So They Just Added The Light ELEMENT? (Genshin Impact)

The “Three Realms Gateway Offering” event has a new limited time sigil that looks very similar to the sigils we usually obtain in teyvat. In this video, I check how it related to the overworld and if it actually hints to the existence of the 9th or more elements in Genshin Impact. I hope you enjoy the video 😀

Light Vision Design in thumbnail by u/suspiciousmilkcarton

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30 thoughts on “So They Just Added The Light ELEMENT? (Genshin Impact)”

  1. aren't aether and lumine from another world and not teyvat? if so, they wouldn't have an element in the first place cuz elemental energy are a teyvat thing and their original power wouldn't be an element

  2. So… we have Greek words for 11 elements:
    1. hydro – water
    2. geo – earth
    3. electro – electric
    4. pyro – fire
    5. cryo – ice
    6. anemo – wind
    7. dendro – tree

    8. lumino – light
    9. erebo – dark/abyss
    10. chrono – time
    11. spatio – space (probably dain’s element?)

    Can we add:
    12. petco – animals?

  3. I think the elements work just like light works in our world, with lots of colors existing that we can't see, just like it's said in the elements namecard, i don't remember exactly, but i think it's something like "there are more than seven colors in the rainbow, people are just lazy to count them all, maybe it's the same with the elements" so maybe there really are other elements, but we just don't know about them yet, and the light element would probably be the origin of all elements. Another topic that doesn't have much relation but it's just something i thought, if you divide white light it becomes a rainbow, but if you mix all colors, it usually turns black, or just a dark color (at least that's how it work with ink and other types of physical coloring stuff) so like, maybe the elements come from light, but if you mix them artificially, they just become something dark, all the abyss formed from a mix of elements (just theory with zero in-game info to support it)

  4. Oh. Looking at the Light Sigil symbol, now I realize that it's very similar to the Israel Star, or Solomon's Eight Points Star. It also fits when you think about the names of the Gods and Archons, who are inspired in the Ars Goetia demons spirits — the demons imprisioned by Solomon on his urne. Maybe, so, Solomon is the one from the Real of Light — maybe he himself would be the Primordial One. On my opinion, that makes a lot of sense.

  5. According to the book Hex & Hound, Light and Dark are elements. Although since it’s a book of fiction, we don’t know how legit it’s references are.

    Still, if we take the existance of Light and Dark as canon, it would explain quite a few holes on Teyvat’s lore. We’ve seen characters such as the Adepti and Yae Miko use some sort of light-based powers as Adeptal Arts and Feast Ritual respectively. Light flows through the leylines, which is also confirmed to contain the souls and memories of the desceased, although I don’t recall where exactly this is mentioned in-game for better reference.

    In real life color dynamics, White is the reflection of all colors whilist Black is the absorption of all colors.

    Genshin clearly based itself on the Light Spectrum as the basis of it’s elemental system, it’s safe to assume that Light, White Light, is the origin of the elements which are then divided into countless others, although they stop counting at seven (also explains the existance of elements such as Dust and Salt, maybe linked to Geo). Therefore, since Dark is the polar opposite of Light and absorbs all other colors, this may result in the creation of a cyclical event aka “time” as a concept, which itself may explain why time passes differently in Teyvat and in the Abyss.

    White | Light > Seven Colors | Elements > Black | Dark

    ( Grey | Time, Erosion ) existing all around it as a consequence of Light / Dark Cycle

    In the future, around the Abyss Chapter, we may have access to characters that use Light, Dark, Time and even other elements such as Space, Psychic or Bio as they already exist in the Honkai/Hoyoverse. I think it would be a pretty awesome addition to the game

  6. The namecard from master of elements achievement says that elements like light. It has many colors but people are to lazy to see them all and see only 7. Same goes for elements. I think we will see 16 elements, so chess deck of gnosises will be complete

  7. Note the possibility of this and the bp story about the prince and princess. First primordial one could be the princess and was sent to rule the abyss. The second primo is the prince. What if this prince and princess is from the outer world of teyvat sky and aliens like travellers?

  8. While watching the video I had a though. There's an analogy between the elements and a rainbow. They are represented by colours and come from white light.
    Should there be a light element, there will likely be a darkness element. Very likely to be in the abyss. Just like light and darkness are also elements in Seiken Densetsu III. 🙂

  9. I’m theorizing because you said Istaroth controls time and wind, we see Paimon control time, so quite possibly this element could be time based like reversal or speeding?? That’d be so cool tbh!

  10. Light element seems fun for puzzles like illumination in very dark area with light seelies as light source sorta. Could blind enemy with light or dispels any element applied to the user.

  11. Aether and Lumine might be 'Istaroth' they are pretty powerful, able to possess every element, and a twin capable of bringing an end to Raidens endless fight within her conscience. Whatever they turn out to be it will be special

  12. A while back someone made a video on the 9th and 10th elements already being in the game, namely light and darkness with time as the 8th element

    The guy from the video explained that light is seen embodied by your traveller. It's a golden energy that flares up when your avatar fights for what's right. Powerful emotions like courage, hope, and love seem to power it up and it returns in several cinematic moments including when we stab the jade chamber before its fall, the moment we strike Raiden with the collective ambitions of Inazuma's people, etc

    The abyss twin on the other hand wields the power of darkness. Shown to be an ominous purple hue. The power seems to be channeled via rejection, grief, anger… Your evil twin uses it to send Dainsleaf flying back during the fateful reunion quest. Your twin explains they saw the world for what it is, and they clearly lost all hope for the world

  13. I think this first chapter of teyvat will just introduce us the 7 known element and maybe at the end if it when they announced Genshin the second they will add the rest of the element or more.

  14. So..big brain time:
    -Loading screen: IN Teivat there is 7 elements.
    -Enkonomiya between 3 realm: light, human, abyss.
    -There is some clues in the profile wallpapers how there is infinite elements.

    1.In teyvat only this 7 elements can be gained by ambition and earn a vision.
    2.There was mentions and display of other elements.Dainleaf abyss/curse,MC light, time, space.
    (Paimon float because she has gravity elemental power, she came throu from another realm and got fished out by mc.)

    The 500IQ brain time:
    MC is from the light realm, and mc is a god or demigod.
    -500 year life span of the other mc.
    -Enkonomiya prayed at t he border of light realm and was heard by one god from light realm.
    -element copy.

    -In Light realm gods living.
    -light realm being able to gain elemental powers because in light realm there is the elemental flow.
    -MC heard the ambitions at Inazuma cutscenes.

    The 2000IQ big brain time:
    The visions gather will/mind power, and (using the laylines its (i think)) send to gnosis and that send it to celestia.(idk what for but its mind power)
    -Kazuha reactivated the other vision and gained its power too, first dual elemental user(expect mc coz she all, and the Harbingers)

    -Kazuha mind power that moment reached the limit to activate the masterless vision and gained power.So how use multiple power by Celestia you need visions, who neither gather 1 type of elemets based on ambition of the will.
    the Archons not have visions(only fake ones), their "vision" devices the Cubes.

    And the1 million IQ based all of above:
    Kaenriah was destroyed because of teaching humans how to use elemental powers without vision.
    facts to prove it:
    -Abyss mages not have visions, neither s abyss lectors. and Childe learned they technic.
    -Snezhnaya reapeating what kaenriah did but with "sience", and collecting gnosis to destroy it and weaken celestia because she knew celestia will attack her like did with kaenriah.

  15. My own short simple the missing elemtns or nation is light (Light realm) and Kheanr'iah (Abyss or Dark element)..we see Dain use it and other abyss…ANd it seem these 2 are the same coin..since AByss mages can also use various elements…Just like The travellers…


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