Shenhe is a 5* Cryo polearm character in Update 2.4 of genshin Impact. In this video, I cover what the 2.4 Beta testers think about Shenhe and her Abyss usage. Her elemental burst cost at 80 energy leads to energy economy issues. This is based on her leaked kit. #genshin #genshinleaks #shenhe
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🌸😹It would appear that Shenhe is getting the initial treatment Yoimiya received (in terms of community pre-launch chatter) and thus this shall be quite intriguing indeed😹🌸
don't worry shenhe, i have the shogun
i hope they buff her soon.
for usability with other team comps, allow her icy quills to be quadrupled so it can be 20/28 and triple it for non cryo team comps so it can be 15/21 (using the initial 5/7), or as you said, a duration effect.
Maybe buff her numbers a bit more since she can in theory buff herself as well and turn herself into a dps.
She’s not even working well with all Cryo teams. Like she doesn’t even work with Eula. Why is Mihoyo trying so hard to screw this character over?????? She need a major buff or I’ll be skipping her big time. Which is a huge disappointment because I love how her skills look I love her design
I have no hope for future Genshin Impact characters anymore. At this point Yae when she comes out is either going to be a niche terrible support or a DPS with the damage of keqing and the clonkyness of Yoimiya. Mihoyo needs to fire their dev team or something, whatever they gotta do idc 😑
I really don’t do or care about the abyss. I pull characters for there design and if I like there move sets. Shenhe is still one of the best female designs imo.. idc if she doesn’t have high numbers or needs a certain team to be good.. haha and also I would like to get itto and enjoy using him before worrying about another character who comes out in 4-6 weeks. By the time shenhe is released people will already be hyped by the characters coming in 2.5
Shes a 5 star Rosaria. Shes not a dps shes a Support why would you get her If you already have rosaria. Its the Same with kokomi and Barbara. If you have Barbara why would you get kokomi
when did she become "shen-huh" to you
Hahahahahahahaha, Im supposed to pull for shenhe but I didn't know that shenhe is "WEAK" in spiral abyss, my primogems was worth for nothing
Why are you showing their discord pfp
We all know what’s probably going to happen here:
1. Mihoyo doesn’t do much (or anything) to fix Shenhe’s kit
2. Shenhe sales are still great because people love her design
3. Shenhe owners lose their shit over her kit being awful
4. Mihoyo successfully pisses off their playerbase once again
Every character release for the past 4-5 months has been plague with criticism idk what they're doing honestly.
Ahh they said same for kazuha. now look at him, second most used char in spiral. My advice just pull what u like, U don't need to nuke everything to enjoy game. M getting 36 stars and not even using sucrose or Benette 🙂
I'm sticking with Rosaria then. She seems better than Shenhe who's a 5* character. Genshin is really downgrading in quality with each patch.
Really disappointed. I wanted her to atleast do something and hearing this makes me sad. If there is no buff I might only roll for yunjin…. r/yunjin mains here I come. ;-; (OR WAIT TILL HEIZOU OR A DENDRO DPS)
The common ER complaint Vs the Chad Diona Battery, hell even Raiden Battery
Is it even 100% confirmed they are beta testers or are they just random people online saying they are. She gets 3-4 energy particles not 2-3. On a team with a cryo character that won't be a problem whatsoever. It appears this "beta" tester is saying info we already know about her being selfish with teammate selection. They're not providing any unknown info it seems like a Shenhe hater pretending. Everyone is gonna be so pissed when she releases and gets built as a dps buffer, rather than the supdps/buffer she is set to be. People only call her support when she's really not gonna be giving low enough damage to be one. She will be OP on the right teams with the right builds and everyone who disagrees will miss out and have to wait for her rerun. She is an adepti of course Mihoyo will make her very viable. I already have a build and I'm going for constellations so I really don't care what the haters do. Kokomi couldn't do high damage until her artifact set arrived, and Shenhe is getting a new artifact set too. Everyone calls characters trash "supports" then they release and do insane damage numbers. Lol!
Shenhes hips is the only thing im interested in her.
shenhe is a whale bait character. her c6 giving infinite stacks changes her playstyle so much. whale bait scams is when mihoyo introduces a massive problem only to fix it if you throw money at mihoyo.
skip her if she doesn't change. mihoyo also makes very f2p friendly characters like childe, kazuha, ayaka, etc thats way more worth to roll
when constellations change a characters playstyle its a crystal clear sign you should be very weary when deciding to roll for them.
I think her concept is kinda flawed, she buffs every party memeber for 5/7 atacks, so if she goes full Atk and get to 3.5k she would give a raw 2.7k damage bonus for a couple hits so a base of 54k damage per E tap (13.5k damage per character) and every other character would need to turn their Tokens into Big damage so any base dps with 61%elemental damage and 120% crit damage would get You a total of 46k damage with the 5 Tokens they got from her, so in a full dps team with every other character built for dmg and crit Your party would get 150k damage over a single E tap (+15k dps), all that said her burst should be a 40-60 energy one since ir should allow her to consume the Tokens while off field.
maybe if they change the cooldown on her e (make it like bennett) it will be fine but copium
OMG, EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— i got free gift cards from 💜 💜 "5:47" Fge
Mihoyo has been implementing new playstyles into the game for about 5 months now, each one getting some backlash. I think people should just calm down and be patient, Itto hasn't even dropped yet there's still time to see changes. Even if she isn't tweaked at all her Artifact set might be something that makes her really good. No one really knows how she will turn out just keep your chins up and wait for her release so she can be properly tested. 🙂
I started playing genshin impact by learning to play immediately with the reactions which are obviously the most important and fun thing in the game and after 1 year and a half they decide it's time to encourage the use of single element teams? Why? it would be a downgrade to the game mechanics and the fun certainly not an improvement. At this point then add the elemental synergies with 3 or more characters of the same element
I will humbly receive a buff
I will wait the whale got her and build her first.
Just check her Elemental Skill (Icy Quills) limit her buffs.
Mihoyo needs to fix with some character like xiao,his burst doesn't count as burst DMG but count as elemental infusion,this make xiao useless with some spear and also with baal(her E gave burst dmg boost) and some artifact doesn't even work with him,nobles doesn't work,the Baal signature artifact doesn't,He DIDNT EVEN HAVE SIGNATURE ARTIFACT,like wtf mihoyo
Pulling for her because of looks, and cause I'm just bored really with the game. I already can beat abyss so her being good or not doesnt really affect me as much as others. Though I will admit that she just looks like a worse rosaria in all scenarios, especially with the meta in this game practically being dps check.