Neuvillette Vs Childe!! Who is the Best Hydro DPS?? [Genshin Impact]
In this video I am going to be comparing the three best hydro dps childe vs Neuvillette vs ayato
Note:- I tried to make this video as f2p as possible. If some of you don’t have mona, kazuha or jean you can always use barbara, sucrose or rosaria instead.
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Childe 👍🏻
Childe 👍
I like childe playstyle i got him in 4.0 i didn't have any wishes i explored 100% sumeru and fountain just to get him.
All ❤🌚
why is the xiangling in neuvillettes only doing like 3ks?
Yelan with Neuvillette?
He should have used taser for nuvelette his passive isnt utilized well here
I have neuvillet but childe hits different but i dont have childe 😭😭
I am not being rude but certain people will say that Neuvillette is best with triple reactions, this is not a fair comparison,etc & etc…
For your kind information I just did the comparison to showcase all three of them in vape reactions & find out how they performed…
So, don't mind them!!
"whos the best hydro dps" * XIANGLING GO BRRRT*
Bro he is literally saying that he is showing vape damage,
So there is no reason to argue for full potential with teaser team😶..
Just take it easy..
Try to use HP weapon for neuvilette.
Why is Xiangling doing 40 k in Childe and Only 3k in Nuevillete, And also atleast use Taser or Mona/fischl/Kazuha team for Nuevillete
You got qrong rotation with neuvilette
It's a fact that's hard to admit, Childe is still the best
Lol, his kit buffing him if there r 3 more hydro reactions and here u r pairing him with yelan for dmg wise comparison.
Why not use mona instead of yelan, yelan kinda seems pointless
Bro don't know how to build neuv team, smartest childe main😂😂😂
Still Ayato
I love them all~ i've got Ayato and Neuvillete but, i must skip Childe even though he's my fav, need to save my primo for other characters 🥹
you showcased more Kazuha, Xiangling and Yelan…..than the other 3 ..seriously, if you want to compare just 3 characters with each other, then you make a pure comparison only with these 3 characters and you leave all other garbage out that just manipulates the results…because each character may react differently good on getting buffed by EM or ATK, depending on how the characters scale with it….
but when just already the stupid preparations of Kazuha, Xiangling and Yelan take down your targets HP by like 20-30%, before even the characters you want to compare with landed a freaking single hit….
The only correct way to compare them is by doing pure Solo Comparisons.. you start the battle with them alone and you let them do all damage alone from the start to the end and record how much time you needed, that way you can calculate their average DPS and the one which has in the end the highest average DPS value is logically the winner of the comparison and in fact the best Hydro DPS.
But then you wouldnt be able to put all this in just under 2 minutes. the video would be significantly longer ….
even childe isn't in nuke build… he still that strong?
In the end neuvilette and yelan never needed teams , they can do everything solo. I am glad that I won my 50/50 on both chrctrs.
Let's just appreciate how much a lot of time he puts in these awesome videos to make our day, huge respect! 😜 😍
The team wasnt used best for nuevellite he should be used in a hyper carry team with him fischl zhongli and kazuha to utilize his talent to its potential and yelan's burst doesnt work with charged attack so nuevillete had a pretty big disadvantage to me but childe and ayato did do amazing so please dont take this as a hate comment
Neuvillette without vape is already dealing a strong juicy raw Ambatukamehameha damage