Mysterious Place Soundtrack in Genshin Impact | 3.6 OST Leak

Source of Background photo
Sumeru Viewpoints: Gate of Everlasting Mourning



25 thoughts on “Mysterious Place Soundtrack in Genshin Impact | 3.6 OST Leak”

  1. Sumeru Viewpoints : Gate of Everlasting Mourning

    "A grand and majestic gate leading to a world beneath the soil. It is sealed tight as of the present, and the once prosperous kingdom that lay behind the door has also long since turned to rubble."

  2. That music is truly beautiful, it makes me sad yet doesn't make me cry. Looks like something bitter sweet, sad but with a quite good ending (maybe?)

  3. Out of all the Genshin themes, this one feels the most… Lyric? I mean it sounds like an actual song. The leaks say there's one more Sumeru archon quest coming, so imagine if in the finale there's going to be a version of this theme with lyrics? (Copium is real)


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