Noone Cares About YOUR Artifacts | Genshin Impact

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48 thoughts on “Noone Cares About YOUR Artifacts | Genshin Impact”

  1. Dang, appreciated hearing this, especially "you don't need a 5* weapon" cause I was having a mini moment today considering c1 yelan, weapon vs other chars. it's great to see you doing genshin content again and your realness is valued!

  2. I don't think this is totally true, otherwise there wouldn't exist sites that rank your stats compared to other sweaty tryhards, or account review / flex compilation videos that get plenty of views.
    Seeing some crazy 50 CV piece is spectacle, just like if you saw a neon purple Lambo pull up to your local grocery store you would probably turn your head to look, right?
    What people don't care about is the owner specifically owning that artifact, just like I don't give a rat's who the owner of that Lambo is or how they got it. I'm just checking out the Lambo itself.

  3. I think the hardest part in Genshin is understanding you should not care about your own artifacts either or building units in general beyond "barely playable" levels and resist the temptation to excessively grind, especially for an already strong unit.

    Honestly it's difficult to do that and requires quite a lot of self control. My newest personal strategy is to roll a die to decide which account I play on to avoid caring about any particular one of them or the progress I make. It's not like there is an endgame to need progress in the first place and if you focus on "this is my main/only account, I want it to be the best", you've already lost and won't enjoy the game even half as much.

    It surprising how little grind you need if you target talent 6, level 80 and "correct main stat" only and it's enough to enjoy most characters. Compared to that if you want to fully raise a unit, you will see a resin cost measured in months of daily grind.

  4. Most ppl with bad artifact sets tend yo be new and just using what they have. We all were there buy, yeah you'll have the ppl playing since launch craping on ppl who don't have 30cv on every piece

  5. Nothing wrong with flexing your builds that you've put a lot of time and resin into and are proud of. Just don't put down other people who don't have such a strong build, or respond to someone else posting their builds with a sense of superiority that yours is better.

  6. i remember being like ar 38 one month into the game and being really proud of my fischl build and some random told me their klee does 50k with a hold of her e like i didnt fucking ask bruh 💀

  7. Wait…Valk….What do you mean people actually don't give a damn about what I have?? Have you not seen how they react?!!!?!! Of course they care about it….Ill have you know that I take great pride in my characters artifacts, it took me long and hard to grind them up you know!!

  8. tbh i just do +20 and try for the artifacts to not be absolute garbage, sometimes that's unavoidable and at those times i can't be arsed to fix

    really my bottleneck is artifact xp so i'm not too picky with what i get, if it works it works, especially for supports, some of my supports have horrible builds that work because they don't require hyperinvesting

  9. Given that building artifacts is pure RNG and not skill based, it's pretty cringe when people put down others.

    Of course, since it could take several months of grinding the same domain to get lucky, I can totally see why people would take pride in their artifact sets. Not to mention, grinding artifacts is the only real endgame that Genshin has (and may ever have).

  10. people be talking down on other people's artifacts? yeah, gimme a sec 🤮🤮
    all I ever wanted is not to regrind the exact same piece (5-star, same set, same set piece, and main stat) just for a chance of better secondary stats. other than that, I don't really care how people build their characters
    nice bonus would be lumping all element damage bonuses on goblet to be elemental damage bonus, but mostly the point I mentioned above, plus presets
    not gonna lie, every special stream I hope this would be implemented, only to not be mentioned, and the cycle or hopium continues 😭😭

  11. It's crazy that you mention this because I remember months ago, and its probably still happening, where people would flex their good piece and ask "is this good?" And I'm just sitting there like…."are u seriously asking this right now?" Like you're just flexing at this point lol like it's not a genuine question.

  12. Tbh I have a lot of good artifacts but I don’t care about them. It’s all RNG and takes 0 skill to get. Maybe they can try to flex something that actually takes skill.

  13. This might come off as a little ranty, but here we go. My only issue with the whole "Artifact flexing" is when people start making ridiculous claims how "X character/build is bad if it doesn't have x stats". I've literally seen the take that if you are running Alhaitham with his signature weapon that you have to get 80-95% crit rate before you start focusing on crit damage.

    Like my dude, not only is getting that much crit rate on any character completely useless, In order to get a character that not only doesn't ascend with crit rate but also doesn't have crit rate on their weapon to crit rate values that high, you have to farm artifacts until every single piece has a value of 13-15% Crit rate. I shouldn't have to delve further into how no character in this game needs a crit rate value that ridiculously high, not to mention how it would deteriorate your sanity farming artifact domains to try to obtain those stats.

    I've honestly never seen a game that is more casual than Genshin, especially one that has literally no competitive endgame, focus as hard as some of the Genshin community does around it's one, singular endgame mode that can be completed with minimal artifact investment while watching netflix on a second monitor. There are actual gacha games with a actual focus on competitive endgame that don't go as hard as some Genshin players do over a casual, open world single player adventure game.

  14. Explains why people keep on dying on co-op domains at first. lol They should care on either learning or teaching others in a better light, and avoid being cringey or toxic for a healthier community.

  15. When I was asking for advice for my hu tao build and asking "What should I focus on" people pointed out my crit ratio (it was 40/160 I think) and recommended some genuinely good advice but then there was others that are saying stuff like "That hu tao sucks" No crap sherlock I am asking for advice because of that

  16. I agree! No one cares about my artifacts.. including me!
    I stop caring back when Eula was first released. I grinded her domain so hard to get barely any increase in damage (over 5 months) and finally realized that it was a huge waste of time. Now when new artifact domains are added I "may" get a set of it with sub par stats to put on someone but that is it. Maybe about a weeks worth of resin is all I will put into a domain, so most of my characters are living on "hand me downs" or copium artifacts at best. I can still 36 star abyss when I want too, but I usually just run through one time and take whatever I got on that first run, someone dies oh well, 33 stars it is.

    Anyway good video! Artifacts are not worth stressing over IMO.

  17. Hoyo doesn’t even give a shit bout your artifacts which is why the most they do that even resembles stat rerolling is the strong box.

    I never understand why so many people are adamant on talking about cracked weapon banners either when those weapons are absolutely worthless when outside if abyss they’ll never get any significant value.

    Cons, artifacts, weapons hell even characters are downright worthless in this game cuz mini games is the only thing hoyo cares about so I don’t understand why people gotta fkex

  18. I never really cared about my builds until I attempted Spiral Abyss floors 9-12 for the first time 2 years ago and saw you need almost decent artifacts to clear it time-wise.

  19. Tbh, it's not just artifacts, but most of the time, dmg numbers too IMO…Like, I literally don't care if your character can deal a couple of x00k dmg with copious amount of buffs than mine. In the end, it just translates to a couple of seconds of faster clear time in spiral abyss since even bosses in spiral abyss only have 1-2M HP and you have full 1.5-ish minute to clear it. It's fine if seeing big pp dmg is your passion and what your end goal of this game is, but there's really no need to rub it on other ppl's faces esp if they didn't ask for it bcs no one really cares…*shrug*

  20. sometimes i get lucky sometimes not, when i get the main stat with energy recharge, crit dmg, and crit rate im not farming anymore unless i need copies. it is enough to 33-36 star abyss for me anyways. so i don't feel the need to farm. i usually don't got much time and dump my resin into fragile resin to do talent boss or world bosses

  21. Ngl it doesn’t really matter how good your builds are in a certain level, if you at least have a few good main stats and high level then your set,
    I have a team with level 70 wanderer, level 60 rosaria level 60 venti and level 70 xinqou and it’s working fine it’s soloing sumeru with ok artifacts

  22. Another reason to point out also is the fact that having good artifacts is entirely RNG based. Nobody is going to be impressed that you got lucky, farmed 24/7, or spent a ton buying resin. And yes I do agree that because this is a single player game, nothing matters except for having fun. Just the thought of it not only being an easy game, but a single player game at that, makes caring about meta all the more useless. For example, I myself have all the best units in the game. I have a C2 Raiden. I have grinded countless of times and have good stats on all of my characters. But I stopped playing the game a while ago because I had no one to play it with and felt lonely.

  23. I started a new account so I can do the coop achievement without actually doing coop (yeah I'm making Genshin even more single player than it already is). And I found out from this new account, I can breeze through pretty much everything just by prioritizing levelling the character, weapon and talent levels since little RNG is involved and you can start farming those materials pretty early. And just use the right party composition, and only farm the artifact sets suitable for the chars' role until you get the right main stats. the substats literally do not matter at all so there is no need to min/max. I was lucky to get Raiden and Nahida by winning 50/50 and they are killing everything with artifacts with all flat substats and def/hp substats.
    Right now, all events, and I mean ALL events, do not need strong characters at all. Look at the combat events nowadays, I just need to use the trial characters they provide and I can get all the rewards. There isn't even a need to build any characters myself. They have really turned this into such a casual game that there is no such thing as meta.
    What about Spiral Abyss? there is no coop for Spiral Abyss, so I haven't touched it at all in this alt account, and I'm not getting excessive anxiety or FOMO.

  24. Even better is when CV Andys put down someone's artifact just bcz it has for example sub 30 CV but maybe 100 EM or some other useful substats. I have seen this a lot especially on reddit. Being both wrong and rude with advice for no apparent reason. Even if they are right it's not nice, but these are mostly wrong LOL

  25. Emblem domain beats everything. For the last year it's all I farm and if I want anything else strongbox from crappy emblem pieces. It's that easy. My nahida rocking shim and WT and kills everything way too quick to ever need deepwood. The only characters with non Emblem, Shim, Glad or WT pieces are who I farmed for before 2.0

  26. Sometimes people forget that Genshin is a gacha game that revolves around collecting characters and weapons. Artifacts are just accessories you put in your character to make them useful or pretty. Artifact values are just a byproduct of luck and luck alone.


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