She is 100% NOT SUS whatsoever | Genshin Impact voice lines lore Venti, Mona, Albedo, Paimon

Okay, let me explain, This video initially was supposed to be a compilation of voice lines that hint at Paimon being sus. But I added some extra stuff to spice it up a bit.
Hopefully y’all will enjoy it 🙂

Music Credit:
And Hoyo-Mix

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Voice lines include: Venti, Paimon, Aether, Mona, Albedo


20 thoughts on “She is 100% NOT SUS whatsoever | Genshin Impact voice lines lore Venti, Mona, Albedo, Paimon”

  1. I believe in the theory that Paimon is the Primordial One, Phanes, in such a weakened state that doesn't even remember who she was. Or maybe she's another one of his shades, because Paimon is the name of one of the princes of hell, the most loyal of all to Satan. I can say that we surely will see her adult/complete form at the end of the story

  2. who the F is paimon?!?! where dose she come from? why dose no human nor 500 years old human know who she is?!?! why dose she have different organs from humans?

    shall we dissect her and eat her? 🍽

  3. Is this some arg stuff, cuz if IT is IT would be for sure interesesting and is that super paimon attack followed by a voiceline from Hokai impackt, just wondering. Anyway love todays video and keep going with videos like this.


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