Should Kuki Shinobu Even Exist? (Genshin Impact)

Today in Genshin Impact we’re raising the newest hero, Kuki Shinobu, building her, and giving some thoughts.

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0:00 Raising Kuki Shinobu
0:45 Talents & Constellation Overview
4:39 Kuki Build
6:24 Healing Tests
7:42 Passive Damage
9:13 Burst Damage and Mixed Thoughts
12:22 Trying Different Builds
13:16 Final Thoughts


34 thoughts on “Should Kuki Shinobu Even Exist? (Genshin Impact)”

  1. I know the title is a little harsh, especially from me (who is generally pretty positive/optimistic).
    I think her kit, scaling, and some constellations are a little strange, but overall there are some specific use cases where I think she'd be viable.
    Of course, if you don't have a big selection of heroes to begin with, she can be an overall decent healer/electro applicator.

    I like Kuki as a character, but I question some decisions in her mechanics.

  2. i'm waiting for dendro to come out. i think kuki was released a little bit early so that is what confused people. i'm sure it will be her (and lisa's) time to shine in 3.0

  3. To me her HP -30% to heal is bullshit. While Barbruh, Kokomi, Jean have heals for free at a button’s press Kuki has this…
    It should’ve been Kuki’s HP-30% to cast a shield worth 30% of her health or instantly heal other character for 30% of HP

  4. My thoughts?
    I absolutely love her and her abilities cause I never play meta anyways 😀
    So I builded her with dps and hp and she works pretty fine for me.
    I may or may not will replace Bennet with shinobu! Ha!

  5. tbh i would have loved if she was pyro cause i really need off-field pyro applicator (ik there's xiangling but i don't like to play with her whoops), while i already have beidou and ei

  6. I'm sad to hear this… I don't know what it is but my favorites like Sayu, Thoma and Kuki are being said as 'underwhelming' or ''use x character instead' by the community. And I understand why but.. I feel like I'm one of the few who just does NOT want to use Xiangling and Xingqiu. It's boring to use the same characters that the majority of people use to clear Abyss with and make team comps off. I really want to use the 3 I mentioned in a team comp but I'm not that smart to come up with one and they rarely to almost never get mentioned ;-;

  7. I'm really tired of hoyo making new 4* deliberately "bad". if they aren't made to specifically benefit 1 character, they don't work, so I'm going to list the changes I would make to her kit.

    1. her E's dmg now scales off HP and is further increased when she is below 50% HP

    2. she gets a passive skill that increases all nearby party members incoming healing bonus by 30% for 15 seconds after using her burst

    3. she gets another passive skill that further increases her normal, charged, plunging, skill, and burst dmg by 20% of her max HP

    Ok rant mostly over. also can someone explain inazumaz obsession with em sub-scaling?

  8. Tbh I’m actually pretty disappointed with her damage
    If you have the right build on her, I’m sure she could do some good damage
    But even so she is pretty hard to build, as she needs hp, em and crit rate? It’s a bit of everything really
    I feel like she is incomplete and her attacks are a bit clunky and incomplete

  9. Shinobu really highlights the problem with some of the units we’ve been getting lately. Ever since Inazuma too many characters feel ‘incomplete’. Like they’ve not been properly tested. Split scaling, some parts of their kit just not working with the rest of it, some parts even being unneeded, or just having very low scalings. These are all common issues that can be identified in the characters that released after Inazuma and it’s been more apparent with 4 stars. The only post Inazuma 4 stars who feel complete are gorou and yunjin. Though Sara can good in her own niche, she needs her constellations to do that well. The common thing I see with them is that they’re supposed to be side-grades or alternatives already existing 4 stars, but most of the time, they end up feeling like downgrades. While thoma technically has one of the strongest shields, you likely won’t practically be able to achieve that. That and he has some er issues, which can be problematics since half his kit is in his burst. So in terms of shielding, diona is almost always a better pick as she gives a decent shield on a short cooldown and you can get more uptime with sac bow, plus she gives heals. What about as a dps? Well, we all know how terrible his damage is so I’ll skip over it. And lastly as an enabler, how good is he? Well, considering Xiangling has more consistent pyro application, high personal damage and is given for free, he’s j

  10. Add more to the spinning stuff on Sayu.
    I think her burst is best with vacuum characters. Sucrose I did attempt, once her burst lifts up the enemies, I cast Kuki's burst in an attempt to juggle. Well, it does reach higher opponents.

    The only thing I curse now, even with the adjustments, the Specters (floaty orbs). Gosh its hard to hunt those, Sometimes they float out to the Ocean. Stay on the beach.

  11. i think shinobu's a good character if you don't already have a healer, new players might find more use out of her.
    i kinda do wanna get her so that i can pair her with raiden and ayato

  12. I do agree with a lot of people here that she's probably going to be a lot better once dendro is out and people build her based on EM, so personally I'll hold off on judging her until dendro is actually released

    I am currently a little overwhelmed by her as a whole, but also, even if she doesn't turn out op with dendro… Not every single character needs to by super strong/meta and for the people who do like her, I'm sure they can still make use of her and have fun with the game

  13. I wish that her bust was her healing ability and that it was like Barbara's heal a team wide heal and her skill could have had a bonus like attack speed and movement speed? That would have made her more relevant

  14. yes, but her kit clearly needs improvements, the kit is so extremely underwhelming, after having enough time to test it out n see its potentil for yourself. Plus the offers absolutely NOTHING unique new. Her passives are total garbage and her skill scalings way too weak. Plus the fact that still Electro as Element is total garbage balance wise compared to the heavy damage reactions

    Fix Shinobu in 7 effective neccessary steps:

    1: Rework her 2 garbage Passives to
    – Her Healing Power and Attack Power become both increased by her Max HP, not EM.
    – Her C2 becomes now her second Passive to ensure, that Perma E is baseline from Lvl 70 onwards
    2: Remove the Health Sacrifice Bullshit, and let Shinobu grant the Party Electro Shields, if you use her Q, if her Health was over 50% HP
    3: Change her Auto Attack Animation to a 5 Hit String instead of 5 by adding a 3rd Sword Slash, before she does as Jump Strike , finishing it with the thrown Kunai Fan Attack, that should hit multiple targets, and not only 1 target.
    4: Change her Charge Attack under the Duration of her Burst to an increased ranged Electro Chain-Whip Strikes with more range, than her normal Sword Slashes, basically like Noelles Burst, just with Electro Damage with the ability to leech health from targets that are beign hit by that to give Shinobu a Burst Phase where she can heal the party actively, not passively only herself/nearby allies
    5: Rebalance the extreme poor low scalings of her Skill and Q by HP, upping the scalings by 5-10% of her Max HP, so that you will see Healing Ticks at lvl 90 of like at least 5-7k HP per Tick without having to go insane with all kinds of party EM combos, buff food, full artefacts only based on healing efficiency, so that Shinobu is basically then terrible in everythign else, just to be a decent good healer, when there are other 4s healers, that are much better and provide actually also group support, that Shinobu hasn't AT ALL, like Bennett, like Diona, like Sayu. God damn it, in this design even Barbara is a better healer, than Shinobu and even she provides with Thrilling tales equipped more support, than Shinobu.. her kit is a fucking JOKE, like designed on purpose to be trash
    6: Give her proper BIS Weapon and BIS Artefact Set. The game needs a good 4s Weapon, which increases Max Health as Main Stat with a side effect, which increases Crit Rate and ATK, based on your Max Health, so that the weapon supports the thre most crucial aspects of Shinobu to be a decent good Healer, while also beign able to deal good enough DMG, to be no burden for the party that drags the party DPS down for just having a terrible healer in it, that is in everything worser, than Bennett, Diona and Sayu and in no way on equal design regarding her usefulness
    The Artefact Set should increase her Crit DMG and Crit Rate based on the total Party health being over 50% and grant her Healing Bonus based on her Max Health.
    That will make it easier for the stat overloaded Shinobu, to concentrate your Artefacts on some things, will not lacking at DPS totally
    7: Her Sprint should be changed to a Lightning Dash, making her at least as fast as Mona/Ayaka… that she sprints as slow as a snail like most other characters, while being a Ninja essentially and thus collegues with Sayu, is ridiculous. Elemental Dashes should not be exclusive to 5s Characters only, they shoudl be given to where it makes perfekctly sense, and Shinobu as Electro Ninja having a Lightning Dash makes perfect sense … being faster at sprinting than any other normal character with no Ninja Abilities.
    Plus it woudl help Shinobus mobility and Combat Style alot, if you could use her sprint to perform elemental reactions and cause that way electro aoe dmg with her.


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