So, about Genshin Impact 4.7 Drip Marketing..

Clorinde, Sigewinne, and Sethos are going to be in patch 4.7! Are you excited about them?

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30 thoughts on “So, about Genshin Impact 4.7 Drip Marketing..”

  1. I'll pull for Arlecchino and if I don't get her(since I'm not guaranteed), I may think to pull for Clorinde. But if there's also going to be Furina re-run in 4.7 than I'll prioritize her above all

  2. CLORINDE!!! FINALLY!!! I've been waiting for her since the beginning (since I saw her in the first Fontaine trailer!). So excited for her kit. And Sigewinne…I hope, that she will be a 4* and on Clorinde's banner! 😍

  3. Definitely sethos! I loved his design the second and I saw it and after reading his description, he definitely sounds like someone that’ll be similar to gaming, Talkative, enthusiastic so that’s another reason for me to pull for him!

  4. i just want lyneys signature but my pity on weapon banner is REALLY low so probably no chance, if i keep thinking like that I'd go for Clorinde as well πŸ’œπŸ’œ

  5. What's the point of getting more characters when we don't have content to play them?? LOL. No money for Hoyo as long as they waste Genshin's potential for diverse content and as they ignore our feedback, simple 😎 BTW, Enocre's showcase for WuWa is more interesting 😍


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