Remember this in Genshin Impact? #genshinimpact #hoyocreators

#genshinimpact #genshin #hoyocreators


25 thoughts on “Remember this in Genshin Impact? #genshinimpact #hoyocreators”

  1. I cant believe that this event is already from almost 2 years ago. I still remember, that i was so excited for this Event and was so sad when it was gone. That was actually the event i myself recall as "the best event ever". Sad that its rerun was such a big joke (in comparison to the first one)

  2. Чего?
    Это было так давно?
    Я же вроде совсем недавно проходил архипелаг, там и Магу кенки добавили.
    Эх время летит, уже 2 года прошло.
    Мне больше нравилась арена Магу Кенки на Архипелаге, а не в Инадзуме


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