So… Genshin Has Esports Now | Genshin Impact

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42 thoughts on “So… Genshin Has Esports Now | Genshin Impact”

  1. So I finally found what all to click (they could have made it much more obvious for dummies like me) and holy hell is it so much worse than what I initially thought. No it is 100% not abyss speedruns. Its collecting stuff, overworld boss battles and amber/kaeya levelling speedruns. Holy cope batman. Below is a copy paste of a short summary of the events and while I appreciate the effort jesus christ..

    Internal Qualifier Play Off – Teams will play the Collection Challenge (all Players, not applicable to Social Team).

    Internal Qualifier Semi-Final – Boss Battle (all Players, not applicable to Social Team).

    Live Semi-Final – Teams play Level Up and Kaeya VS Amber (1 Player for Level Up, 2 Players for Kaeya VS Amber).

    Live Final – Teams play Collection Challenge and Boss Battle (all Players for both challenges).

    If you want in depth details go check for yourself and click the "?" on the page about midway in blue, kinda hard to spot but just click any "?" you see and you will be golden.

  2. The reason why I feel like this is bad is that it isn’t that unique/ original. We have started to see smaller competitions not hosted by mihoyo that are EPIC and yet when Mihoyo does it, it feels like they are copying and not trying at all. If it isn’t beating the spiral abyss, which I doubt, then it would be more interesting using old events to see who can do it the fastest, losing the least amount of health, and etc.

  3. "We at Hoyoverse would like to congratulate this little 10 year old for hilariously giving us the idea of making Genshin into an eSport as well as the events that go with it. We hope to one day be a cool and hip as LoL, Smash Bros, Overwatch, Brawhalla and many of the others out there. Thank you little 10 year old kid…..oh also this event is to "help" struggling college kids in the UK so yay!"

    Mihoyoverse smoking that magical blunt from the finest weed sellers to come up with this nonsense.

  4. If you guys didnt know? CN has like a esports sort of content called Genshin Championship series where there is a pick and ban drafting system and there also rules like 1-2 5 star weapon per party, constellation is limited for 5 star (0-2), Limited use of 5 star artifact ect.

    Welp CN peps are cool and the Europe event is actually copium

  5. If u see this as an competition u can see that theres a ban phase, i bet that everytime they will ban the same 5 characters like kokomi, kazuha, bennett, raiden etc and feels kinda repetitive like the game itself and as valk says this promotes the noob vs the pro

  6. They were also sponsoring an abyss run that uses a way to level the playing field with a ton of restrictions. PS exists and Im working on my own Pvp mod right now that makes every character equal. I made it so everyone uses the same character builds but you can choose your own team so it comes down to team building and skill alone. I dont need PVP but leaderboard are alright, Honkai does it well. You have 3 tiers and you can top each tier and up raising to the next until it equalizes out.

  7. Genshin Impact is dying

    Their should added Artifact Grinding in Tournament.

    "Instead giving us a real content their give another shiit only few players able to participate."

  8. Its so strange. This reminds me summoner wars had (maybe they still have) esports, but that gacha game actually has pvp (the worst combination). Pvp where you have to personally farm for your teams is not a good idea, its like nowdays all the high competitive pokemon players just hack the perfect built pokemon for the tournaments and no one cares because the farming in pokemon is incredible slow

  9. Honestly, I’ve been losing interest in the game for almost 2 weeks now and I don’t feel motivated to log in for anything anymore. I know this current dry patch is not their fault but it also exposes their lack of real end game content which could have kept the game somewhat interesting but alas we don’t have anything. I’m considering quitting indefinitely.

  10. Now this is copium. I thought they were doing a drafting format abyss speedrun similar to the CN community did (the one tenten covered on his channel) and maybe they'd get accounts from miyohi so that every char is C2 locked or something. But collecting speedruns? Lelelel. But then again. If envi and code would participate, noone would have a chance xD

  11. Any other e sports games must have some kinda balancing for the units to even the playing field and NOT P2W. Just focus on the players input mhy and make game that we can enjoy.

  12. Lmao Don't get me wrong. I'm a hardcore player myself. I have built and maxed out 60% of my roster i.e. even my supports are have level 9 talents with some of them being crowned, but… even I don't take this game that seriously.


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