonna try the legendary vagabond Razor solo adventure
Didn´t knew they call you ValkClean
I’m glad they added a boss that’s challenging that doesn’t get one hit, and it’s adjustable difficulty
I think I just got Clickbait. 🙁
I just relized your a console player like me
Anyone else who saw live during the stream?
U voice heard like moga gaming.hard to discover which one a u
Now try Max handicaps xD
I'm definitely far and away from being able to solo this at max score and difficulty, but I was able to clear it with max everything with a comp of C0 Eula, C6 Rosaria, C6 Fischl and a C2 Diona. Out of all of these types of events this one was probably the easiest for me to clear with everything cranked up to the max which just goes to show how nutty Eula's damage is.
Now try that bitchh oceanid
This still too easy imo.