REAL TALK! Broken VS Full Set (Genshin Impact)

Today in Genshin Impact we’re talking about broken vs full set artifacts.

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48 thoughts on “REAL TALK! Broken VS Full Set (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Broken sets can be viable but it can't be random. For example to make up the difference of a 4pc wanders 35% damage bonus , a 2pc cryo damage and 2pc attack or 2x 2pc attack might be closer in damage than 2 random 2pc sets.

  2. I typically give a character another character's artifacts if I'm still farming for their set. You have stuff like Guilded, VV, and Emblem that work well enough on a large group of characters that you can have a generalist set to use while you get something more optimal. Wanderer will probably get Venti's VV set so I can still use him in the meantime while I farm his domain. Nothing in the game is hard enough to justify not playing a character because you don't have the optimal artifacts. There's enough stuff in the game that works well enough to get a feel for a certain character while you farm.

  3. you think your ganyu has good artefact – your ganyu's artefacts are actually really bad sorry to say that but your peaces are really trash even though you were strongbox rolling it so much

  4. I have over 50 characters built and I want to have them ready for battle. Meaning when I decide I want to use certain character, I don't want to be rummaging through my artifact inventory looking for something to equip. That means while I have over 250 lv20 artifacts, most of them are assigned and what's left are usually some not so good pieces.
    My strategy is always correct set plus main stats first, then iterate on substats based on importance of the character. Instead of optimizer that would just make chaos in my artifact assignments I'd like to see optimizer that would tell me which new artifacts are worth trying to level up and which character could use it if it happens to go well.

  5. This logic also applies to just general 4pc sets too. My Ayato is on a 4pc glad cause my HoD and Echoes sets are all trash, very VERY trash, months farming does nothing when the RNG gods are just not in your favor. my Glad Ayato will do (without supports and with Mistplistter buff active) 8-14k hits, on my bad HoD set he hit 4-6k and Echoes was about on par with HoD, when he hit the buff from the 4pc he was able to get a few 8-9k hits. Some characters have very designated sets for very designated comps and playstyles.

    Similarly to Ayato, I have my Ganyu on a 4pc blizzard because I do not often run reaction teams, I think having a specific rotation to proc a DMG bonus is too much effort. My Ganyu on one charged hit with Amos can to 19k first hit and 36k second hit, if the enemy was frozen beforehand, she can do upwards of 60k charged. and that is perfectly fine for what I need her for (which is honestly farming mostly).

    Do what works best for your playstyle with the artifacts you have.

  6. Its very situational. Like for me I have concentrated on emblem/shime. And only farmed vv for minimum full em and tenacity for minimum full hp. Crimson to get variety to farming and now crimson only from strongbox nobless also only from styongbox. I dont really have other sets other than the sufft you get from bosses etc. For most characters max damage in my case is 4 piece set. Only case where GO recommends 2piece2piece is fischl.

  7. Its simply a question of how practical it is to farm a whole 4-piece set for a character when you have solid stats on your other artifacts that may also work. This is especially the case for a new character with a new artifact set. Unless that new artifact set can be generally usable on many characters (like emblem is, for eg), it may not be worth it to farm it, given artifact farming takes months and thats not fun.
    Obviously, if you main a character &want them to have the best artifact then it may be worth it for you. And, if you whale then this entire discussion is pointless.

  8. While it is best to prioritize 4pc sets, if your subs are bad but you've been playing a while, the chances of having a good 2pc Gladiator set is pretty high, so using a 2pc of the "signature set" and a 2pc Glad can really help improve your damage output while playing until you can farm good stats on the sets you want

  9. I mean fischl and yae miko used to use broken set only, with two piece atack two piece thundering fury, but since dendro came out I'm pretty sure yae started to use gilded dreams instead.

  10. It is always the same answer in Genshin: it depends! So many factors that play a role in damage calculations that a simple answer is not possible. If you want to find out what’s best then use the optimizer and try your artifacts to see the effect, most of the times a 4pc bonus is so good that it’s hard to substitute. But 2pc 2pc can work. Understanding what stats you want

  11. Is it me or does this whole video seem super passive aggressive 😂like firing shots at Genshin artifact system which I mean is valid cause that system sucks and grinding is even worse

  12. My Zhongli has 2pc Noblesse and 2pc Emblem still with 34 thousand HP, strong shield and he hits like a truck, Tenacity is useless since his pillar is what gives the bonus and it usually breaks instantly.

  13. I think that for building a lot of characters, four piece sets can give a lot of value. For example, my main Klee is about the same DPS on a 4 lavawalker compared to a 2CW2Glad, which has no drawbacks like lavawalker. However, if I take those godly glad pieces for her, then my other characters suffer because they’re left with useless lavawalker pieces. Point is, genshin optimizer will optimize for each character, but we have to optimize our own account because we can add value to our artifacts by forcing sets

  14. I think it depends on the character and their own kit in most situations. Some work better as 2 2pc bonuses and others maximize from a 4p. Broken sets obviously could give supreme crit ratios. However, then you lose the set bonuses, which can be helpful. So broken sets work better for newer players who aren't grinding as much, but once you get above ar45, then you might as well invest in getting decent sets built.

  15. the only thing i can say is that i never used 4 emblem set on Raiden because after farming for a LONG time i could only get a good 4-piece for Xiangling, who in my opinion needs it more then Raiden. Point is, Raiden is totally fine with broken set, i just put a lot of ER and crit on her and she does her thing

  16. There are the 4 star sets too, some of which can be underrated. Like 2 piece gambler on certain characters(flower and plume) for the 20% skill damage. Then there is the 4 piece Instructor set which comes with the party EM buff that is very useful. The other notable mention is the Prayers of Destiny 1 piece circlet. It's main use is in dealing with the hydro debuff when farming the Mondstat weapon domain, Best paired with electro resonance.

  17. From what I've seen from theory crafters and personal experience, the only unit you can put a broken set on with good sub stats and get better results than a 2 or 4 piece with sub optimal sub stats is Xiao. He still would prefer one of his standard sets, but if you have a bunch of garbage artifacts in those sets he's better off with a broken set. I've also played around with the optimizer and it can give you weird results. It wanted me to put Skyward Harp on my Fischl as her best weapon with her current artifacts. I've done actually testing with all my bows, and Aqua out performs it with that build. It obviously can't take every variable into account when "optimizing" your builds

  18. Broken sets imo, are only good when considering only the unit alone. 2/2 or 4pcs will always be more ideal especially when there's supports that can cover the shortcomings of that unit

  19. The more you farm a set, the less appeal a broken set will have over it. I always spend a good amount of time on new artifact sets for my characters, so I don't have better broken pieces (+ they'd have to make up for the 4piece bonus). Sometimes I build around an insane 45+CV offpiece though.
    This advice is good for newbies though, it is really hard to get sets for multiple characters in the beginning.

  20. I started playing in march this year and Ive pulled for quite a few characters since then. Its so hard to keep up with them. My Kazuha still uses one 4* piece because I couldn't find a better option. And my in May aquired Yanfei still needs better witch pieces. My Albedo has just some random crit/def pieces and its the same for most characters 😭 Doing like 2 – 3 condensed runs every day just wont give me full sets so as long as it isnt a vv shredder or my favourite they gotta live with mixed, attack bonus or just shimenawa 😵‍💫

  21. My Hu Tao with 2 piece gladiator and 2 piece wanderer's dealing 70k per charge its ok for me instaed of farming crimson for months, i been farming emblem for a almost a year and i dont have a good set of shimenawa yet

  22. Don’t forget, in the Ayato example, the phrasing of the set really matters. Similar to the crescent pike era, “% of ATK as DMG” is like adding another attack to your strong work that amount. Vs “Increases DMG by %” which just increases your attacks by that amount.

    Eg. if you have a character that does many smaller percent scaling attacks (let’s say NA1 does 35% and NA2 does 44%) then a “does 50% attack as DMG per hit” is above 100% of a damage increase, where if it was increases DMG by 50% it’s best case scenario increased 50%, worst case increased by 17.5% and 22% respectively

    It works in reverse if your NA1 and NA2 are above 100% like claymores users

  23. i wonder if the charged attack bonus is like tdm in honkai that works as a separate multiplier that has highest priority and multiplies finalised damage instead of adding on

  24. A broken set on your favourite char doesn't feel satisfying and just means more grinding in the domain until the lucky pieces arrive.

    I actually use the genshin optimiser a lot and it always puts me back into a set bonus pieces once I take into account the effect, team composition and setting minimum er. E. G. Blizzard strayer and a cryo team will lower your cr needs and the optimiser will take into account the effects.

    Hard to build chars and teams without the optimiser now when I hv a few hundred lvl20 artifacts after years of playing.

  25. A future video idea kinda in line with this, artifact set tier list? You can make different ones (aesthetic based, 4pc based, universalness, overall) and it could be fun


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