My Thoughts on Zhongli Getting 'Nerfed' – Is He Still Worth It Pt. 2 // Genshin Impact

Again, still worth IMO but ive gotten so many comments on my last video about it so here we are.

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42 thoughts on “My Thoughts on Zhongli Getting 'Nerfed' – Is He Still Worth It Pt. 2 // Genshin Impact”

  1. Of course they were gonna nerf shields, from a game experience once you pull zhongli you are protected from anything, no need to keep pulling for more characters, well you were now you have to think of new teams, artifacts, get a couple of healers
    In the end what mhy wants its for you to keep on rolling the gacha, having one single characters that is useful for all meta is bad for their sales

  2. i think that this thing with the new enemies ignoring shield is a scam so people dont pull for zhongli, then mihoyo adds new enemies that u cant fight with without a shield and rerun zhongli AGAIN. so if people saved up for this rerun and they think zhongli s now useless they re going to spend their fates on other characters, then mihoyo pops new enemies and zhongli rerun and makes money

  3. im sorry but i have developed zoomer hands over time of playing genshin and getting a zhongli just seems like a dps loss at this point, you can use other buffers, healers or other units which do significantly higher dmg and zhongli no longer seems like a must pull unless you have a dps that can easily get interrupted

  4. I will get myself a dedicated healer after Zhongli this will help with the corrosion and such, and zhongli's shield would be for helping me with the knockback in the spyrall abyss its really very hard to dodge on mobile so a shielder is a must for me at least. Hope I win my 50/50.

  5. I always play with healers in party and i never used a geo or a shielder character…for me pulling for zhongli is a total new way to play the game…i can always put him with my kokomi and all the problems are solved

  6. This SUCK BALLS!
    Sure does… But if u played gacha games before this shouldn't be a surprise…. SPECIALLY Coming from MHY multi Billionaire company they know what their doing obviously…
    They would never let characters stay top Tier for ever… if the characters we already have stayed on top forever we wouldn't feel the need to pull on something else right… (in which case MHY wouldn't make as much money) and we know that's just not happening they will force u to get those "MUST" characters as much as possible

  7. I wouldnt say that he isnt worth rolling for anymore. Sure the DPS might get power crept but Zhongli will still stay strong through and through just because of his versatility. Supports always find their way back into a game. Sure The new enemies might have nerfed him but his sheer shielding strength is there for survivability and for those who have him at C6 gets an additional healing making him even more worth the pull. Plus he's the GEO DADDY what's more to be said

  8. Recently I realized that every patch now in the Inazuma after 2.2 become nerf the shield.
    Just wait 2.5 Zhongli become useless (one boss can destroy shield of zhongli using single slash)

  9. It was looking real bad until the recently husk nerfs they actually makes sense now and doesn't just render shield users useless hopefully they put that same thought into the hydro herald imo u shouldn't destroy one playstyle to sell the other just make mechanics that counter both instead of shitting on one of them and this recent husk leaks show that

  10. tbh ever if they find a way to nerf this guy to the ground he got other thing that no other unit got like the -20% elm/phy debuff on top of a 4 sec cc and can be a healing if u at c6 or what ever con it let u heal out he e it not the best heal but it work out over time like this old men not gone to get kill out so easy but this do have me question what they long term plan is of this game like i got a feeling they gone to find a way to nerf healing in a few patch not try to give then ideal but u can tall what they gone to do next by how they do thing and if u follower other game or play then u kinder know what they gone to do next in term of how to make people pull

  11. i barely do abyss, so i dont really care about meta. so personally, i really love zhongli so im pulling for him. its not like every enemy will be able to tear through shields, just like how not every enemy will be immune to croud control.

  12. I don't mind moving away from shields. But healers aren't that consistent even in terms of healing. They're mainly "burst" healing with ults and most healers elemental skills are on 20+sec cd. Corrosion lasts longer than the healing so even if ur full health while getting healed, you end up being half hp when it runs out.(side tracking) I hate that corrosion applies even if u dodge the actually hit with iframe but the debuff applies. The best healing from experience is either Jean/Barbara (they're more or less the same) or qiqi but they also have their own issues. One solution is to bring in overhealing. Hopefully not in the form of a new character coz that'll just be power creeping every healer type. This can act as a "shield" in form of extra hp from healing without actually having a shield like zhongli. Maybe in a artifact set that grants overhealing. Or a weapon (preferably not a 5*). Or small tweaks for cds for all healers will definitely help out. Or weapons that heal the team sort of like the blacksword but team based.

  13. the thing thats noteworthy is genshin characters has multiple aspects to them compared to other gacha games that theres like maybe 3 sometimes 4 ways to build a character independently, and some combos allowing for more like scaling for EM instead of atk% if you use bennett on a team if you abuse the reactions that use it. so even the "selling solution" when you got a good varaity of characters isnt a issue unless they outright give a new mechanic that isnt tied to any other character. well there is actually good aspects of creating these new problems, the big one i see with the corrosion is it hits the entire team in a solo sense so something like the continusly used bennett or diona actually cant deal with the whole team that well. well someone like barbra or qiqi can heal off field teams negating the corrosion to a extent, and barbra is free i can actually shove my artifacts on my diona to barbra to actually use. by all means there isnt going to be a sell the only solution character, theres tones of actual thought into the balance of the game that even if accidental in some aspects sudo prevent overscaling(5 star C6's are generaly the thing that breaks the game balance though almost regardless which one)

  14. when you mentioned characters in the first year getting power crept later on, i feel like genshin is the opposite a lot of the earlier characters are the best we have and all the recent ones have been lack luster.

  15. He’s friggin OP okay! I was destroying Units left and right and I don’t even have artifacts equipped on him yet. I was trying to swap to over to my C6 Xiao, but C0 ZhongLi be killing people. The ATK boost you get from a proper build is crazy too!

  16. Geo in general is messed up because crystallize makes shields and the double geo bonus is based on having a frickin sheild! so they release gorou and itto but make geo as a whole undesirable because if you accidentally pick up a shield, or you want the damage bonus for geo resonance, you could be screwed and you cant change your team while in a battle, you have to run away and come back. Really annoying. I thought the wolves were enough of a nerf that i started building kokomi but wtf they just made so many characters irrelevant

  17. What I imagine Genshin doing is what any other game has done. You’ll have to use healers in some areas and shields in others. Let’s just say Zhongli is God tier in mondstant, Liyue, and Inazuma. But you’ll need to switch your party with a healer in Sumeru, sneznya, etc.

    Not saying nerfing is a good thing. But the point of this game is mix and matching. And Zhongli has just become over powered and they want people to be more creative

    (Also they just want to make more money)

  18. They can't push this forever. Sure, we will have a couple enemies that counter shields but if they push enemies like those than they will kill all of the shielders not just Zhongli.
    I don't have a problem with the new enemies. I am amongst the few who actually built Qiqi and not neglected her as "trash" so she can heal my party within seconds.
    And of cores there is a fact that you can just dodge the new enemies that benefits hitting your shield.

  19. if shield is gonna be irrelevant, then goodbye geo ahem crystilize
    corrosion is targeted to healer
    while the new enkanomiya vishap make's raiden more appealing and good for electro-resonance too
    //you know mhoy is going to sell inazuma character on inazuma era//
    but for that new enemy, i don't know what mhyo is thinking
    spoiler i think mhyo doesn't completely forget about itto since put the new enemy 1st half and geo wolf 2nd half so yeah it's fine

  20. They would never make shielding irrelevant. I need to pull for cons for my C2 Zhongli to take him to C4. There will always be buffs to offset everything and ways around the new feature that "nerfs" a character.

  21. I might not go for zhongli then cause I heard kazuha is coming 2.5‚ I used my primogems for Xiao and I'm not really sure if zhongli would be worth it but I don't really need a shield I mostly depend on healers but I still don't really like kokomi I somehow got her not even wanting her in the first place


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