Raiden Shogun and Yae Miko react to Scaramouche/Wanderer | GCRV | Genshin Impact

Well I hoped you enjoyed! Have a nice day everyone cause this took 12+ hours 🥰

Tags :
#gacha #gachaclub #gachameme #clubgacha #memegacha #memegachaclub #reaction #reactionvideo #react #genshin #impact #genshinimpact #genshinimpactgacha #genshin_impact #yae #miko #yaemiko #raiden #shogun #ei #raidenshogun #raidenei #yaemikogacha #raidenshogungacha #scara #scaramouche #raidenshogungenshinimpact #yaemikogenshinimpact #scaramouchegenshinimpact


23 thoughts on “Raiden Shogun and Yae Miko react to Scaramouche/Wanderer | GCRV | Genshin Impact”

  1. Hello everyone! I don't want people fighting over ships and what not. Please respect this! Also don't hate on the ships, say [ insert ship ] is better, or any other form of hate to the ships, as well as hate in general! Thank you if you followed those rules, I am really thankful for it!

  2. looking at people who hate ei is making me giggle
    edit: i have a suggestion if you are intending to create part 2, you can make like scara and ei uhhh be okay? bc the misunderstanding? idk just an idea tbh


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