Save Your Resin For These Artifacts NOW: Genshin Impact 4.0

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Genshin Impact 4.0 Is going to bring an insanely powerful artifact set for off field units like Yae Miko and Fischl. The other set also has big potential, if the right character was to be released!


49 thoughts on “Save Your Resin For These Artifacts NOW: Genshin Impact 4.0”

  1. i dont know wtf mihoyo doing; yes Fischl, Fischl needs buff the most because nobody uses her. Next time they buff Xingqiu and release few other garbage characters which we never use.

  2. The sets look great but, I'm never farming an artifact domain again unless they drastically change the system: some sort of auto/sweep clear, not having to run a mile just to start the domain each time, some sort of progression guarantee so playing for years actually looks like you've been playing for years, instantly leveling an artifact to 20 as long as you have enough material, no unskippable splash screen and animation every time you add xp to an artifact especially for all the levels between 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20.

    It's possibly the worst progressive gearing system I've played and the sole reason I skipped all dendro characters (including the MC) because I refuse to go through that process again. I farmed the geo team domain for 6 exact months without a single improvement to any of their artifacts and NONE of them have any 40 CV artifacts. So, yeah, the artifact sets look nice but as long as I never fail to 36* with my teams (which I haven't since 1.1 or so), then never again. In fact, if I fail I'd probably quit the game rather than go back to artifact farming.

  3. funny seeing this video from him of all ppl lol there’s no endgame, no difficult content, so artifacts aren’t quite literally meaningless an you will comfortably clear all of fontaine, so if u have good characters built, there’s really no need to spends countless hours farming a new set

  4. The set increasing normal atk dmg being most likely for the archon might mean that she will be a main dps archon using normal and charged attacks i really hope so cuz she looks amazing

  5. i had been collecting 150 fragile resin for a cracked artifacts. Just incase there is super hard content in the game that requires me to upgrade all my characters. Untill then maybe i will be keeping it permenantly if required

  6. It's good an all, but when does combat matter in the game? Literally slap anything on your characters and they'll still steamroll every piece of content in the game.

    At least, that's the impression Hoyo is giving us.

  7. looking back, all X.0 dungeons are farmable as they provide best sets for the entire patch. In my opinion, for players who have been playing for a long time, these sets are not worth farming for your existing characters – all except for Fischl. This includes Yae, especially C1+ Yae (I'm a f2p player with 6+5 Yae. If it's even slightly worthwhile – more than +5%, I would do it). However, if these players are looking to build fontain team(s), definitely lock and load this dungeon for the coming year.

  8. This set is amazing on fischl and I'd love to put it on her but I run her 4pc tenacity as it really benefits my cyno team. But might get it for yae miko

  9. i'm sure you will make another video and title save your RESIN when new artifact arrive

    that's the reason i don't use my fragile RESIN. I'm saving it for your next video and next video and next video…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…

  10. They really aren't that great and the crit rate one is useless. I'm not going to start using Fischl, Yae because there's some artifacts designed for them. I don't need the crit rate and most of the fontine characters look pretty useless in terms of what we already have when you factor in the c2+ rout they've went with every character now days. I haven't seen a single thing that will help me not be frozen 20 times in a fight or break shields quickly other than c6ing Yelan, c2ing Kazuha. So with that said nothing I've seen impressive just more of the same. If you're hyped stay hyped I'm just being realistic.

  11. The Elemental Skill damage artifact is Gonna make Fishcl a monster , acording to Maths With a off Field Fishcl Oz damage Is increased up to 70% with a 4 set , We Can increase the number Further With A Stringless Or a Alley hunter for more off Field damage , and C2 Fishcl for 200% extra DMG Bonus with crowned OZ talent , OZ Is gonna Hit like a Truck.

    This Set is More For a Sub DPS Fishcl that is not so Depending on reactions to do damage like Thundering Fury does

  12. I'm actually more excited for what Hunter's Brooch does for Ayato when he's wielding a blacksword (both 5-second cool-downs) coincidence? Will be very excited to push this as far as I can. Maybe Yunjin, Ayato will become a super strong core. Unlikely but he might topple Childe as the go-to driver for national. I will likely be dumping around 30 fragile resin into this domain and I'm super excited that I can concentrate on Crt Dmg, EM and ER without having to worry about crit rate substats too

  13. Does new SetΒ΄s even matter? I Mean considering the Time thta has passed and the resources Spend on Farming you eventually have Sick Artifacts already.
    So when you want to Farm the new Sets, it might take 6 Month to get at least 1 full Set that has the same Substats rolls.

  14. Is it really 70% total..or it is like..
    first 20%..then further 25% (out of the 20% earlier)..and then another 25% (out of 20% earlier again)
    so its 20% + 5% + 5%..?

    genuine question because there was another set before that has this interpretation too..i dont remember which one was it..

  15. I am F2p mobile player and I one shot the bosses…..I only make my 8 characters superstrong and only built their talent and only farm for their artifacts…..
    If you are curious then here my team combs…… and (I did triple crown Nahida , Kazuha and Raiden only) .
    1. Nahida , kazuha, Raiden and kokomi. (All C0 but R5 4 star weapons).( all level 90 with max talent)
    2. Ayaka, Ganyu, Xiangling and Bennett. (Here my xiangling is C5 and Bennett is C2 with R5 4star weapons).(All level 90 with max talents).
    I never pull for weapon banner.
    We can easily beat this game….just need proper strategy .


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