Hey there!
welcome back to another episode of “send this to”! the .exe/on crack series for every character in the game! (eventually, hopefully!)
gonna do a theater mechanicus video after this I think. and we’ll see what we do next, I’ll poll it as usual of course.
thank you all so much for 30k subs, it means a lot to see all the new faces and kind comments on every video, feel free to join the discord and meet the rest of the community there: https://discord.com/invite/EBxhGbcdNg
let me know if you have any idea on how to celebrate 30k!
hope you’re all well and see you around!
Stardust Speedway Remix – Sonic CD JP / PAL (Nu-Disco)
Animal Crossing – Bubblegum K.K. [Remix] (Qumu)
Have a great day! (✿ ◕‿◕)
thx 4 watchin
thx even more for subbin
and the most thx for sharin
Hi everybody! Hope you enjoyed~
If you wanna meet some new- Genshin playing buddies feel free to join the discord!
Thanks for watching!
When u see geo samachurl and they do the rocc pillar thing and u forgot u have keqing:
BREAK ROCC PILLAR (with kazuha cause I have him from a single one pull ❤️)
I got Keqing 3 days ago. She is the best. 14k with e
As a keqing main I say yes
my Aquila Favonia is waiting for me to pull Keqing…
I lost my pity to her on the zhongli rerun, but im still glad.she was my 1st 5 star, and i main her now =D
"In terms of money… we have no money."
Players like me who grind Gnostic Hymn: We have no such weakness. 😎💰
I’m a keqing main
Tbh I mained her at first but then I mained Aether & my team。
Where kazuha main?
the fact that im a keqing main also sends meeeee aaaaa
i got keqing on my first single pull on ayaka's banner and im ar 33 and i'm happy. Finally i have my first 5 star that i can flex to my friends lmao
Cicin mage: blink!
Keking: dont blink! Shes tricking u!
Stardust speedway
that "blink" to "dont blink" got me lmao
Am I the only one that has no friends irl who play Genshin
I love fighting against that other abyss witch
When she blinks Imm like
Sending this ti myself 😌
2:59 zhongli is that you??
i am keqing main
So.. i decided to do one single pull, and.. i got Keqing. What can i say? I am happy 🙂
Me thinking if my Aunt will approve of this video because she is a Keqing Main:
I want her so bad
Im bored and i saw this what's wrong with me? 😭🤏
As a very wise man has said; “BUFF KEQING, MIHYOYO FUCKING BUFF KEQING!!!” (I’m pretty sure he meant in genshin not honkai mihoyo-)
i got sent this
The fact that my lvl 40 keqing can easily one shot an anemo hypostasis 😰
keqing is the sound of the money going into mihoyo's bank when everyone rolls her
Me : looses 50/50
Me, a Keqing main : I see this is an absolute win !
this is why i have keqing and bennett main-
as a keqing main this video hurts and its funny
I main keqing and I have no friends
3:54 her sound…
as a keqing main this is honestly true,, but when ur fighting the cicin mage..
cicin: blink
keqing: dont blink
results: enemies
welcome to me playing genshin
"dont blink!"
"Speed of light!"
"With sword comes shadow."
"Nowhere to hide."
"Dumpty dumpty go!"
"Just what will we come across this time."
klee and keqing dying sounds
i always wanted the 5* characters that are on the standard banner, especially keqing and qiqi, but a few days ago i lost my guaranteed 5* character to a "lost prayer to the sacred winds" catalyst 5* book, and now not only do i want to die but i also am starting to feel a type of ftp curse