In this video, MrPokke watches the livestream for Genshin Impact version 5.4, including the introduction of Mizuki and Furina rerun.
00:00 Version trailer
06:01 Yumemizuki Mizuki
15:13 5.4 Banners
18:07 Events
32:45 System optimizations
Waifu Merch and 0 Calorie Energy Drinks | ‘POKKE’ 10% off at Gamer Supps
Official and Fan Made Hoyoverse Merch | ‘POKKE’ 10% off Genshin Go
NCS Jazz Background
Monster Hunter Pokke Village Theme 1 hour
I’m a Singaporean content creator who makes guides and gameplays for Honkai: Star Rail and various other games 🙂 Thanks for all the support, it really means a lot!
#genshinimpact #hoyocreators #mizuki
theyre turning goony lmao
Biggest Skip and filler patch lmao
Best Filler Patch ever, fun and relaxing 😌😇 and also lore about Chiyo
9:21 Genshin Devs calling out the haters 😂
23:41 the reason why you're here for
How odd she went from super spy in wuwa and now to clinical psychology in genshin
welcome mizuki to the upcoming free standard selector
Instead of Releasing The Strongest Fatui Capitano, bro just release some Random Character that appear out of Nowhere….
Seems like a chill patch. With pretyy fun events. Hopefully that tower is a test for new endgame too. And mizuiki is cute at
gal of the year
23:41 welcome to zzz
baby game as always
Another p2w exploration character lmao, her design is great though
One of the Mickey Mouse games of all time.
Thats what we want from pokke,asmr.
truth is Garbage of the year.
This update and ZZZ's is better than Wuwa disastrous 2.0 update
Plan B. jav impact
Actually pretty fucking decent❤
get some grass
actually such a good point, why use premium wishes for her if she is just gonna be a standard banner character
man, this update SUCKS
Slorpglorpin by the rank 1 Hoyoshill 😂
wuwa so dry in content kurobots flock to genshin videos to pass the time
Hoyodogs seem mad that wuwa is still better than genshit
Wuwa rinascita >>> genshit disastrous fontaine
"Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community."
PSA of the decade for everyone in this game's community. Your psyche matters, think more around it.
I will pull mizuki C6 let's goo
a chill patch where u can save primo easily for the next big thing (skirk)
Dogshit patch, why do people bother playing genshin over hsr 3.0
Why does this vid suddenly have significant dislikes? It's not like Pokke is overreacting in this one
Dry ah patch
5 years in, and still nothing with these:
1. artifact loadouts (WUWA is about to release echo loadouts)
2. skip buttons for dialogue scenes (ZZZ & WUWA have this)
3. access to buy previous 4* event weapons (HSR has this)
4. double artifact drops event (not just double leyline and double talent books drops event) (HSR, ZZZ & WUWA have this)
5. be able to claim weekly boss drops 3x a week from the same weekly boss of our choice_ (WUWA & HSR have this)
6. inter-conversion of weekly boss drops into another drop of a different boss (Example: 1 Dvalin drop + 1 Boreas drop = 1 Arlecchino drop) (HSR has this)
7. conversion of excess overworld boss drops into other overworld boss drops (HSR has this)
8. daily respawn of overworld level-up mats (WUWA has this)
9. resin reserve overflow system (ZZZ, WUWA & HSR have this)
10. remove day-specific availability of artifact, weapon mats & talent books domains (HSR & WUWA have done this)
11. Katheryne tab so we don’t have to go to her physically to claim commission rewards every single day (WUWA & HSR have this)
12. fix layout of Teapot furniture buying list. it’s vertically sooooo long.
13. increase Teapot load more
14. better system rotation of rerun banners
15. portable crafting bench so we can craft condensed resin or anything anywhere (HSR & WUWA have this)
There are more. but these are the most important for me.
If you’re a Genshill, don’t even start. You are a big reason Genshin is outdated.