So Neuvillette Just Leaked a Secret About Visions… (Genshin Impact)

In this video, we will take a look at Neuvillette’s new character stories about visions. Ever since Raiden’s voice line about visions, this is the next big reveal about the secrets behind visions in Genshin Impact. We will see how it changes our understanding of visions so far and what it might imply. I hope you enjoy the video 😀

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50 thoughts on “So Neuvillette Just Leaked a Secret About Visions… (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Since there are too many assumptions about Furina's vision, please let me to explain it better-

    Neuvillette did not personally grant Furina vision. It was granted through Celestia's automated process of taking powers from Authority holders and giving it to worthy beings in the form of visions.

    After Fontaine's archon quests, Neuvillette obtained the Hydro Authority.

  2. Question :
    How is celestia ok with the hydro dragon sovereign getting full power?

    I think maybe because celestia is kind of sleeping from 500 years
    But then how hydro archon(Focalor) knew 500 years ago that celestia will sleep for 500 years, when she planned at that time to give full power to hydro dragon sovereign?

  3. The video is great, but this particular fact is refuted in game itself, is it not? Furina's vision story states it was 'a reward from past deeds' and not out of a response for her ambition (which would be the aforementioned automated process), and even in Neuvillette's vision story, it clearly states he does not need to abide by Celestia's rules, instead he DECIDED to give visions to humans whom he deems worthy.

    The Hydro Throne got destroyed, and Celestia doesnt have authority over Hydro anymore as it came back to Neuvillette. The automated process did not have anything to do with Furina's vision and that's stated in both their stories.

  4. Judge from skirk. Who compliment us for use power inside teyvat to fight whale. I thought it implies. vision is really weak power.
    If we think in contrast she shouldn't use any element we know today as power.
    i think vision is fraction of something on celestia.
    While Archon cannot give away vision freely on their own will. But in 4.2 we know that archon had seat to be archon when focolor want to crush it and gice power back to neuvillete. moreover it had knosis tie to it. seat of archon can be know if they are first generation so primary archon who know how their seat work can be grant vision all over teyvat. But Ei , the second archon. She don't know the seat function and likely to be makoto , who is sakura sacred tree . at this moment make giveaway inside seat.
    The moment of giveaway can assume that there are eye to watch everything on teyvat is celestia. Who likely to be owner the seat of archon.

  5. 6:22 Thank you for saying only "a part" and NOT all of it, because Kazuha's friend fought before the throne for more than one reason. Now that you mention him, Kazuha's friend in 2.8, he questions if the gaze of the gods is really a blessing, something that was addressed in Fontaine's last mission, as fate is the gaze of the gods, what they see will happen, but the good thing is that there are blind spots. And that's why Nahida says that destiny is the ultimate knowledge. And speaking of her, her line about visions is still very important.

  6. very strange as why did Ningguang not want her vision?

    When Ningguang got her vision, she saw it as a business opportunity as it didn't immediately activate, and when it did, she wasn't happy about it. Ningguang was actually planning to auction the unactivated vision off at a hefty price – how can desire have anything to do with it – i think thats her (raidens) belief and not the truth

  7. What I don't get is : who granted the Hydro visions while Furina was a false Archon and Focalor couldn't be in touch with Celestia in order to deceive the Heavenly Principles ^^'…

  8. I'm more inclined to believe that the "fragments" of the PO who devoured each other are actually the Four Shades. The wording there just seems too intentional. This is also very suspicious considering the Moon Sisters were driven to kill each other, however we only know of three sisters, not four. Interesting stuff.

  9. You guys should see Yoimiya C6 description, it's about "Meteor Shower" and guess what on her second story quest all about. That duty you mentioned is written in their constellation or should I say "Fate" of every individual in Teyvat

  10. I'm still fairly new so I don't really understand about the change of ruler of teyvat. I can understand that 1st descender, therefore the one who took dragon sovereigns authority from teyvat, is the primordial one. However, I don't know who is the 2nd and I heard that the primordial one was defeated by them (I'm sorry if it's wrong). I thought celestia is the place where 2nd descender live and rules over teyvat, but reading neuvillette's profile that the 1st and 2nd are the one making the gnosis… so what kind of relationship they had? Or I'm missing something? 🤯

  11. Was it stolen from FF13? Primordial one – Orphan; Archons – Fal'cie; People with visions – L'cie; Different elemental marks – Brands of different Fal'cies; "Duty" – Focus; etc…

  12. 5:23 no, neuvillette have no duty with celestia, or to guarantee a vision to the ones who reach the heavens, he is not an archon and he has no "contract" with celestia, the authority of the hydro dragon sovereign was restored, he is a dragon just like if he is in the old world now, and he gives a vision as a gift because he wants to do it

    the way he talks about it, seems like the concept of giving a fraction of the power is a dragon thing, and celestia used this in their new world… it's not the first time we see someting like this, for example, egeria was created to be the heart of the primordial sea, just like the hydro dragon was, and the concept of archons itself were created to occupy the place of the 7 dragons, so, it's common to bring concepts of the dragon's time to teyvat, because works good.

  13. When Neuvillette received his true power, he could control pnuema and ousia power together as he said after 4.2 archon quest.

    And Furina gave her vision from Neuvillette.

    So that's why Furina is different and can do pnuema and ousia both!

  14. the more i read the comments.. the more i see people create their own reality of whatever is happening.. the game show you a story, but people really don't seems to like that story.. i've seen so many bullshit in people "wanna be" theory, that im speechless as how easy people come out with nonesensical stuff like "zhongli lost the ability to make mora" etc… just why?XD can't you just play the game and see what happen , instead of inventing random crap? ( and im not talking about the theory in this video, but people comments in general)

  15. I'm pretty sure Paimon is the Primordial One as her name itself kind of suggests. Maybe by completing their duty, as the vision deactivates (if we suppose that Paimon is the Primordial One) Paimon gets her powers back(?)

  16. When you think of it, that exlplains a lot of Dainslef's hate for the gods and Celestia. Not only the Archon War and the fall of Khaenri'ah, but I believe that he, too, knows more about visions and the primordial one than we think.

  17. Sorry catwiththebluehat, but I think you're wrong on this.

    Neuvillette isn't controlled from Celestia and said he acknowledges humans with willpower and give recognize it (meaning he can give out hydro visions if he chooses).

    He gave furina her vision, there are way too many subtle and not subtle instances of this.

  18. I personally never though archons are the one that give out the visions. I also don't believe it's Celestia either, due Celestia using elements from dragons and also due granting visions to people that can hinder them in some ways, prime example are Albedo and Kaeya and then others that should had their visions removed like Childe, Wonderer, Tsaritsa and so on. My guesses were always that some people resonated with an element in form of a vision (similar that to a traveler), each element represents somewhat of a basic emotion such as wind being freedom. And when you look at the characters with wind abilities you can see that they are either already free or simply wanting to be free (This is not to be taken as a direct meaning of "free"). I think the best way of explaining the elements and it's emotion that it represents is from Avatar: The Last Airbender when Aang was trying to master all of the 4 elements. As well it worth mentioning that even each region haves some sort of emotion representing to the way how people act all the way up to archon quests. And it's best represented in the old Genshin Impact trailer video of all the regions that came out couple of months after Genshin's release, which is also the time when I first started to poke onto this theory. Hence, when Raiden mention that Archons are not the ones giving out the vision it wasn't surprising to me. In 4.2 during archon quest, it basically confirmed my suspicions about where elemental powers are coming from and with the mentions and all the things said prior about Celestia, it made me firmly believe that they were not the one choosing who get's the vision. Now is there someone different behind it delivering visions? Maybe? Is it possible that is some natural phenomenon? Possible? A device? Also could be!
    Thus 2 requirements needed to be met.
    – Desire for a vision (or just power)
    – Personality and emotions that rule the person who is making the wish needs to be matched with one of the elements.
    This is what I think Raiden meant when she said "There is another side to it". But I could be wrong ^^

  19. That makes sense since Ninnguangs vision wasn’t hers and she tried to sell it. That masterless vision basically had the ambition to sell it I guess and since it activated it she believed she had no choice but to keep it. So that visions duty can’t be completed as it’s suppose to be sold off. 🤔

  20. It was already a known fact even before Sumeru that "gods," basically all sentient organisms that are "beyond" humans, were not of the world that Teyvat used to be. The true "primordial" world's only denizens were the elemental vishaps, led by the elements' respective Sovereigns.

  21. What I like is that You didn't just take some random guesses like most people with their theories and that's why it sounds pretty logical. I expected it to be too far fetched, but the thumbnail and title sounded like it might be interesting. I am glad I clicked on the video, because IMO it's one of the best theories made in Genshin. Though I would still say that some parts would likely change, but it's normal. We lack key informations so we can only fill the gaps in between with guesses. Thanks for sharing this interesting theory. I like the part of Kazuha's friend the most. I hope the lit of the electro vision wasn't just cool plot device made by miHoYo and it was actually important event.

  22. I like how the reason why Furina has both pneuma and ousia is because when the Oratrice Mecanique D'Analyse Cardinale broke, Neuvillette gained two authorities, his dragon and the pneumousia authority.This might also partly be the reason he can't leave Fontaine to judge the other gods yet, he wants to settle all his duties in Fontaine first. What a deliable chad. 🎉

  23. I don't think the individual Archons were made by Celestia; but rather the 'position' of Archon itself. Seven thrones for seven divinities.
    The word Archon in greek means 'ruler', and is often used as a title for some form of public office.
    So what Celestia created is the position and the power it endowed its holder with.
    Now Focalors sentenced the Hydro Archon to death, the position of Hydro Archon is no more.
    What is unclear to me is what separates Archons from other Gods, like the ones that vied for the seven thrones during the Archon War but could not secure a seat. A higher form of divinity, bestowed upon them by the Heavenly Principles, perhaps?

    After seeing Focalors' death sentence, I was reminded of Havria, how her death caused every living thing in Sal Terrae to be transmuted into salt. Since even a weak God's death causes such a destructive phenomenon, I found it curious that the death of Focalors, presumably a far more powerful God, did not.

  24. What if celestia is collecting the power from ambitions through visions, like how focalor did, collecting indemnitium through the people's sense of justice

    And this power collected can power a god if it can be used to kill a god

  25. So the archons have the power, the celestia decides who gets a vision and not. Focalors wish was to give the power back to neuvillette, partially or entirely awakening the dragon that celestia fought and stole power from. Her wish was also to give freedom back to Furina. Neuvillette not being bound and being considered a likely enemy of celestia, unlike the archons, he may not have technically broken a rule by creating the vision as he was not duty bound. So by creating the vision, he became the first modern case of a vision being formed by a dragon and being formed without the consent of celestia. Well, it's not some shocking new information, but the theory, or evidence, certainly makes sense.

  26. From Lisa's character story:

    "With the aid of her Vision, Lisa acquired the knowledge that she sought. But she also sensed the deep secret hidden in the shadows of that knowledge.

    For whatever reason, the gods gave humans the key to changing everything, but they did not explain the cost involved. Lisa grew fearful of the truth."


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