Genshin Impact Noelle! – ‘Alternative Outfits’ on – The super cute Genshin Impact Earth Waifu! Noelle from Genshin Impact is the 3rd of our Genshin Impact fanart trio in the clean anime style! #Noelle #Maid #genshinimpact


Outro Song: By The Fantastic Raquel Lily!
with Bass By


32 thoughts on “NOELLE GENSHIN IMPACT – HAPPY NEW YEAR! – Draw With Mikey 147”

  1. Tutorials Reference Pack on

    The Art-Youtube Equipment I use (seeing as a lot have been asking!)

    Figure Drawing Book USA:

    Huion Kamvas 22 Plus Tablet USA:

    Webcam USA:

    Microphone USA:

    Figure Drawing Book UK:

    Huion Kamvas Pro 22 Tablet UK:

    Webcam UK:

    Microphone UK:

  2. Hey there Mikey, I've always had a love for drawing and anime and manga, i grew up with Naruto and pokemon so it only influenced my love more. but growing up i dealt with alot of self confidence and school issues so i wasn't able to grow as much as i'd like as a teen. last year in the last few months i decided i wanted to further my skills and hopefully go to art school to finally achieve my dream of drawing manga and comics and i found your channel. your tutorial and art videos really helped me improve more than i could have ever thought and i know i still have a long way to go but i just wanted to thank you for your spicy artwork and tutorials. they're amazing and i still love waking up early with coffee to watch the DWM's.

    also, i wanted to recommend to you of Tales of Vesperia. its one of my childhood games and i still deeply love it today. there aren't that many waifus but the few that are there are very good waifu material. plus the story and characters is heavily narrative driven and i think that its a game you'd really like! anyways, hope your tea stays as hot as your artwork! 😉

  3. Hey Mikey!
    I just got into drawing figures in an anime art style in mid January as I've never been that good at them and some of my friends have been asking for spicy fanart for their favorite waifus so I decided to pick up figure drawing to help the boys out 😛 Anyway, I've been watching a lot of different tutorials and have been getting overwhelmed with the amount of information and I don't really know where to start and what to focus on first. I've been trying to just focus on getting the anatomy correct but I keep going to different parts of the figure like the hair, clothes, etc. Any tips on what to focus on first? Thank you and have a great day! The Witch of Greed gives her best 🙂

  4. Hey Mikey! (god i hope he reads this) I will admit I did come for the boobs and definetly stayed for the drawings. You really have gotten me back into the groove of drawing after dealing with years of bumps in the road, mental health issues and a recent tragedy I suffered. through all of that I was able to get back on my feet and reinvest my time into art and its all thanks to you and your friendly demeanor as a youtube artist. you are truly a blessing to this channel even if Youtube doesnt want to acknowledge you and please please PLEASE keep doing what youre doing dude! love ya also any tips for being a youtuber? im trying to get started myself

  5. Ohiyo Mikey-San! May I suggest that you try using Procreate!? It allows you to do frame by frame animation and I think you would be really good at that and probably be able to make some more “alive” Waifu’s lol Anyways trying to keep it short: Cheers mate, stay safe from C19! Need to keep as many people like you that we can 🙂 Make the world better doing something that you love. Reminds me of Macklemore: “Do something that you love. do it everyday. do that, for the rest of your life, and eventually the world will change” peace bro!

  6. I'm currently working on my favourite Genshin waifu…Barbara. Clean anime style inspired by my man.

    P.S does your patreon tutorials go into how the heck to color and how to pick color pallets?

  7. Hay Mikey, been watching your vids for a while, top notch stuff. If you're willing to give an old western a chance, the best one I've seen is The Big Country. It just became free on youtube movies. The writing is mature and timeless. The cinematography and acting is excellent, even by todays standards. It says a few important things about what it does and doesn't mean to be a man.

  8. Is there something wrong with my head? I feel like I can't make one good piece of art no more. I get stuck all the time trying to fix something that ain't wrong. 0 progress in 3 months, just been sipping coffee & wondering bout life. God your videos help. I sleep, eat & live with/alongside your soothing voice on DWM.
    "Someone fix my head I'm willing to pay" – Vinnie

  9. Hello o-o I have a question do you listen anything in the backround when you work? Idk if you limited to only drawing stuff or not but here's a suggestion for you to watch : Jon bellions making of videos.
    He makes music and his "making of " videos never fail to fill me with creativity just like dwm! You should definitely check out glory sound prep!

  10. Noelle is pretty much underapreciated, but can be extreamly strong, 20~30k Auto AOE hits are pretty usefull in Abyss.
    The story by now got much better and is getting better by day, so, may be you get back into it and there is also more great wifeus into the game now. @mikemegamega

  11. Im trying to Draw almost every day, since i always enjoyed it and i want to get good enough to make enough money to make living out of it (with my physical its in a way my only option). But i started watching u beacuse i enjoy drawing already and i see u as someone who i want to learn from.

  12. 10:44 free to play players keep whoever they have the most gear on, which is almost always the starters.
    22:50 not sure if this is who your thinking of but Zheng Yi Sao, also know as Ching Shih, was a Chinese pirate who easily defeated the Chinese emperor's fleet and captured 63 ships "persuading" most of the crew to join her forces. she had a system of justice within her fleet and the punishment for raping a woman was death. by 1810 she commanded a fleet of roughly 1 800 ships with 80 000 crewmen women and children. she had laws and punishments as well as a group loot fund which made up 80% of all the loot captured by her fleet. captured men were forced to join and captured women were released if they where considered ugly and were marriable if the were attractive. However, if a man married a woman he would have to be faithful to that woman unless he wanted to be beheaded. she humiliated the Chinese empyreal navy on so many occasions that the Chinese emperor at the time eventually gave up trying to stop her, even after getting help from western colonial powers (namely the British navy). she died having amassed an unimaginable fortune and tremendous fame as well as having earned an official title and the respect of the Qing establishment (the governing body of China at the time). she formed a coalition of all the local pirate fleets known as the "Red Flag" and ended her days a member of the Qing aristocracy. she personally negotiated a peace treat with the Chinese emperor which let the vast majority of the pirates walk free and let the fleet keep all their loot. the admiral of the armada first sent to face Ching's fleet was so afraid of her that he killed himself rather than be captured. after the peace was established Ching was granted a noble title nd retired from piracy at the age of 35, opening a gambling house in Guangzhou which she managed until her death in 1844 at the age of 69 (nice).


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