Nilou English and Japanese Voice Actor In-Game Gameplay (Genshin Impact)

Nilou English and Japanese Voice Actor In-Game Gameplay (Genshin Impact)

In this video we have comparison between English and Japanese Voice Actor for Nilou for Genshin Impact Version 3.1

– Idle Animations
– Auto Attack
– Elemental Skill
– Elemental Burst

Enjoy! 🙂


22 thoughts on “Nilou English and Japanese Voice Actor In-Game Gameplay (Genshin Impact)”

  1. lately i've been liking the EN voice actors more than the japanese ones. I'm not saying the JP ones are bad, i rlly like the JP voice actor of Nilou but it doesn't rlly match her imo. I love how Nilou's EN actor sounds so calm even during battle and I rlly love the "All eyes on me!" part

  2. Gosh! I want her because she reminded me so much of Morgianna (in Magi, my fave anime), but sadly i wont be having that much primos after the first phase and probably have to skip her this time.

  3. It's a good cast for her jp actually. The director obviously knows what to do rather than these westerners who can't even differentiate female child voice and can only judge a character's voice just by appearance.

    Even when Nahida first came on that one summer event, most of them got confused with her english voice. They said it was xiangling's va, sayu, kokomi or even Klee etc. If good why confused? all sounded the same isn't it?

    As usual, EN can't read & can't hear 👍🏻

  4. Hoyoverse should have left Qiqi’s VA stick to her character and let Nilou’s VA do Nahida instead. I can’t stand her Loli voice!
    BTW English is awesome! But tbh they should let Laura stick to Xinyan and let Nilou’s VA do Barbara instead because her voice fits that more.

    Now idk who to voice Nilou😕

  5. i cant help but compare her english voice to barbara, but i do like her fighting voicelines
    the jp one is fine, it says in game she's a little absent-minded or an airhead and it fits that (i mean, that's all we know of her so far until she releases)


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