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21 thoughts on “NEW RE-RUN BANNERS CHANGES!+ DOMAIN NEWS & 2.5 SNAKE BAR! | Genshin Impact”

  1. Triple rerun makes sense. Probably Yae & Raiden same way we have Shenhe & Xiao. Then just like Zhongli & Ganyu. It could be Kazuha & Kokomi. Yoimiya & Ayaka will probably show up in 2.6 in early April when Ayato comes.

  2. I regret listening to the meta zombies and letting Kokomi go. So I'm down for a re-run. I have both Kazuha and Raiden soo… it would be an easy pick for me. The rest is more dubious than usual. We shall see.

  3. Pls.. I hope kokomi wont be pair with raiden's banner. I want to pull for engulfing lightning. Having it pair with moonglow is a death threat for me

  4. 2.5 abyss 11th floor has 30% heating bonus and 60% electro dmg bonus, considering that mihoyo changes the buffs to be best conditions for the current banners characters (geo dmg bonus and phys dmg bonus in 2.3 for itto) we should expect a kokomi / raiden or just yae or both in 2.5

  5. Hi, could we get an update on whether they might make it easier to get standard banner characters in the next video? Namely starter characters since they are extremely hard to get. I'm saving my standard fates until I know whether they're going to make it easier to get standard banner characters or not.

  6. Wait….wat…pls say it's true…. YAE + NO KAZUHA ? Hell yeah ! I can't get both of em if they were in the same patch…..

    Already Skipping Papa Zhong the 3rd time for Yae, I can't suffer not being able to pull Kazuha along with it.

  7. I do not think Collei will be playable. I wish that she will be heavily involved with the sumeru story, but as a npc. Her newfound strength comes from her will to help people, and not from a vision. The archon residue inside her wont work well with a vision. In the manga, Collei hates the archons and wanted to have nothing to do with them. She accepted that she was neglected by the archons. So it wont make any sense for collei to receive a vision. The archon residue in her has also been sealed. Cyno said that if the archon residue ever came out again, collei will die.


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