Should Hoyoverse Do This AGAIN In Genshin Impact? #shorts #genshinimpact

I think Hoyoverse should increase our resin cap from 160 to 200. Considering how much content is in the game now. What are your thoughts on the current resin cap?


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#shorts #genshin #lolbrando


49 thoughts on “Should Hoyoverse Do This AGAIN In Genshin Impact? #shorts #genshinimpact”

  1. They never fixed the original problem of the resin system. The real problem is that people want to do more stuff in the game but resin regens really really slow. Even if they give you a bigger cap of resin, you're still getting 180 per day with no way to make give you more even if you try. Should either reduce half of the resin cost on every activity as they do with weekly bosses or just simply reduce to 5 minutes per resin so at least we get 100 more resin per day.

  2. This solves nothing. A higher cap just increases convenience.
    What they need to do is remove resin costs from the bosses, they are already weekly capped, they don't need a resin cost too.

  3. I think Hoyoverse should stop making when you level up an artifact and you want a certain substat. Don't make it rng. Make it on what's the dominant stat of the artifact you put if you want to enhance another artifact,. For example if you want ATK on a 5* artifact, just lvl up the artifact using feathers only.

  4. i think, what would help rn a lot would be to at least make all weekly bosses 30, or remove the price completely since it'S timegated anyway, so why spend resin on it when you can't really farm it

  5. it's not like as genshin adds enemies u fight more stuff increasingly though. honestly resin farm is already so tiring, i don't think they should increase the cap or anything, they should give out more fragile resins… that gives so much more flexibility and people don't have to cram it in their schedule to finish 160 on time without leaving it capped

  6. thats like legit 10iq, raising the cap for what? what does that do? we still get the same amount of resin in a week so whats the difference if the cap is 160 or 1000?

  7. They can't do it again, because they said it's not happening. During an interview, lots of things got confirmed by the devs including: no more resin increase, no more endgame (this is were the anxiety abyss meme came from), and they will not buff/nerf any character officially lauched again(they buffed zhongli once).

    Great game, unfortunately cold hearted devs.

  8. I think it would be neat if you originally started off with 100-120 resin but you would get the cap increased by 20 every 10th Adventure Rank (10 -> 20 -> 30 -> 40 -> 50 -> 60). Or, just make the Resin cap increase based on your World Level instead of your Adventure Rank.

  9. a higher resin cap doesnt mean more resin… it just means you can wait longer until you have to get on to use it. lowering the refresh rate is more resin bro lol

  10. Then in the next time they ask us about what we thought of the new version in game email we type what we want the most
    At least 1000 person day the same thing will attract their attention

  11. I also find it funny how the game is time gated, yet you can get to lvl 90 and max a characters level and ascension. So no matter how time gated the game is, your characters will never get stronger than that unless they increase the level cap again and make that somehow worth it.

  12. I think instead of rising the cap maybe lowering the amount of resin everything takes would be more helpful, in the end, players that are hardcore and use up all of their resin wouldn't benefit from this at all, maybe reducing everything by 10 resin points or something would be the best, although it would be weird with condensed, that would have to be fully reworked too

  13. The game isn’t time gated, just the farming for insane stats… honestly you don’t need the best 5star characters and weapons to progress , even the traveler and the base 4 star could beat the game


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