#ToTheWise #FullStory #Nilou #StoryQuest #LotosSomnoChapter
This is the full story version of Version 3.1 Story Quest for Nilou titled “To The Wise” a.k.a. “Lotos Somno Chapter” recorded in HD quality. Traveler and Paimon meet up with Nilou once again in the Grand Bazaar while looking for goods and you end up going with her back to the Zubayr theater. After discovering that the place is under threat of demolition, you help Nilou win against the Akademiya scholars in a debate.
TAGS: To The Wise, Full Story, Complete, HD Quality, Lotos Somno Chapter, Nilou, Story Quest, Sumeru, Version 3.1, Noxxis Genshin, Noxxis Gaming, Genshin Impact
Serve you right, Paimon
48:04 "They need to touch more grass not books" – Absolutely based gigachad hushang
01:51-This….Only THIS one time when I just can't HATE how Paimon asked for money!
14:29 Aether look so cool with that flower wreath.
1:32:38 "This story you and me. It's a tale that I'll never, ever forget"
Nilou must secretly likes the traveler
25:37 You lay a finger on Zubyar theater I will destroy the Akademiya
48:04 my reaction to redditor, discord mods, and twitter users.
1:29:31 Sharif & Inayah cutscene
The debate reminds me of danganronpa trials am I right?🤨
Sadly im really want ending this quest hoyo gives more spectacural scene not just nilo lonely dance need more dancers and even attractions makes me whoaaa 😮 excited
Where’s Yanfei when you need her?
20:01 that guy sounds like baizhu Lol
1:26:00 after i set the timer for 2 days later, it still doesnt show up, is my quest bugged?