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1. Groose’s Theme – The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
2. Yakuza: Like a Dragon OST – Cold-Blooded (Akira Mabuchi Theme)
3. Some Vintage Mood 3 – BGM President
4. 일만엔 짜리 반지 – 무지개 여신
5. Some Vintage Mood with Arirang – BGM President
6. Some Vintage Mood 4 – BGM President
7. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (by Mozart) – Mozart
Apparently you can cancel Itto auto with jump
Also how many ppl fell for that "my PC broke thing"
That intro was sick
2:42 Jiraya was the first character that came to my mind when i saw itto's burst animation in the first leaks
i have the Wolfs gravestone and i also have 2 unforgeds, but i'm still wondering if the Whiteblind isn't better than both, a want to use itto with Zhongli and Gorou
I’m just wondering if I should go for him or xiao
i ll run itto gorou bennet and nephritis ( 2 husk 2 bolide ) dont know why maybe cos she rocks in a geo team ahahahah
Lmao u got katsura sleeping face
소소한 소
(small cow xiao)
I really hope we get skins for him
Bro legit just pulled itto after my broke F2P ass fished some primos out a dumpster
You don't know how happy I am traveler was my only 5 star
The pain is over
this guy actually reminds me of a friend i had in high school, without the horns and hair it might just be the same guy
thanks, you save me time of: i just re enter the game, how the f*ck do I do builds
i was pulling for gorou and this himbo broke my pity at 30 so i guess we're doing this now 😂
Finally! I'm not thee only one who thinks he's like Jiraiya.
Just got him today, my first 50/50 that I won and I’m happy it was him. Thanks for the video, helpful as always!
He's son fun to play with 😭😭😭
i spent $80 just to get a c2 mona 😄
lost my 50/50
still got him
0:37 That transition is so smooth I actually thought you edited text onto his demo for a second
3:04 Noelle's not a 5 star cause then she'd top any character
Okay I had no idea his name was 소 in Korean and I play it in the Korean dub. I always thought they said his name weird but I did not notice they were using straight up one syllable block. I thought they were saying 샤오 with intense emphasis on the 오 or something.
Well, my abysmal ability to understand anything Korean is precisely why I decided to play it in the dub, so I guess it shouldn't be too shocking. I really need to study more so I can understand sentences beyond the most basic level of "Let's eat" or something lol
Thank you for giving options for beginners. I am not a beginner myself, however there was a time when I was (duh) and didn't understand the game well enough to make my own builds. So I had to look them up a lot of the times. And they'd always tell me to use something I wasn't even physically able to obtain yet, without any other alternatives, forcing me to search all over the internet just to figure out how to build frickin' Kaeya or something. Lol.
the character being synced perfectly with the music never fails to make me awe
yo the poem with the noodle got me laughing ngl goodone
Idk why but when Jayhoon started pronuncing Xiao in korean, I just chuckl idk why.
Outro song?
why do i alway lose my 50/50 on the geodudes(non pokemon), first at zhongli with jean and now at itto with qiqi, im still gonna try and squeeze freemo as much as i can tho
i watched this after i lost itto on 92 pity..
i am no okay.
I'm here because he came home after 1 random pull on 12 pity..
I was pulling for Gorou because I reached 4 star pity but Itto dude showed up..
My itto do be hitting hard without a geo goblet
I totally didn’t use my 6 star weapon to get about 3k primo so I could get itto
I am waiting for gorou guide 😀
c6 noelle is equivalent of arataki itto
Just recently got itto today and im here watching this video again
I got him by accident but he's cool asf so here we are
i really hope i can get him
i calculated how many wishes i'll get before his banner ends and i'll get to 90 soooo… i just gotta win the 50/50
if it HAS TO BE a standard 5 star… please don't let it be diluc… i'm literally fine with everything except diluc…