NILOU GUIDE & REVIEW: How to Play, Best BLOOM & NON-BLOOM Builds, Team Comps | Genshin Impact 3.1

Nilou is the new Hydro 5-star limited character of Genshin Impact 3.1 in the Sumeru region. Nilou specializes in Bloom Dendro reactions as a niche unit that enables Bountiful Cores. This Nilou review and build guide goes in-depth about Nilou’s talents and mechanics, and best builds and teams for Bloom reactions and Non-Bloom reactions such as Vaporize, Freeze, and more. To find out Nilou’s best artifact builds and weapons, be sure to watch the full video. #GenshinImpact #Nilou #Sumeru

Dendro Reactions & Teams:
Aggravate Keqing Guide:
Hyperbloom Raiden Guide:

0:00 Nilou Guide Intro
0:28 Kit & Talents – Skill
3:27 Burst
4:03 Passives
5:21 Talent Priority
5:28 Constellations
6:56 Artifact Build Bloom
9:06 Artifact Build Hydro DPS / Non-Bloom
10:41 Best Weapons – F2P to 5-star
13:52 Team Comps Bloom
16:35 Team Comps Non-Bloom (Freeze, Vape, etc.)
18:03 Review – How Good is Nilou?

Edited by Halevy! Check him out at
Thanks to Migo for the input! Check him out at

Thanks for watching! I’m a female Filipino Genshin Impact YouTuber and Content Creator who makes guides and gameplay vids. I really appreciate your support 😀

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Nilou Theme Music Extended tnbee mix
Nilou Teaser OST Extended tnbee mix
Tighnari Teaser OST Extended

Sumeru Desert Battle Theme – Genshin Impact OST


34 thoughts on “NILOU GUIDE & REVIEW: How to Play, Best BLOOM & NON-BLOOM Builds, Team Comps | Genshin Impact 3.1”

  1. Aside from Kokomi and Barbara as steady hydro healers, we still have the Proto-Amber Mona.

    With high ER and a 5-star heal circlet, Mona's burst can: 1)pin the enemies, 2)buff the bloom dmg with her Omen, and 3) apply first-aid heal that scales to the active character's max HP. All of these happening with consistency if you can manage to pull-off her burst frequently.

    Mona can use either a heal+ER set bonuses or the 4pc. Deepwood for the dendro res shred. Mona's Phantoms not only taunt the enemies but it ticks hydro dmg rather fast, so stacking some EM would be nice too if the hits do make Dendro Cores.

    Now if only Bloom damage is included in Mona's C1 info…..

  2. I'm here how to get my bloom reach 30k.. I'm still on 16k-21k dmg, but I guess I didn't have her weapon and mine only have 40k-43k hp. Guess back to farming HP artifacts.

  3. Meh, guess I will be pulling on the Albedo banner. Only because I need those sweet sweet Beiduo cons👍🏾👍🏾
    On another note
    The worst part of Sumaru is there is no way to continue quests that take you under ground. I play on mobile and fell asleep playing "Golden Slumber, Lost in the Sands" quest. I have no clue how to restart or get back. I think I will forever have this uncompleted quest. Every time I see that little red notification I get triggered 🤣

  4. I got her AND my very first "character weapon", 4th 5 star weapon ever.
    Today I'm going to grind for the ascension mats for her weapon.
    She's already quite strong, though really any party that can make use of Kokomi (which I have) is already strong.

  5. I want her because she is so pretty, but realizing from this video that I couldn't play my other favorite characters with her makes me sad. I'll wait for her return and save for future characters.

  6. I have liked her style/ aesthetic since day one! I want to pull for her just because I like her and I am guaranteed the 50/50 since I lost last one but my urge to pull for stronger units consumes me…..I am F2P.

  7. What I like about Sevy is she lacks this (now irrelevant) arrogance of how these characters will perform in Abyss. She plainly tells you what the character does, what they're capable of, what's best for them and what isn't.

  8. I like the every other rotation amounts of er from the latter because i definitely don’t like playing into having to much er for certain teams thanks sevy for that extra piece of info 💪🏿💪🏿

  9. I feel like people who will say to not to pull for her and that she is a bad character are usually Meta players, i play for fun, and I got her in a single 10 pull, and I love her! I already have her at level 80 due to prefarming and she is truly a fun character to play

  10. Thanks for the guide Sevy! I was just spinning on weapons banner for Xiphos Moonlight but I got the Key and no Xiphos adding to that, I am also guaranteed in limited banner so this was really nice


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