Scaramouche Boss Theme (All Phases) – Genshin Impact 3.2 OST

Shouki no Kami: the Prodigal – Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom
Scaramouche Boss Theme (Finalized Version)
℗ 2022 HOYO-MiX

00:00 Ominous Fandango (3.2 Version)
01:38 Phase 1
04:24 Transformation Phase
05:37 Phase 2

#Scaramouche #ShoukinoKami #GenshinImpact


23 thoughts on “Scaramouche Boss Theme (All Phases) – Genshin Impact 3.2 OST”

  1. I'm going to propose a few re-translations from Latin here, there are definitely a few of these that are just nitpicks but I wanted to share either way. Grain of salt as I'm not fluent in classical latin, but there are a few problems with some translations.

    Phase 1
    2:29 – this is translated line by line instead of as a whole sentence so it's lost a bit of meaning. A better way to translate this would be "As soon as I rise from these scorched* (*darkened by fire) walls** (**borders), I will be reborn."
    4:05 – not a nitpick, just wanted to say "ter vecti, tres, tris" is an genius way to sing this, it sounds kinda silly directly translated to English but I think the original translator's take on it is quite nice. they're all ways of saying "three" but in different situations, so a direct translation would literally be "three, three, three" but it could be put like "three times, three, three times." also. (it's fun how many words there are that mean three in different ways "tercum, triplum, tres, tervecti, triplex, tris" are just a few examples.) Also "betide" is an interesting choice of word, they totally could have just used "unto" but I appreciate the texture that word gives the translation. (Also "borraro" in Latin is a personal so it's not only "Eradicate" it's "I will eradicate" :D)
    4:18 – this does not sound like "vadis" but rather some other word with a sharp T sound or similar at the end, though I cannot parse what this is supposed to say x.x

    Phase 2
    6:06 – I think "pleasure" would fit more than "contentment", contentment doesn't really explain it well enough in my mind.
    6:17 – "in requis" split like that means "in need" but if you write it together "inrequis" it translates closer to "restlessness" which also feels a bit more fitting. "I am restless to be inaugurated."
    6:49 – first of all love the transition between Japanese and Latin here, so smooth. I think this whole section could be better translated as "The vicious god who's thunder made me suffer."
    6:59 – A better way to word this would be "I have persevered, I've fought and cheered."
    7:28 – I cannot tell if this is what they are actually singing, it doesn't sound right tbh but it could just be sung in really butchered Latin, it fits the narrative but I'm not sure.
    7:46 – no real nitpick this drop just goes SO hard, first time I heard it my jaw dropped. Novi Natus INDEED. (Novi Natus translates more to just "New Born" than new born god or any specific out of context, but in this context it's a great indirect translation!)
    8:16 – "Simu laclum insomnio irae" "simu" is mistranslated as "such" when it means "to be," or more closely in this context the speaker is inviting the listener so more like "let us be", "laclum" is translated incorrectly here as "a mockery" when it means "a lake" and "insomnio" more closely means "sleepless". so a better translation would be "Let us be a lake full of sleepless anger" rather than "such a mockery, a nightmare of anger."
    8:22 – I think this should be "what are you (trying to save/saving) yourself from."
    8:26 – I'm gonna push "I have persevered, I've fought and wept." as a better translation.
    8:32 – it actually should say "Nova nihilus despine" which means "New Nothingness" or more accurately into English as "at last The Newly created (being) of Nothingless"

    This was mostly for fun, if anyone has Latin training or knows the language and has any counter points or corrections I would love to hear from you! I'm still learning so like I said at the top, take this with a grain of salt!


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