Genshin impact version 2.7 delay, after we heard several information , we have some interesting information about compensation and banner before version 2.7.
before yelan , kuki shinobu , sumeru release there a lot of free primogems to collect
Yu-Peng Chen · HOYO-MiX · Yu-Peng Chen
Genshin Impact (Original Game Soundtrack)
℗ miHoYo
Released on: 2020-2022
#GenshinImpact #원신 #原神 #Hoyoverse
Devs🙌🏻 I hope they're safe and well ✨
Cmt section talk about caring for dev team or how much fate we get
Then i think why not both care for them and fates?
I just hope those developers don’t starve to death
I really think they should keep some banner at least. Perhaps rerun Ayato banner as lot of people are regretting not getting him. In any case a banner should be there so at least they can earn something to help them in tough times. It wouldn’t take any changes I think to just put a new banner.
They should prioritise their safety and health first. It's okay we all don't need anything in return
Glad the fandom is being respectful 🙏
I don't get why people wanted primogems for thiss delay bro like why tf for what u now just selfish
i just want them to put a keqing banner to fill the gap
it would be pretty funny
OMG, i really hope that diluc will have his own banner
Of course I want primos. But even my primodevouring soul wants devs to be safe and healthy.
Oh wow 12 Interwinded Fates is a lottttt
bro who tf is saying they dont want anything
fuck off
I can't believe lockdowns are still happening even after the COVID-19 vaccines have been released. I hope the people at Mihoyo are safe, that's all that matters.
I can play slowly and hope they are all safe.
No no wee need freebies
I don’t really mind the delay and the compensation wasn’t needed, I’m just glad that I get to have more time to save up and hope the people in Shanghai are doing well.
As a jean main im so happy for the standard banner
I love how during this video they're casually doing one of the hardest Inazuma daily commissions (to me) like it's actually supposed to be done (because for me, the lightning hooks after the third drop off just don't appear 99% of the time, and I'll have to run instead 😭
Tbh i wish they're doing well i would be lying if i say that im not excited to get the freebies lol but the delay has helped me alot i recently got ayato and venti so i was really low on pity and i really want kazuha im at 60 pity rn and still on 50/50 and I saved up 30 wishes from doing events and quest and collecting a bunch of those thing that you can offer to the statue of the seven (i forgot what's it called i havent played in a while i stopped playing at keqing's banner)
I dont wan’t anything just the safety of the developers…. But if they’re giving me those rewards I’d definitely accept it
Hope everyone there stays safe 🙏 ❤
Thank you 😃😃😃😃😃
even if the community is seen as toxic I'm glad we can all agree that the creators can and should prioritize their health first
Okay, honestly freebies are great, but agreeably if I had to choose between freebies or the devs being safe and healthy, I would choose the latter
Knowing my luck, I will pull for Jean and get Diluc instead
Or maybe we'll get nothing. It's more plausible.
I summoned on ayaka banner after I got her and I was so surprised to see I got her again first ten pull out of pity 😭😭 now I'm gonna struggle to get Xiao or Kazuha even with the delay 😭😭 I'm f2p by the way(I wanted Razor)
Why not monaaaaaa
Devs stay safe!
But….. If that thing about reward is true… It's just depressing lol,
At least leave the ayaka banner up!
I still waiting for a Mona ( my brand new Ayaka needs her ) rate up like what happened with Keqing and now probably with Diluc and Jean
Click bait
I don't really care either way, just wanna have more time to farm for more Primogems, besides it's also a good thing they taking a break, I'm very busy at school so I don't have time to do the events and new content the have in game.
Stay safe. The game is already hopeless so at least if the devs are alrighr we might get genshin 2.0 or something in the future that'll be more than 10 minutes of daily gameplay