CRAZY 4 Star Geo! Yunjin looks AMAZING as a 4 Star unit set to be released in 2.4 / future patch in Genshin Impact! Genshin Impact Yunjin Skill Leaks and Details.The latest Genshin Impact Patch Leaks are for Yunjin, a 4 Star Geo Polearm unit!
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She might be able to give kokomi a direct buff, which could be pretty interesting to play around with
My Physical Rosaria is drooling.
I’m building yunjin right after I build xianling. Going to run her as support for my eula. An extra 2500 to 3000 bonus damage per auto attack is going to be a huge boost to my eulas burst while she’s building stacks.
Why not build her 2 piece husk 2 piece defenders will? That would give you 60% defense increase.
imma use her with ayaka, both elegant, cool and cute, and hope my ayaka finally exceeds my expectations
Everyone else: Every patch has been a Xiangling Buff.
Noelle mains: 2.3 and 2.4 is a Noelle Buff
Would xia albedo yu Jin and Bennet make a good team?
As a Beidou main, I am so fucking hyped for TWOOOO BEIDOU
Nobody gonna talk about how she buffs Razor MASSIVELY?
im so ready. i like yunjin and shenhe. i hope i get alot of her cons
I fucking hate you mihoyo for neglecting xiao since his release. Can't they make it so that plunge dmg is also increased and not just normal attack dmg.
Going to try her on a full AA team with fischl, rosaria and childe to buff the AA talent, plus its a 4 elements team gaining her full passive power
Noelle is gonna become an absolute monster if you pair her with Gorou and Yun Jin. The only problem is that I don't have Gorou.
Now if we only had a sacrificial spear.
So if I wanted her as dps what cup is best suited for her? Geo or Def? Please help someone 😊
I'm thinking Yun Jin, Eula, Bennet, and Zhongli. Chef's Kiss. Maybe sub out Benny for Shenhe?
Fischl 50 cal machine gun 🥶
watch me put her into the same team as childe and yoimiya
Ok now we need a Def substat polearm… definitely getting her to pair up with my godly yoimiya
She is going to be a great addition to my Razor, Diona, Xinyan team
skills always in conflict each other NGL. i'd build on carry build rather than deff build if mihoyo do sht again like i mean she can't buff herself then she will literally useless unless in co op mode. TBH i can't bring my self to trust mihoyo again
So 3 DEF main stats it is?
I'm thinking of using Yun Jin with Hu Tao maybe I'll do 3 normal attacks and a charged attack to maximize DPS and manage stamina
Yunjin is actually more of a Yoimiya changer than a game changer tbh. I mean sure other normal attack focused characters would love to be teamed up with her but none of them would change drastically as much as Yoimiya when paired together. Yoimiya, on paper and maybe even in application gets the biggest benefit out of yunjin's kit imo.
So I would assume that you could run a team like Yoimiya, Thoma, Gorou, and Yunjin, and it would make Yoimiya do god tier damage with her autos since she gets the Yunjin buff and the geo resonance buff from thoma shield, and the pyro resonance buff. Good lord
My physical dps kaeya gonna love her
I dunno if she will fit in my team but I still want her
she will be crazy on ning (2 hits per attack min XD)
Razor Main here
Yun Jin is gonna open up some DPS viability for a lot of characters that aren't normally your main DPS characters.
Traveller, Thoma, Xinyan, Kaeya, Kokomi, Qiqi, etc.
Your last vid about yunjin made me start saving, and now im so grateful because im getting shenhe day 1, im so excited about my cryo mamas annihilating the game, and hopefully get yunjin XD
My razor is finally gonna be almost as strong as my other dps 😀
My razor is finally gonna be almost as strong as my other dps 😀
i love mihoyo they release a buff for yoimiya and a beautiful and singer chr omg I love her sooo much
what about 4 Piece Noblesse on her tho?
Im thinking she could act as a mini benny for my Noelle team
And put Benny on the other team
Will she be able to buff Childe?
Is YunJin decent for itto I dont understand haha
kokomi, yunjin, yoimiya, raiden
Why do every charter have a lance now
I'd use her with Eula…
unga bunga meta is coming and you know it.
Dang bruh i cant pull for her since im at 71 pulls rn with 50-50 chance and im aiming for Zhongli and not Shenhe :/
Yunjin/Gorou/Bennet/Noelle ofc. Been maining Noelle nearly as long as you. Got her Redhorn last banner but it took all 3 path charges.
Is normal attack count as plunge atk?
I got so many yunjins in a row, even got two in one ten pull. I’m at C5 now so I’ll probably get her C6 in lantern rite
I crowned childe normals. 😈
She is best with Yoimiya. Yoimiya has high base scaling but most important is that her elemental skill increases her basic attack dmg. Since yum Jin adds dmg before elemental skill bonus it is rly good. You can further increase it with set by 50% and bow 80%.
Dude you make great content but why are your shirts so low cut goddam