My Thoughts on the Lithic Weapons | Genshin Impact

My thoughts on the new 4 star Lithic Blade and Lithic Spear.

Thoughts and Review Videos:

Razor Series:

Updated Noelle Series:

How I get Nvidia Overlay to work with Genshin Impact:
Nvidia Control Panel, Manage 3D Settings, Program Settings, Add Genshin to the list

Time Stamps:
00:00 Intro
01:10 Weapon Bonus
01:37 Problems
03:49 Wrap up & Pull Recommendation

UID: 900110083
Region: HK


47 thoughts on “My Thoughts on the Lithic Weapons | Genshin Impact”

  1. I disagree that r4 is needed, looking the passive isn't as substantial as you make it out to me, the difference in damage is barely noticeable given it's attack percent i've been testing it a lot myself. Crit rate is the only notable change with refinements but that can be made up through better artifacts.

  2. People need to keep in mind more Liyue characters can appear in the future. Also, the Spear has HIGH Base Atk, which is very useful for any ATK% artifact stat (highest in any 4-Star?). And finally, as long as you have 4 Liyue characters in your party (and it is very easy to make a good team right now), you can have an R1 and still have a great weapon.

    It is sad that these are exclusive, because I would like them to start growing the Permanent Banner in the weapon department as well (not only 4-Star characters).. but there is no reason to not try and get one of each at least IF you are interested in any of the 5-Star Weapons as well. Eventually, even F2Ps should be rolling for better weapons.. why not start to build pity now?

  3. Personally, I did roll for this banner pretty much for everything in it, got my first widsith, sacrificial bow and a lithic polearm for my Zhongli, honestly had great value off of it, and built some pity for my eventual 5s weapon (hopefully a claymore)
    And as always, great content, Krush

  4. I don't have new pyro unit, so i need lithic spear for xiangling. But, i'm a free to play, and i want venti because ganyu is the only my main dps.
    So, what should i do? Lithic spear or save for venti?

  5. I think the lithic weapons serve as a safety net mechanism for small spenders/f2p who are trying to get one of the rate up weapons. Lets say you've saved enough for about 140 pulls which should be enough to give you 2 attempts at the rate up 5* weapon of choice. Even with 2 attempts the chance of you not getting what you want is still 35.25%. You will however likely end up with a high refinement Lithic spear after pulling 140 times.

  6. it's Yay for my Xiangling support

    I think people are missing the point that this is a 4 star weapon so don't compare it to a 5 star, on the 4 star category even if you only have 1 stack, it's already better than most 4 star polearms.

    the max 4 stack liyue characters is just a plus

  7. Hu tao with homa, xiangling with lithic, chongyun with lithic, xingqiu with sac sword.

    Edit: bennet is bad for hu tao with homa, fischl is bad for hu tao(overload makes you chase enemies) you could put bennett on other team

  8. LOL! Just now I figured out that Genshin was so terribly lazy that all they did for Lithic weapon model is recolor existing ones! Take a look – The lithic claymore is just a recolored Rainslasher, while the lithic spear is just recolored Dragonsbane. What a piece of crap Mihoyo, not cool!

  9. Lucky for me then for not pulling for current weapon banner. Already spend my primos at last weapon banner, trying to pull primordial jade cutter for my Traveler but got skyward spine instead.

  10. so if they ever release the Mondstadt weapon equivalents, it would be the opposite evaluation as it is easier to team build a full Mondstadt team. I guess it would be a bow and a sword or catalyst?

  11. I am already using one. Although it's better than what I had before I'll stop putting resources into the lithic blade until you post more about this. Hope your wallet recovers soon so we can have the staff of homeless review.

  12. they actually dont get exponentially better with more characters on your team…. the relationship is linear… usually after seeing someone using this word like this 2:20 i insta dislike and close the video.. but since i like this channel , ill just leave this angry comment here 🙂 but some good points were raised, so nice video

  13. I'm fine with the fact that these will eventually become obsolete as regions and characters expand.. Its not like its happening tomorrow.. We'll get at least a few months enjoyment out of these and get other new weapons.

  14. I main xiao and my team comp are Ning, xinq, zhong. Sometimes I swap xinq for bennett when I do, I out dps any r1 5 star weapon with my r2 lithic spear 65k-80k per jump? Will it be obsolete in the future? Hell yeah but so does every weapon in the game since there’s power creep. The fact it’s an exclusive and one of the best weapon banner we have had so far, I’d encourage ppl to summon if you have spare primo because you can get lucky and get homa or wgs while going for lithic. Wish everyone good luck if they choose to summon

  15. my 2nd abyss team (I'm not a meta guy lol) I use Xinyan as carrry, Beidou, XQ and Qiqi… and got a lithic blade so it was a really nice dmg upgrade to my Beidou's r1 archaic

  16. Personally I don’t like the Lithics weapons effects since I like flexibility and mix a bunch of nationalities, so this kind of sets are easy pass or me or if I get them they’ll gonna be fooder for others better weapons I already have.


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