Possible Xiao Rerun Soon and Sumeru Tease? | Genshin Impact

#genshin #Genshinimpact #Xiao #sumeru

Sup my dudes, valkyrja here and today we will be talking about a possible xiao rerun soon and a possible sumeru tease in friday’s livestream about genshin impact.

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21 thoughts on “Possible Xiao Rerun Soon and Sumeru Tease? | Genshin Impact”

  1. If Xiao reruns I'm going to cry because I had skipped Xiao because of ganyu, I was waiting for ganyu I prefarmed everything and I'm so happy to get a chance at Xiao if he does rerun. Personally seems really weird but he should get another character quest with the chasm but sadly literally no leaks about another Xiao quest :/

  2. I finally have Xiao from his recent rerun so I won't need him anymore but I have a family member that would really like him. Tho I'm looking forward to an Itto, Kazuha or Yoimiya rerun. Tho i have Kazuha's weapon I think Yoimiya would be alot more fun for me.

  3. I really hope for Sumeru teaser, besides Xiao I've been wanting Cyno for so long, but now I've C6 my Xiao and Cyno will be the one I C6 next………………… BUT
    I don't think it's gonna be Cyno that tease Sumeru, I WOULD BE REALLY HAPPY TO HEAR HIS VOICE THO I WANT TO NOW HIS VA, but my prediction it's gonna be Collei, we have more leak about her data and none about Cyno, in fact there are leaks about a whole new character but NONE about Cyno, so it feels right now even his model are not yet finished, and maybe his VA also not ready, meaning he won't bring the teaser. I REALLY REALLY HOPE TO SEE HIM, but just in case I keep my expectation low

  4. Yep Valk us Xiao mains don't really think Xiao will get a rerun THAT fast. However, this info has been circling within Chinese community since like 20th Apr and it got buzzier and buzzier after each day. The more I hope it will not come true the more it looks like it will come true. Anyway, I don't want to see people hate on Xiao (in both Chinese and my community, it has started) for jumping up the waiting line 🙁 . It's MHY's wrongdoing it has nothing to do with my baby Xiao 🙁 .

  5. Yay ! More time to save primos during his rerun 🥱🥱
    God if I hear another "Worthless, etc" come out of him and his plunges Ill yeet him down the chasm without a glider…

    Funny how i was a rabid xiao fan once…
    His ult is just one of the most boring and repetitive ever for me right now…
    I actually regret pulling him a year ago….🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

    You dont have to like my oppinion. Thats awesome . sips milkshake

  6. If we are really going to get another Xiao rerun, I think it was the perfect time to release a free 4star polearm for him. But no, they are gonna give a random bow lol

  7. Such bad timing. I really want Xiao. I like his character, I have his weapon lying around and no one else to give it to, anemo is one of my favorite elements. All that stuff. But last rerun I had to pick between him and Zhongli and now I just got both Kamisato siblings and I'm still hopeful for Kazoozoo sometime soon. So Xiao skip again :/

  8. honestly i dont mind xiao again, i skipped him twice for the simple motive that i wanted other characters more, so i would not mind trying for him this time even though i have literally 5 main dps characters already lmao.

  9. I’ve been farming forever for Xiao’s set and still couldn’t get a crit circlet with crit sub stat. Ayato, on the other hand, has a fantastic Echoes set.

  10. Need advice: I’ve had C0 Xiao since his first release in 1.3 and I have R5 deathmatch. Is his C1 worth trying for? I also have Itto with R5 Redhorn and his C1 already (wasn’t even trying to go for it got lucky) so I could go for C2 Itto as well. I run him with C2 Albedo and Gorou though so my Itto doesn’t have energy problems.
    Anyone who has either of these constellations can you tell me if it’s worth it? should I just save for Kazuha? (who I don’t have)
    I should also note Yoimiya is my fav DPS and her rerun might come too. I already have her C1 with Skyward R5.
    Is her C2 overkill at that point?

    Yes mistakes were made on the 2.3 weapon banner lol 😂
    I’m solely Welkin Moon from now on. No more top up


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