My Wish Came True? (5 Star Pull) | Genshin Impact | Standard Banner Wishes

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Genshin Impact is a new open world adventure game, that brings in a hero summoning system much like other gacha games. Join us as we explore the world and fight many different enemies and bosses.

Hopefully you enjoy and I’ll see you in the next one.


25 thoughts on “My Wish Came True? (5 Star Pull) | Genshin Impact | Standard Banner Wishes”

  1. This happened to me as well, i got klee on her rerun cuz she is my dream character, then i was near pity on standard so i started wishing and i got Diluc, not only will i not use him because im building 2 pyro characters already including klee, but Diluc is my least favourite character

  2. I only need Mona to finish my standard banner team. Don’t ask me some rituals but 1 of the ritual i saw on internet worked.

    You really want the ritual?
    I got Keqing (aka my first 5 star) by drowning traveller on the Cider Lake (on the right when you start going on the bridge where timmie is).
    And uhm I got Qiqi by doing a random 1x near Beidou ship on my birthday. Good luck πŸ™‚
    (PS don’t try my ritual)

  3. I hit soft pity and no 5 star for me, I will hit 80-90 pulls soon, hope I get any 5 star character that's not Qiqi (and please no more 5 star weapon,a wolf Gravestone is enough) , because she's pretty much a healer to me, TwT


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