So About The Delay "Rewards" | Genshin Impact

#Genshin #GenshinImpact #2.7Delay

Sup My Dudes, Valkyrja here, and today I am going to be talking about the delay “rewards” and if we should even get them at all for genshin impact.

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Video Tags:
Genshin,Impact,Genshin Impact,Valk,Valkyrja,genshin delay,genshin 2.7,2.7 delay,delay rewards


44 thoughts on “So About The Delay "Rewards" | Genshin Impact”

  1. Exactly what I've been thinking! I can of feel weird to hear "compensation" when its about something they have zero control over and didn't do anything wrong. Sadly, like you said, there's a lot of peeople playing this game that simply do not care whats going on bts or with developers; they just wanna see their silly little pixels move.
    I REALLY hope they just recycle something so we have to do something at least. But "literally" compensation almost feels wrong to get.
    Only thing thats been in my mind ever since the delay announcement is how the non existence of end-game content is really biting their butt right now. If they're currently trying to come up with things to do so that players don't leave like they've been ever since inazuma's unofficial ending, they probably wouldn't have had to if we had end-game content – couldve deadass told as to just stick to that for next couple weeks.
    With that said, can't wait for the 1293 clickbait channels of the community. I've already seen so many rumors about possible filler banners, most of them being standard or Childe. this fandom man

  2. I dont mind if they give compensation or not. I don't mind if they give 600 primos or 1600 primos as compensation for this delay. As long as they stay safe during the lockdown, thats all that matters imo.

  3. no way they keep us 20days with no banner or event or anything,and how hard is it for them ot put the jean,diluc whatever banner up? literly copy paste all u need to do is keep people happy

  4. those "rewards" are compensations

    And i don't expect any compensation but Hoyo has to pay bills, so a new banner is very likely

    And i dunno what they gonna do with events, but they need ppl login in

    Anyways, i wish em luck

  5. work is getting busy so for me it's fine.
    I understand the situation back there, hope they're safe and ok. game can wait, it matters more to have the people healthy to be able to continue and have their job and income back. health first, always.

  6. You'd be surprised at how many people that perma quit after taking a break from the game, once they find out that they can get their dopamine fix somewhere else there's no reason for them to go back to the pointless grind.

  7. i honestly dont expect much and i dont like that people are already getting mad about the delay and imaginary apologems considering the reason for the delay 🙁 like, its not like the events gave that much more content so there wont be much difference without them, and the wellbeing of all the people managing and making the game is more important than me having some silly event to do

  8. We all agree it's not their fault, but it's still on them to keep interest in their game and it can be done with 0 effort by adding a nice banner even without new stuff. Either way we all know we'll get nothing or close to it

  9. I wish they would increase the condensed resin cap it's come to a point where you log in with full resin and not care or at least care to some degree and want to at least stockpile a bunch of resin for when you're ready to play again

  10. I think these 4 weeks gonna be die or live situation for genshin as it's already falling enough and if there is nothing in 4 weeks time with 1.5 weeks of this patch people are gonna leave i already leave from burnout around 2 weeks due to exam
    And by tof and other games at side that are releasing its really crucial time for genshin as tof is really good competitor and gaining popularity and already covering most of genshin problem like endless abyss and good endgame when it's just in beta not even released

  11. Let's be honest here: this game has been dead in terms of endgame from day one. Three more weeks should feel like normal. The problem is that at least the patches had something extra. This time you won't have anything at all for three weeks

    I'm sure this is going to hurt them a lot. Remember Fall Guys? That game fell off the cliff real quick because it remained the same for too much time. If they don't do something they risk the same happening to them. The problem is that developing a game requires time, so yeah, they're in a harsh situation

  12. I feel like for people its less about what situation there in now and more about how little we've gotten in the past so any reason possible for more primos they want more primos which ngl I think is a fair thing to feel. Definetly not expecting anything though, not because mihoyo isn't in the wrong this time but because mihoyo is mihoyo.

  13. Imagine getting riled up for a compensation that wouldn't even accumulate to one multi. Lol g.i community and drama hard carries the game itself for content lol

  14. I am not expecting, or counting on, in game rewards. I'm hoping that all those involved come out safely. It's a horrible situation for the people to suffer through.

  15. In german, there is the term Kulanz, which means someone doesn't have to do something positive, like giving a customer a refund, but they still do it because it leaves a positive impression with the customer.

  16. Honestly, I'm expecting nothing from Hoyoverse, since the delay is not cause by something within their control. However, I think they may do something simply for player retention.

    Practically speaking, I think that if they had the resources to push out new content then version 2.7 wouldn't be delayed. At this point the serenitea pot delay is likely also caused by the lockdown, since hoyoverse seemed pretty confident about being able to update the teapot quickly at first. So if hoyoverse decides to give compensation and filler content, I agree that it would be things that would not require an update to existing content. In game mails and a new banner are probably things that's easy to push out. Leylines events also does not require much effort.

  17. the outbreak isn't there fault but they are going back i think before ayaka ends but they still need 3 weeks because teapot is broken which is their fault so i think without the outbreak i think it would still be delayed

  18. Yeah I don't think hoyoverse is EVER going back to normal there buring peoples apartments down with people still inside them they won't be okay for a while and all hope for is everyone can get put safe and stay safe

  19. “I don’t care about any delay compensation” man shut the fuck up and just accept the free shit, it’s not hurting anyone by receiving the free shit. You don’t care about the developers either you’re just saying that for the video, and it’s not about hoyoverse making a mistake or it being their fault, it’s about caring for your costumers because at the end of the day we put money in their pockets


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