New Banner and Artifact System in Genshin Impact 5.0

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32 thoughts on “New Banner and Artifact System in Genshin Impact 5.0”

  1. I'm sorry: 100 flipping 5* artifacts for 1 5* artifact that can still have 2 trash substats is still a pretty lousy deal. That's 2000 resin, my dudes. And I'm saying that as someone who almost weekly needs to transform 5* because I keep reaching the cap.

    At this point, I'm more excited for the ability to convert existing artifacts into EXP potions. I don't need more Mora, thank you.

  2. fun fact
    capturing radiance is just an added "animation" to show youve won 50/50 early without you realizing its a fake feature

    the artifact system is a fluke, you can define an artifact and 2 of its substats? nice
    does it prevent you to leveling up the remaining 2 useless stats? nope
    so in the end, hf rolling hp flat and def flat

    also, needing 4 pcs of said elixier to generate one artifact is hella expensive
    also also, baiting/pushing new players to pay for extra elixiers by offering it in the battle pass is just corporate greed and preying on low level accs and players too impatient to farm longer, incentivising them to spend money willingly and most likely repeadetly to pay for that battle pass

  3. The problem with the artifact elixir is that you can only create one artifact from a set of artifacts, once per patch. for a better understanding, you are crafting a flower from the Shimenawa set, you cannot craft anything else from the Shimenawa set.
    that is, one artifact from each set per patch

  4. “Old players should have a lot of 5 star artifacts collecting dust” yes, but all of them are goated with at least 30cv. All the useless artifacts went to strongbox


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