NEW 2.4 Shenhe & Xiao BANNER!! EPIC Upcoming 2.5-2.6 Re-Runs! | Genshin Impact

In This Banner Prediction Video:
1. OFFICIAL 2.3 Live Stream & 1.0-2.2.3 Banner Info
2. New Shenhe & Xiao Predictions
3. 2.5+ Re-Run & New Character Predictions! (NO Leaks!)

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Time Stamp
0:00 Intro
0:10 Guide Overview
1:09 Prediction Official Info & Hints
3.29 Banner Predictions (NO Leaks!)
8:33 Re-Run & New Character Predictions (NO Leaks!)

Useful Videos
Patch 2.4 TOTAL F2P Primogems Report! 16000+ FREE Gems!!
Patch 2.4 IS MASSIVE! Over 10,000+ FREE GEMS Worth Of Rewards!

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39 thoughts on “NEW 2.4 Shenhe & Xiao BANNER!! EPIC Upcoming 2.5-2.6 Re-Runs! | Genshin Impact”

  1. In This Banner Prediction Video:

    1. OFFICIAL 2.3 Live Stream & 1.0-2.2.3 Banner Info

    2. New Shenhe & Xiao Predictions

    3. 2.5+ Re-Run & New Character Predictions! (NO Leaks!)

    Want to show extra support for Matt?

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    Join us on Discord! For a lovely community!

    Time Stamp

    0:00 Intro

    0:10 Guide Overview

    1:09 Prediction Official Info & Hints

    3.29 Banner Predictions (NO Leaks!)

    8:33 Re-Run & New Character Predictions (NO Leaks!)

    Useful Videos

    Patch 2.4 TOTAL F2P Primogems Report! 16000+ FREE Gems!!

    Patch 2.4 IS MASSIVE! Over 10,000+ FREE GEMS Worth Of Rewards!

    *If you would like to support me in my passion to bring a brighter and more informative videos on Genshin Impact to our viewers across the world, and would want to Donate To Support me Financially, please use my Twitch Donation Link!

    *I also have a Patreon Account if you want to support me this way! (Info & Packages to Be Updated For Genshin Impact Very Soon!)

    Our Twitch Live Stream Link:

    Please don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!

  2. I’m crossing my fingers to do the impossible: win 3 50/50s AND get pity early enough to have a C2 Shenhe. If I have leftovers saved, I’ll try to get the 2nd Constellation for my Zhongli so he’ll finally provide a shield for coop.

  3. I'm saving for Miko and maybe you can do videos on C1 of the re-run characters,because most of us are C0 and we want to know which Characters are worth getting 1 Constellation or 2.

  4. With this back to back new characters plus reruns, I think it's time for mihoyo to give us more primos or at least do the same for weapon banners. I know weapon banners are scam, but with this, I hope no one will pull from it so MHY can adapt

  5. 10:39 again 2nd rerun not 3rd…

    The banner reran twice, nothing can be reran on it's first time simply because there wasn't anything to rerun before the first time!

    Childe had 2 rerun + his 1st banner
    Zhongli's about to have his 2nd rerun and he had his 1st banner

    Childe- released at V1.1
    Had his 1st rerun at V1.4
    And had his 2nd rerun at V2.2

    Zhongli- released at V1.1
    Had his 1st rerun at V1.5
    And will have his 2nd rerun at V2.4

    Overall 2 reruns, 1st banner doesn't count as a RE RUN.

  6. 21 more days, PATIENCE, wait for Zhongli + Ganyu banners. Do not think like a whale, think as a person in charge of economics and monetization in gatchas choose between fish or fisherman 🙂

  7. There is a vetaran leak mentioning the rerun of Raiden+Kazuha in the first half of 2.5 and Yae comes in the second half with or without a rerun character. If that really happen, i will throw a tantrum because i have to skip Kazuha AGAIN for Yae and MHY keeps procastinating the release of Yae. Btw, fingers crossed that the new 4* will be in Yae's banner.

  8. I dont believe this prediction is too acurate too be honest. Heres why:
    Yun Jin is on the banner, so doesnt make a lot of sense to have another 4 star Geo character on the banner as we've been going trough a lot of Geo characters on recent banners (Itto + Gorou , Albedo and Noelle also on 2.3 and Ningguang was on 2.2). Also would make a lot more sense to have Ningguangs skin beeing released on the second part of 2.4 as she would fit on Zhonglis banner much more then Xiao/Shenhes one. Yun Jin suports Basic Attacks and Shenhe buffs Cryo so it could be that we have a Electro character for Superconduct and autoattacks (perfect for Razor). Also Sara has only appeared once on 2.1, would make sense that she returns now and not on Zhongli/Ganyu banner since it wouldnt make sense to have her with those characters.
    I believe that we will have Shenhe/Xiao + Sucrose + Sara/Razor + Chongyun. Ningguang/Beidou sounds really wrong.


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