Should You Pull For Chiori In Genshin Impact?

An Analysis On Chiori Genshin Impact. SUBSCRIBE!

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46 thoughts on “Should You Pull For Chiori In Genshin Impact?”

  1. Chiori seems fine with Navia. Even at C0. Geo resonance, Puppet damage, Chiori creating crystal shards off field (you don't even really need Navia's Burst anymore if you have Chiori so her ER needs would be much less), Free Movement Speed passive buff. Cool switching characters in mid air mechanic, which should allow for some cool combos. Chiori offers decent vertical traversal in the overworld (I mean, better than nothing/MOST characters). She's another option for more off field stand there and do nothing teams if you want to watch your Pets/Puppets do all the work with Furina, Chiori, Fischl, YaoYao. Just an assumption but her burst is PROBABLY going to be amazing for breaking groups of Ores/Crystals. All I'm saying is she has her uses. Even if she only has one puppet at C0 on Navia teams. But obviously skip her if you don't like her.

  2. I wanted her to play itto again since I like his playstile a lot and for navia bcause I dont have alvedo nor zhongly, but now im not sure. I think I can pull her and arlechino but I feel that I will probably play her like 1 week and then return to other teams so maybe is better to wait untill arlechino and save some wishes to pull for clorinde or some other character. I have all the other rerun characters and I dont think that their constellations are worth it, maybe neuvillete c1 but I dont really need or want op characters more op, i prefer something new to have more teams to play

  3. I’m sorry, but she’s a geo which means she’s useless like all the others unless you hyper invest in them only for them to replace it a little while down the road with another Geo type character that you’re gonna have to hyper invest who simply just outdo one of your old characters a.k.a. albedo

  4. Shame the C1 is what it is, but I can see the argument. C0 is a narrower niche than Albedo but more powerful, if you want to broaden the niche then constellations add flexibility.
    I'd love to see numbercrunching for C1 Chiori on Yunjin doubgeo cores. Yoimiya-Yelan-Yunjin-ChioriC1, vs maybe Yoimiya (Bolide) w/ Zhongli-ChioriC0 as a comfier team. I don't know how reliably a doublegeo core can proc crystallize and whether it'd be enough to keep a shield up on your DPS, whether for Bolide purposes or just interruption resist. Maybe WriotheslyC1-flex-Yunjin-ChioriC1, since he can grab shards without breaking the combo.

  5. I think it'd be nice if you did show some of the albedo+chiori teams out there too! I was thinking maybe they could work well on a quicken team with kirara and an electro of choice! I know they themselves wouldn't benefit much from the quicken, though, so I have to wonder if it's really any good at all. I just kinda figured they'd be pretty non-interruptive to that particular reaction.

  6. Damn, I was kind of excited for mono geo to get a second wind with her, like how Xiao got a big buff from Xianyun. But it looks like she doesn't really fix any of the teams issues or buff it significantly enough for it to become more meta again.
    I guess I'll save and go for Furina constellations instead.

  7. Welp she seems to look like she'll synergize well with Itto and Nolle so why not (Salty she has no supp capability). That being said I'd only advise to pull based on account situation, specifically if you dont have Albedo.

  8. ill probably sound like a doomposter or i am taking it too far but…meta wise at least chiori is a worthless unit (at c0 at least,at c1 she does have some use cases and her pairing with navia is quite strong) she does literally nothing in most teams,her only good team is a mid off-meta team (mono geo) and while she's a much appreciated upgrade for it,until mono geo becomes great again she is a horrible unit. and just to clarify i am talking about purely meta here,if you like her go ahead but from a meta standpoint its just a waste of gems and resin to get her and build her unless you're playing mono geo i guess
    (sorry if i am like taking it too far,i am just extremely salty about the c1 scumminess,selling an incomplete product and locking the fix behind more money is just horrible)

  9. As an itto main I'll pull for her regardless, but I understand the dissapointment from the general player base as Chiori is extremely niche at C0. One thing to keep in mind is that Hoyoverse has that thing of releasing characters with underwhelming kits just for them to be buffed indirectly by future units/reactions, like electro units with dendro (especially Keqing and Kuki) or Baizhu and most healers with Furina. I expect in the future them releasing more Geo units with constructs or some new mechanic that will suddenly increase the pull value for Chiori , but as of now she's not as nearly as necessary (except for Geo mains ig).

  10. I Think ppl are underestimating Chiori too much.
    But i won't elaborate this time (I'm tired of toxicity… i've already wasted my all my patience with Sparkle-HSR)
    My pulls are ready. I hope i'm right (again), because she is gorgeous.

  11. Havent been following recent news
    But bahahahahaha they done y’all dirty by locking her support for navia behind the c1
    Genshin is more and more locking functionalities behind the c1 like
    Its hoyover 🤡
    Pitful state of the game

  12. Ofcourse they need to bait people otherwise how are they gonna keep their hi3 and HSR running… Also that ZZZ which is most likely not gonna be popular at all

  13. I don't think Harbinger is a fitting weapon for her. It's a three stars weapon that has low base ATK and since Chiori also scales from ATK for both of her burst and skill, it'll affect her damage significantly. Plus since her ascension stat is crit rate, she got even less benefit from Harbinger ability. It's a bad weapon for her and Fleuve Cendre aka Pipe would be actually better since it gives additional crit rate and obnoxious amount of ER which mean she can spam her burst regularly.

  14. I finally stopped lurking around the mains subs for characters that are about to release to avoid all the negativity and disappointing stuff. Thank god I was not aware of all those comments regarding her because now I'm actually pretty hype for her. If I had seen those comments, I would've likely felt down about her character like I usually am after looking at comments related to leaks for characters.

  15. I too fine the C1 design pretty aweful and disrrspectful. For C0 Chiori to be more attractive, they should have give her a healing utility, even single target, each time the doll strike without touching her dmg. It would have increase her versatility, more stable with Itto, more compatible with Furina teams, more useful to Navia.

  16. The easiest skip character for me, eho already has all geos except Navia because I went for Yoimiya and lost her AGAIN (sorry for the short rant). I would only pull Chiori for the movement speed passive for my overworld team. Don't see any other reasons since that's the only thing I like about her 😂


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