Only Half Frozen Comission Genshin Impact Help Tommy find a source of heat & Look for chilled meat

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2 thoughts on “Only Half Frozen Comission Genshin Impact Help Tommy find a source of heat & Look for chilled meat”

  1. This commission quest drove me nearly insane. Prior to this video, I didn't know fire characters could thaw out ice since I had so much trouble using amber trying to break the ice off the statue of seven when I first unlocked the map . in dragonspine. I thought only scarlet quartz can be used to melt the ice, but it doesnt't seem to be the case. I used my anemo mc to break a scarlet quartz near the statue of seven and jumped off the cliff as fast as I could to thaw the ice with the heat from the quartz by plunge attacking from the skies to the ground on the frozen boar. It took me so many attempts. I wished I looked this video up early, so I could have taken the easy way out and used amber because she's my only fire character rn.. Hoping to get xiangliang one day when I reach ar-20 or try to roll for a fire character with the character event banner TT_TT Several times, I ran into level 30 monsters and died lol while trying to find one of those scarlet quartz. The next several attempts, the scartz quartz ran out of heat when I plunged attack from cliff on the wrong spot . Does genshin impact repeat these commission quests ? I am hoping I don't have to find more frozen meat again . Tommy can go find his own frozen meat and thaw it out with the fire seelie himself DX


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