New Fontaine Info Reveals Yet Another BIG Problem (Genshin Impact)

Bertrand from Core of the Apparatus Event reveals more information and a brand new major problem in Fontaine. I hope you enjoy the video 😀

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33 thoughts on “New Fontaine Info Reveals Yet Another BIG Problem (Genshin Impact)”

  1. every nation has internal problems except liyue
    you have slavery on one side and tyranny and corruption on the other but nothing bad ever happens to liyue
    it's only ever paranormal shit or nature (old gods) just like CCP playbook
    there's never any problems with their own government or people

    even dead archon was played as no biggie

    it's so obvious they're afraid of CN player backlash if they display liyue with any taint lol

  2. I just hope there is no quest in fountain to force us to do maintenance or overhaul the energy produced machine because they to lazy to do it.seriously in teyvat we are more like slave workers than traveler 😅

  3. In this quest, when you have to collect materials in the second phase you have to collect either hydro, pyro or electro energy. This makes very much sense actually, as pyro and hydro vapourise and water vapour = Steam = power source for machines. Secondly we have hydro and electro and that electro charges the water to give continued energy (they talked about that thought process in the latest dendro video as well). That's another way to power machines and both use hydro. Just as some sort of confirmation as to why Fontaine is the nation of technological progress.

  4. I get the feeling that in the Fontaine archon quest, the problem would be that Fontaine's source of energy has become weaker? And the Abyss and/or Fatui are behind it, like how pollution is causing problems for water in the real world.

  5. I love and also am kinda sad as a French that for what we know of Fontaine and its people seem to be almost too accurate with real France. From what we saw in Xavier's quest I bet Fontaine runs with some sort of nuclear energy, because it has a really good ratio and France is also known to rely to nuclear a lot and this quest can may be an echo to some nuclear crisis that happened to Japan

  6. “Guilty/Non-guilty” “heaven/hell”
    Im pretty sure the guy mentioned something about being a criminal when you meet him, so it makes sense.

  7. Imagine if Fontaine survived by using hydropower to power their city, but someone else has been diverting the energy flow, or the water is drying up or something, or the old magical systems put in place to help coordinate the flow are breaking down and now the area is in an energy crisis because of that?

  8. Okay so now we know the national problem we will have to deal with after arriving in Fontaine just to not get an answer on any of our questions by the hydro archon at the end…
    Can't wait for it!

  9. It can either be they are having energy problem because their technological devices are consuming too much energy or because they are having energy problem they created advanced machines
    If the energy is coming from gnosis but not enough, then hydro archon may exchange it with fatui to protect the nation. Maybe even fatui was maintaining the main energy of the nation but cut it and put the nation into a hard position
    At the end, i think hydro archon will loose her gnosis because of this energy problem

  10. You should make a playlist where you feature all your videos narrated by Lunime, tbh your idea of getting Lunime to narrate certain videos is pretty genius. And entertaining how she roasts her brother

  11. just my guess, Fontaine might be using Oceanids for their power source somehow?
    you'd figure they would make hydroelectric dams to generate as much power as they want, but the oceanids might say otherwise.

  12. Fontaine based on the United States. Why because idk U.S known for tech advancements like internet and their obsession with oil.
    And if Fontaine is running out of energy, then it's like running out of oil.
    (Not going to lie I don't think Fontaine is based on the United States)


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