ROSARIA IS AMAZING NOW 2.4 UPDATED Rosaria Build Guide F2P | Genshin Impact Showcase

BUSTED! Rosaria Build is WILD for F2P Players in Genshin Impact 2.4! Rosaria Showcase DPS UPDATED 2.4 Genshin Impact Rosaria build guide. F2P? All of it covered. The best Rosaria Build, Rosaria Team, Rosaria Artifacts & Weapon heavily impact just how good she can be.

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23 thoughts on “ROSARIA IS AMAZING NOW 2.4 UPDATED Rosaria Build Guide F2P | Genshin Impact Showcase”

  1. I’m a bit offended that he said it was easy to get 170% crit DMG. I’ve been playing this game for almost a year, and I’ve worked very hard on all of my characters artifacts, but the best I could ever build is 130% CD. I’ve spent weeks of resin on a single character’s artifacts, but still wasn’t lucky enough to get more.

  2. I knew people were gunna use Yunjin to inflate numbers. Yunjin has 0 utility which means she is costs an entire char slot for a basic buff. She is a terrible character if your actually trying to play the game. But, Damage per screen shot is just convenient huh?

  3. Very nice! I had this idea as well, but I don't have an R5 Crescent Pike, lol. Side note, one thing I've noticed in a lot of your videos is that you say your artifacts aren't very good. Well, I think they're very respectable. Hitting 60/120 Crit with a non-crit weapon is pretty difficult. Have more pride in your account, what you have is actually cracked!

  4. Yun Jin turned out to be way better then I thought she would be. She just amps up anyone with low multipliers to what you wish they could be before she was in game.

  5. Let's gooooooo!!!!!! I've been running main dps Rosaria since her release so it warms my heart seeing this build getting love on YouTube.

    My big issue with Yujin, so she would have to replace Beidou on my team, and I feel like they both add equal damage to the team, Yunjin buffs Rosaria and Beidou just does damage along side her. My team comp Is Rosaria, Beidou, Raiden and Jean. I also love this team bc it allows me to run 2 abyys teams of my absolute favorite characters in the game (Ayaka Shenhe, Mona, Ganyu on other side) I can't 36 star the current cycle but I'm always around 36 to 34 stars and I love every character on both teams

  6. Two more days to new banners.
    Now I really don't know what to do. All the time I was 100% sure Zhongli is my choice. Because I want to build nice mono geo. And today from normal pull Amos bow dropped, apparently best weapon for Ganyu.
    What to do, I don't have good weapon for Zhongli but this bow drop for Ganyu confused me 🙂

  7. Out of curiosity, if you're gonna go all in on the physical damage carry why not instead use Eula rather than Rosaria? I mean, I definitely dig on Rosaria and she seems like she'd be a great pick but physical damage would be pretty dang maximized if using Eula instead no? Especially if you're rockin shogun as you mentioned along with Yunjin and your flex.

  8. Does Rosaria work well with Shenhe? I have Shenhe on max lvl and double crown but I have no Gany and/or Ayaka. I'll be skipping Ganyu as well because I'll be using my guaranteed on Yae Miko

  9. I had this exact same team comp when Yunjin came out, I love Rosaria so much, and now that I have Yunjin, Fischl, and Rosaria at C6, I'm definitely making a new team comp! Xingqiu C6 please come home during Ganyu/Zhongli banner!


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