Genshin Impact Boosters-
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Pride Before the Fall from the YouTube Audio Library
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#GenshinImpact #Cyberknight
Me logging off genshin.
Sees this video.
4:04 Zhongli
Nice video
I stopped genshin a few months ago. Story should have more missions, now it’s just grinding everyday to get a few items ….
If your going to be playing Genshin, just a heads up. If your going to be free to play, be patient and /or lucky. In game currency is hard to come by, and content can be difficult. But if your pay to win, you’ll have nothing to worry about.
I would love to use them as tokens.
Will you do Wixoss when it comes out in English In November?
I really enjoyed this. Hope you get that genshin sponsor bro.
How would you play the card game version of this?
I thought you had a klee playmat……you play the game too??
get some more #CyberKnightarmy
I volunteer Cyberknight as VA in a Genshin Impact character
Who is top tier Husbando?
The horror the gacha craze has leaked into the real world. Must resist impulse spending
Definitely do more of these openings, was fun to watch!
Cards look nice
That’s awesome!!!
when are you gonna tell us about that duel terminal?
I will go and cry in a corner… Playing this Game since day 1 every day so comming up too 11 months I still don't have Diluc my favorite charakter in the Game 😭
Aw I want the qiqi card lol
Lumine is athurs sister 😍👌
And the ather was shongli
those are look pretty cool as collectibles
when the trading card pul rates are better than the actual game…
in all seriousness surprised these are just trading cards and not some tcg or a licensed set for one of bushiroads several multicrossover games
5:15 emergency food
its so wierd hearing him pronounce these names wrong like QiQi is actually Chi-Chi not keke lol
This was so cool. I would like to see more genshin card openings.
Keqing is my main
What in the world. 🤔 Interesting. I'm a genshin player myself, didn't see this one coming though.
Omg i need these cards! Great video and thanks for showing me Genshin Impact got cards.
CyberKnight pulls 2nd Razor and Zhongli
Me: "C1 Razor and Zhongli is hype!"
Qiqi is pronounced as Chi-chi. basically all Q u see are chi and X is a shi. so example Xinyan is Shin-yan.
I thought my accounts suddenly subscribe to random channel then i just Realize it's Cyberknight…
Very dissapointed in the names they put on the cards. Also, its a chinese game. Not japanese.
Even in the TCG Mona is hard to pull. lol
CyberKnight,Diluc is your favorite 5 star? I wish i had him,his character is so amazing. I am playing Genshin Impact with Japanese voices,so lemme tell you something cool about Diluc. Diluc's Japanese voice actor is Kensho Ono,who voiced Yuya Sakaki,protagonist of YuGiOh Arc-V and many great roles. Oh,yeah,i forgot to tell you that Razor's Japanese voice actor is Kouki Uchiyama,who voiced Kite or Kaito if you prefer Japanese name,in Yugioh ZEXAL. Also,Dainself's Japanese voice is Kaiba.
Hope they release in English
What's your Genshin username 😁
Guess I will collect genshin impact cards from now on lol
I know you don't play this game because your forgot Zhongli's name.
Dude this was awesome!! Thanks!
Average Genshin Enjoyer: uses trading cards as character catalysts
Main waifu is kequing for me 🤣🤣
My 1st 10 pull was a venti then my 2nd 5 star was qiqi
Interesting to see Genshin in card form. The cards look very high quality though!