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38 thoughts on “RAIDEN SHOGUN C0 SUCKS! THE TRUTH ABOUT F2P BAAL! | Genshin Impact”

  1. we get THE SECOND Bis weapon for FREE . And the choice is ours as players .
    1. Baal shines at the expense of 3 other characters ( high bursts , rotation , elements etc ) aka MAIN DPS
    2. OR you play her on ER with low burst cost characters and you get 3 OP characters aka SUPPORT
    is it really BEIDOU and skyward spine SUCH important elements when considering baal
    OR is it ELECTRO the real hidden issue ?
    HOW IS SHE BAD ? …..perhaps she isnt pyro or cryo i guess….

  2. I feel like the "uproar" is as much justified as it's not.
    I think that players had very weird expectations. All i hear is "She's an archon therefore she has to be powercreep number one"
    People also really love jumping on a hype train so imo at least 50% of those complaining either don't have her and are salty or do have her and only at level 80 and talents at 6 or smth.
    Also electro isn't the best element for dmg so there is that. Idk what to say tbh since most people will not argue and only belive what they want to so I'll just wait and see what happens. If buff comes sure I'll take it even though it'll probably be overtuned.

  3. Hello, my friend. C0 Raiden is Fine but the only thing why Raiden sucks is about the restriction interaction to another character especially Beidou and Traveler

    Few problems with Raiden
    1. Electroment is way lackluster
    2. Raiden is Electro
    3. Electro-resonance is very bad
    4. Weapon restriction like Sky-ward spine. it clearly stated Normal and Charged Attacks have a 50% chance to trigger a vacuum blade that deals 40/55/70/85/100% of ATK as DMG in a small AoE. but Raiden burst is considered normal and charge attack but doesn't proc which is Very pure BS moves with MHY at least CN community is on our side now, [2.0 Zhongli drama]
    5. Character interaction is restricted

    the most important thing is Genshin is Gacha Game [Raiden burst which cannot be overridden. When such attacks hit opponents]

  4. If pyro have 2 trade mark support 4star that enables a lot of team comps, hydro have XQ, cryo have diona, anemo have sucrose. Electro have who exactly? Beidou. But she suffers heavily on energy.

    The beidou, ei pairing wouldve enable electro to have their own universal team comp. But noooooo.

  5. raiden is not a must have for albedo havers.
    becuz raiden shougan in the end of the day is like an electro albedo .
    coated on electro element.
    albedo do damage supports
    with his E and also an Er turbo charger like raiden.

  6. You should change your video title to: "UNLEASH THE ELECTRO GOD" or some clickbaity shit and do random damage showcase, suggest everyone to pull for her, then your videos will be watched by the millions.

  7. raiden shogun dosent suck (kind of)

    a lot of these "problems" with raiden shogun can be applied to basically every electro character because of how much electro reactions and resonance suck a lot of her problems have existed within other characters as well it just seems that with all the hype around her being an archon and how hyped up she was within the lore basically blew all of her problems out of proportion.
    i feel like the community also dosent understand that raiden shogun is not a dps and everybody should have known this thanks to previous archin release for example venti is an anemo character what is anemo good at? crowd control what is venti good at? crowd control zhongli is a geo character what is geo good at? shields what is zhongli good at? shields electro is an element based around energy recharge which can be seen in the electro resonance as well and the raiden shogun is amazing at whatshes supposed to do. energy recharge. she can recharge teams bursts in an instant with her burst and her skill provides passive damage and energy
    however i will admit that she does have a few problems like her synergy with beidou, and her constellations being very overpowered. her c2 shreds 60% of enemies defense i can see how most people can see this as a paywall, but you can see this "pay to unlock" constellation system in a lot of other characters too like eula and kazuha both can function at 0 but are amazing at c6 this goes for the raiden shogun as well, the raiden shogun functions and functions very well she can produce so much energy in such a short ammount of time. this constellation problem also heavily applies go xiao but i didnt see it get near as much hate as raiden shogun is getting c0 xiao is abyssmal to play and is impossible to get your burst back in enough time to make him viable until you get to c1 and c6 which also brings me to my next point, raiden shogun can be a catalyst for other characters with a character like c0 xiao who can barley get his burst back a character like raiden shogun can easily fix this by providing passive energy and damage for xiao or the raiden shogun can just use her burst to recharge xiaos burst so xiao can use his burst.

    in conclusion raiden shogun dosent suck your just pissed because your not doing 2 million damage with your burst

  8. Fix electro, yes thats true and C2 Baal is broken even low spenders will become a whale or a leviathan, this is really bad especially when she is an archon should be more ftp friendly I have her at 80 6/6/8 just need to work on artifects also to a some point I had beidou leveled up and pairing up with Baal is useless, I'm disappointed that comps are limited hope they fix electro as a whole by now, ftp took a risk of time it took skipping banners but for spenders they risked more then just their lunch money

  9. It really sucks that constellations also gives additional mechanics rather than just buffing up a character's existing mechanics. FGO is a gacha hell but thankfully leveling up a character's NP just buffs up the damage and the existing mechanics.

  10. 6:49 😘 the ultimate fact that baal likers don't realize why complainers complain about her… Complaining is the right thing to do, anything else is just like saying "Amber is good"
    I have her 300% er and all the battery talk about her is fake.. those people try on a group of hilicharls and slimes and say "wow the ult is always up" and that isn't true… The true thig is if you test her on the geovishap she can't give you 40% energy which is totally worst than normal battery
    I think the best buff for her is energy generation that really make all team's ult up all the time originally without those particles coming from the enemies

  11. Me who is pure f2p that use playstyle "go random bullshit", non of this is matter to me. I just hate electro char in general except her. So she always in my team for extra dmg. I'm not complain. 😁

  12. For a support character she is actually pretty nice at c0 with the catch. I pre farmed good artifacts for her so she is well built and her Q does 200k on Crit with bennet and full resolve on the initial slash + the energy she gives my team is crazy good i always have my bursts before cooldown. As a support, that’s really really nice (her E buffing burst damage is also pretty damn good). So I don’t really agree with you when you say she isn’t good as a F2P unit. Electro still needs a rework and beidou should work with her and i hope they change it but the beidou thing isn’t as jarring as everyone is making it to be (there are loads of other comps you can use) and the electro problem is for the entire element and not this character in particular.

  13. I really hope for a Zhongli effect on Raiden, but maybe they don't even need to buff her directly, just make electro good, and if she still feels underwhelming, increase her scaling a bit (specially her E), and make her work with Beidou for the love of God, i used beidou for so long, and i planned on using both of them with my Eula and Diona, but my dream died lol

  14. Who needs her to be the dps, Ganyu, Klee => they are carry my ass in Abyss
    But indeed, Electro reaction and resonance are the worst in the game.
    Hey, at least I can pair Qiqi with Baal for boosting physical DMG.
    You guys forgot Qiqi can be a physical dmg dealer besides Eula

  15. She is so weak. Any 4 star character with good artifacts can do the exact damage she does. My bennet can hit 200k with Mona's elemental burst. So I already have a burst support character. So I don't see ANY "special abilities" that set her apart from the rest of my team. I'm benching her until they give her a fucking buff. As a F2P I'm NOT going for her cons that's just absurd.

  16. I would never compain about buffs to the shogun tbh needed or not but i cant help but feel like my shogun will be 20% weaker than a engulfing lighting raiden and the percentage goes alot higher with constellations

  17. I have her built, she’s great but def not on par with Venti/Zhongli. She isn’t versatile and doesn’t shine in most team comps, and her energy restoration isn’t something you’d normally struggle with, You can still spam ults regardless because Energy recharge was never an issue to begin with. Her elemental skill is also very weak. Lastly, her being Electro ruins Melt/Freeze/Vaporize comps which are the best, Electro needs a buff asap.


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