This is a video about recent US presidents playing Genshin Impact.
This video in its entirety is satire and is simply to entertain and for laughs. I am in no way trying to offend anyone nor trying to create false information. Neither figure in this video is real and what you can see and hear is made by an A.I. tool that allows the user to recreate and synthesize voices, more famously known by its name; Eleven Labs.
Try Eleven Labs for yourself!…
us presidents play,
us presidents playing video games,
us presidents play genshin impact,
president play genshin,
presidents play genshin impact,
presidents play genshin,
president play genshin impact,
presidents playing video games,
ai voice,
ai meme,
ai voice meme president,
ai voice meme reaction,
president ai voice meme,
presidents ai voice,
presidents ai voice reaction,
presidents playing minecraft,
us presidents play minecraft,
presidents playing overwatch,
#genshinimpact #genshin #gaming #voice #politics #usa #gamingvideos #trump #biden #obama #funnyvideo #aivoice #voiceover #commentary #trending
Used Premiere Pro (for the first time) while making this video, couldn't quite figure out how to increase resolution past 720p. I do now tho and the next one won't be as blurry of a mess 💀
This!! Is so funny!! LMAO
biden is so good at the game! hopefully people learn from him and his gameplay 🙂
God bless America
biden totally buy this account for f sake he didnt know how to start the game a min ago
America… you cheated in a wrong president
The only misinformation would be at the end. Keqing hasn't been powercrept, she's the strongest aggravate DPS since dendro was introduced.
Unbelievably entertaining
Funny, subbed and liked.
Even the presidents put aside their differences when they saw the mistake Joe was gonna make…
That's a cap, he didn't release the button XD
Biden would have an all Loli party if this is IRL
okay but the fact that obama has almost the entire team of 5NEMO…..
holy crap lol probably has heizou anyways just can't use 5 at once
kequing is still cute though.
I somehow imagine Joe as a C6 Bennett main, idk it just fits 😅
I hate losing 50 50 to cheeky lmao
oh naughty old man, sniff sniff
If Yaoyao is real, I bet Joe will sniff the heck out of her hair👀
"I'm thinking on this banner, it has more stuff on the page" is the like my most regrettable decision when I was starting out
genshin impact is bad
This is what all politicians should do. We'd have world peace.
what problem does Trump have with Mona? in the long run Mona is the most useful 5 star out of the off banner characters, all dps have replacement , Qiqi is useless ,Jean is not the best Anemo support, But Mona 50% Damage buff is eternal
Oh god as soon as I saw this video pop up I knew Biden was going to pick the youngest looking character 💀💀💀
Bidoon yao yao cant stop laughing
Biden maining yaoyao? Ah I see, that suits his p word fantasies. I just hope she won't be sniffed by him, just like children in real world when he encounters them
Trump, Biden and Obama playing a Chinese game? Lmao that will never happen.
New subscriber Man, this Shit one genuinely hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is fucking stupid and I love it.
These president vids are going crazy I wanna see who winds up sticking with it.
I am crying on the floor, this is so accurate!!!!! please make part 4 !!!! 😆
Homa on Yao Yao is definately cursed but lowkey I think it might be kinda fun to make her into a dps ngl
I was laughing so hard through the whole thing lmao good job on this
where is Xi winnie?
0:55 Hearing Trump saying that going after a child is creepy is kinda funny in the wrong way ngl
Trumps favorite character would be Ningguang because she is sexy, rich AF, and builds a wall. Joe's would be Yao Yao that's pretty accurate XD and Obamas would be Raiden Shogun.
Biden is that friend who prioritizing team aesthetics rather than functionalities ahahaha
fuck as hell hahahaha this is so crazy
This is killing me fr 🤣🤣🤣