One of Genshin's Biggest Issues | Genshin Impact

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23 thoughts on “One of Genshin's Biggest Issues | Genshin Impact”

  1. Lol wish they would but genshins community is full of cry babies that cry if they can't beat said content. Like even if you name the new end game domain "Whale's Domain". The f2p or low spenders will still cry about it. Just accept that some content is not for you. Honkai nirvana is also hard as shit and i dont fking see anyone complaining about staying in redlotus but a slight increase in difficulty will cause the genshin kids to cry an ocean.

  2. This game is in this limbo between casual and hardcore. It's not hard and mostly casual, but you wont get characters if you don't grind. The game wants you to log in every day to not lose progress so it's hardcore? But if ur a casual but you whale to get a unit you want, you cant level it because you haven't logged in to get their mats

  3. Well difficulty have to be kept in check so newer players have a chance to clear content.
    Can you imagine 2-3 months old account 36 staring the abyss if difficulty kept increasing since launch?

  4. There are various previous events that could be permanently incorporated to Genshin in my opinion for each new region a new permeant activity should be added along side the abyss. For example for Lyue add the Vibro Crystal Research event as a series of endless waves challenges and For Inazuma add the Labyrinth Warriors event as a permanent addition. Obviously is extra work to rotate the enemies like the abyss each time it resets but it helps not get bored too much from the same routine.

  5. i think the game needs to progress it's abyss with more variety in gameplay in mind. whether it's rouge-like random generating floors that also use some of the mechanics they implemented in the previous combat events or floors that force you to clear them co-op so that there's meaning in practicing playing on a single character with others but then again this is a singleplayer game with multiplayer options so idk how that'll work. All in all just more permanent game modes so genshin can catch up with other gachas.

  6. I like this game for exploration and having fun in the Overworld. While I would love some new modes that are not some simulation, like fishing, I keep playing for the new maps and characters

  7. I think there should be pvp or some longgame abyss but without rewards, so ppl won't miss out on rewards but can still test the limits of their team. or even have a leaderboard for people's teams going against each other. or even grading it on how long it takes to fight a boss

  8. End game will happen when Tower of Fantasy / Blue Protocol / Wuthering Waves… i mean they have to up their game to keep the players interested… hopefully they'll take ideas from those games and improve Genshin up on.

  9. I do worry what’ll happen when i eventually 90/ 9/9/9 and build all my roster.

    I also wish in the abyss we got more environments, not just the same back drop and that maybe there could be some changes in the landscape, some elevation, water, fire, other elemntal sources. Things that would make some units not so great due to their lack of mobility or the way they deal dmg, even their height.

  10. People like Mtashed & Envi have proven even as F2P player with enough time, investments, not putting any money you can get 36* in the spiral abyss. If you whale just for that reason you quickly get bored.

    Spiral abyss need some drastic changes to feel fresh again or should run at the same with another combat related mode as pernament (example: hakkumen ikki event).

    3 thing I wanted be change:
    More floors, atleast 3 more.
    Every floor will give out 1 wish instead 150 primogems for 9* on each floor.
    3rd team starting from floor 13th
    They might be not long term solutions but I would be enough for the time being.

  11. Sumeru, events and updating Abyss isn't enough imo.. Genshin lack repeatable content on open world. Even the weekly stuff we do doesn't give any primogems, we only get mora and BP exp(suck when our BP is max) If they make a repeatable side quest every week that give 150-300 primogems every week, I think its a small step. Remember Fischl/Mona quest where our vision will glow up when we're looking for falling stars? And then activate it using our resin?(instead falling star, change it to black mucus from the Chasm) That could be a weekly quest, on Mondstadt there's hidden quest you need to walk around the edge and Amber's gliding challenge too can be a weekly stuff. Idk why can't they think of this stuff.. everything is there, they only need to make it as a permanent thing.

  12. Believe me, if a gacha game is progressive, it will be MUCH MUCH worse. that's something so many money driven companies will never feel guilty not to do.
    Cause the underlying principal of any game is awarding mechanism. From which the most profitable game is the game that the most addicted, such that users will never want to quit themselves.
    Without surprise, the most effective method to achieve this is the online competition system, which gives you the most sence of achievement by simply defeating others in the battle field. But in the meantime, if the game is also progressive, meaning the difficulty of the game is constantly moving up(both the farming and the battling). When that happens, in order for you to gain the same mount of enjoyment when you first join the game, you must buying and farming the new characters and weapons all the time which either cost your time or your money. That's when the game founders start getting their reward.
    The only way you feel the game is currently stagnant, is because mihoyo never throw away any character. If you buy a character you can have it forever, and it will always be USEFUL to you. But if the game is progressive, new character will always replace the old one. Are you sure that is the game you want to play?
    Actually, this is not a new idea, not at all. All companies I seen in the past didn't care about user values, all they want is to take anything they can from its users. Thus you can argue that, the real innovator here is mihoyo, they try to do the right things.

  13. Adding harder content? I agree

    But i think GI needs content that require more than 2 teams, i have 3 teams built on my second account (4 w a few changes)

    On my main account i built 20 characters, n i need only 8

  14. Honestly, that's a problem only for content creators and try harders. It's more than clear by now that Genshin is carried by character collectors and story enjoyers and that's it

  15. Dude your completely clowning yourself. Ofc you find abyss easy when you use c6 r5 5 stars your take is immediately invalid. People clearly still find abyss challenging thats why guides, abyss strategies and theory crafting are still so prevalent in the community as people want to optimally build their characters and perfect their rotations to give them the best shot at 36 starring. Abyss has consistently been getting harder with the exception of the last two cycles. Please just dont bring up game difficulty when the game just doesnt scale with multiple 5 star cons


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