SILENCING CREATORS? It keeps getting WORSE for Genshin Impact 4.4 …

This is someone getting even worse for Genshin Impact 4.4 and in general for Hoyoverse… This is me referring to the Chinese New Year drama where ONLY 3 additional intertwined fates will be gifted in Genshin Impact version 4.4, but it’s spiraled out into an even wider range of opinions on Genshin Impact as a whole now..

#genshinimpact #genshin #gaming #hoyocreators #hoyoverse


49 thoughts on “SILENCING CREATORS? It keeps getting WORSE for Genshin Impact 4.4 …”

  1. Holy moly!!! Somebody actually standing on how they feel! I love to see it! Shout out for the future education videos as well. Very important info for everyone to know. You seem to be the only one who really means it!

  2. WTH? They accused you for botting?

    they are crazy. My friends and I watch you alot for guides and second opinions on characters (especially on Noelle)
    I'm from Asia and I can assure you I'm not a bot.

    You do what you do best. Those accusers can suck their grannies toes.

  3. The problem is the same Tectone, Mtashed and others has stated before. The game has no content. Sure you can run around all day killing the world but what for? Why would you spend money on characters that are going to sit there waiting to be built if you dont have enough resources? The game boots you out after a 15 min session if you are at endgame and caught up with the story and exploration. Genshin is empty. Sadly they are testing if being stingy with Genshin makes any difference while they are generous with Star Rail in terms of sales numbers. If there is no difference, I believe that consecuent projects like ZZZ are going to be as doomed as genshin in terms of monetization and rewards. Genshin players eat anything sadly.

  4. I'm glad you're taking the react content route. You have the best kind of personality for this kind and I think you channel will reclaim it's past glory once you get some banger viral videos out. I haven't watched you Genshin content because it's not my kind of game, but I love listening to your lecturing just like back in FFBE.

  5. Im happy, i quit the game more then a year ago and it was worth it. Shit game, made by a shit company, this year there are at least 3 open world game coming out that im interesting on

  6. Come to think of it.. it's a game from China.. The management is raised by CCP value. They don't know how to respect other people point of view. If you post negative feedback instead of reflect on it.. they censored it.. That is what CCP always do.. A country that censored winnie the pooh… ? It's just a shame this is a product from China.. I really hope they sell the game or mihoyo away.. or things will never changed..

  7. Well honestly I've been thinking about uninstalling Genshin since I watched your last video. I heard the new Granblue is having some problems with crashing, but if they get that patched up I'll probably get rid of Genshin and get Granblue.

  8. To some of the players who have cloud disclaimer , they can have fun struggling the spiral abyss with her.

    But apart of that , it does seem genshin devs are not that responsible from their actions.

    Why would you demonitize small genshin creators video on your chinese tiktok ?

    Even the whole global area is having every drama with every genshin cc !

  9. I may be wrong, but I think that the case of GI compared to other gachas is a very interesting one in the sense that GI is a very mainstream gacha game which is highly dependent on millions of normie casuals that probably never played another game of this type before. GI is also of course the only one of its kind, since it does not have a real contender yet. Add to that that it was released during a time in which a lot of people were locked inside their houses with not much to do aside from playing games and that also this game was highly promoted by content creators and even the MSM.

    The result of all this translates in game which is highly dependent on tens of millions of casuals that spend small amount of money and maybe another not as large amount of ¨dolphins¨ that spend a bit more, but not whales or hardcore players. This is a double edge swords ´cause on side you have a game that have millions of players paying very small to moderate amount of money, which of course translates on billions of profit for hoyo. Of course it also make the game really hard to go down, since remember this is tens of millions of people that are spending. A boycott or some of the fans rage of course its gonna make them earn a bit less, but it is not gonna destroy the game since ´casuals don´t know or don´t care…

    However here is the catch: While is true that the game is mainstream and earn billions thanks to millions of causals, it is also true that casuals are not precicely loyal to a product, so if those casuals find the next big thing that is similar to GI, but newer or more cooler or that new thing is being played by their favorite influencer or is being promoted by MSM… well, a ton of those casuals will jump ship. This last statement is not even open to debate, I mean any young person reading this remember pop bands like spice girls or back street boys? do they even know what they are?
    I know that music is not exactly the same as games, but my point is that in the case of those mainstream pop bands they had millions of fans and everyone was listening to them at radios at the time, but at some point they were replaced by some other mainstream pop singer/band.

    The case with GI is pretty much the same. The moment another good quality open world main stream gacha game is released will be the moment that a ton of those casuals will go to play ¨the next big thing¨ not because is better than GI, but more due to the fact that everyone else will be talking about and playing that game.
    Of course this does not translate in gi going bankrupt or GI closing its server, but what will happen is that at first you will see GI actually fighting those sales rankings and eventually being displaced as the king by its own clones. This is not a matter of if, but when…

  10. Its not Strategic Planning from hoyo but ARM TWISTING CC and players to earn stupid amount of profit . Its the carrot donkey strategy which many fall specially who have money to spend to this game .

  11. I can’t understand what are they doing. Do they have any idea that if players really got pissed they won’t play their games? They are so confident to do these kind of tests. Tbh in my pov if this is how they treat us then screw that company im gonna play other games that is not created by mihoyo.

    P.s that plunge system is kinda bug, i played as a furina on a coop artifact farming and i joined on a well built cloud retainer, idk why but my furina plunge hits 52k 😂

  12. they did the same thing on 1st anniv.. now this
    as an old player of HI3, this had happened back in the day too so for those who dont know, this is how mihoyo handle backlash..

    keep pushing, people

  13. And what's the point of taking down small creators, but not one who have more influence ? I also heard that they are deleting posts on Reddit and tried it myself and made multiple posts with "3 wishes" and they only get deleted when I posted the same post 10 times in a row, in short – spammed, my post were not even touched before I began spamming to see where is the line is.
    And all my spamming is alive on their official forums and I see more problem in this than in every pointless crap you talked about.

    Changed Tectone's name to Traveler ? 🤣🤣🤣 Or he again made his theatrics like in Arknights ? What they achieved by doing that ? Also Tectone said that he finally is leaving Genshin so I'm more curious when this toxic will finally leave ?

  14. This reminds me of my Business Class back at University. Company’s label products in sereen terms. When a new product is proven successful like HS they call that a ‘Rising Star’. To make sure that Star reaches its full (financial) potential it requires the company’s full attention.
    There is another is yet label, one you guys probably have heard before: The Cash-cow, this is a healthy financial product with a stable financial income for the Company. It is seen as a product that has already reached its full (financial) potential. The goal there is to not innovate but make sure everything stays like it is.
    When a product chances, like this example where Genshin evolved from being the Rising Star to the Cash-cow you will see a shift in the company. The innovative people go on to a new product wile other management better suited for keeping things as they are will take they’re spots. What I understand is that this shift in management has indeed happened at Mihoyo.

  15. There's no competition yet for Genshin so why care? Players going to keep spending money on it so they can focus on other games. That's the sad truth of it. Hopefully the newer games coming out will put some competition there so they need to put some effort into it


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