My honest thoughts about "Endgame" in Genshin Impact

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Outro: Valence – Infinite (NCS Release)

#GenshinImpact #Xlice


49 thoughts on “My honest thoughts about "Endgame" in Genshin Impact”

  1. heading back from anime expo!
    will be catching up on content soon enough, take a little excerpt from stream in the meanwhile
    (thanks for checking out NordPass sponsor!)

  2. I agree 100%. I've been playing, basically from day one and I genuinely love playing the game just for the freedom to run around and goof off. I like the challenge of grinding artifacts, and when new Archon quests come out, it's even more enjoyable.

    I'm almost AR 60, with exploration at 100% for all areas, and I STILL find random chests. It's also fun to go in smaller AR worlds and help others too.

    I'm genuinely okay that there is no end game yet, and I'm so stoked for Sumeru.

  3. I only wish that they would improve co-op for the people who want to play the story together.

    But I am going to stay with the game, since I want to know how the story is going to end one day and I want to know if they are going to make the connection to Honkai bigger than right now.

  4. Talking about contents, I really hate mihoyo. They intentionally do not add such things for a long run game. I do enjoy storyline and combat. Genshin would be much better if they emphasize what it should, not random side events, not fishing, etc. Personally I like to see more Co-op contents, something to show off with others or better use of teamwork. But as you said, we are not creators.

  5. I love getting new characters, pushing them to their damage limits, getting big numbers. This is the endgame for me and I'm yet to run out of something to upgrade after a year. Although I wish they'd make something else similar to the Abyss

  6. I am a new player. I downloaded Genshin the last day of Ayato’s banner, what brought me in was his voice actor Chris Hackney, who I knew about from Fire Emblem. I had a wrong impression of what Genshin was, but thought I’d give it a try (I thought it was low quality knock-off breath of the wild, but with waifus you could buy for hundreds of dollars. Only one of those things was true, lol). In that time I have done all quests that I can and have 90-100% exploration on everything available, including enkanomiya and the chasm. I love this game, and I am the type that is pretty happy just running around the map killing/farming things/looking at vistas, so I imagine I will be in for the long haul regardless. I’d still like end game content, but will probably not stop playing if it never comes.

  7. the whole point about differences between developing and testing the game are absolute bullshit. U simply can't do a product w/out testing it first, and i simply can not understand any Genshin issues, bc all of it can and need to be solved, and there is absolutely no fucking reason for hoyoverse not to. My point here, that developer must do everything so users would enjoy his product, if players want some endgame content, developer must do smthn about it, maybe at least find some compromise, so he can continue to work on his idea, and users can still enjoy the product, hoyoverse just dont even try to fond compromise. Look, they made the Enconomia location for what? What the freakin reason was to take that time and money to create the whole location JUST for 2 updates and totally forget about it? Why dont take that time, to make for us, for players, some changes, to fix some bugs and animations, to add some endgame content, to develop smthn that will have point for players, not for maybe one week gameplay? Hoyoverse just totally ignoring their players when it comes to Genshin, and i hate them for that, their whole point now is not to make players enjoy the game whatsoever, but to make more and even more money, unfortunately

  8. tbh i wont quit any time soon even though there is literally nothing to at ar 57 with everything explored on 100% 36 star abyss other than doing dailies, events and spending resin. my playtime has dropped from 9-10 hours a day to just 1-3 since reaching ar 55. even if sumeru and 2.8 wont bring an endgame, i will still play to roll for characters and keep the daily routine going. i love the game even though there is no content anymore and i dont think that will change any time soon

  9. I agree, I’m so tired of the complaining. It’s like just quit if you don’t like it dude. I think they put out a surprising amount of content in general and have redefined Gacha or pay games

  10. For me at AR60 with 100% in all current regions, Genshin is a nice daily 1-2 hours game that's always fun to hop on and play. My true endgame is bringing out the full potential of every character.

  11. Personally i wont play another mihoverse game until genshin becomes something that satisfies the completionist in me with some kind of end game content. It would be incredibly rude and stupid of them to take the genshin money but then neglect genshin and develop other games. Genshin is meant to be a long term grind, its set up to time gate you at every step or pay gate you and it was hugely successful they should continue to intergrate new game play mechanics and graphics as well as map extension content. Its a great game I hope they dont get greedy and try to branch out too much. They should be less affraid to radically rework or change champions, it works well with league of legends it would be absolutely fine as the game is now. If they find theyre design space limited by genshins format they should just change genshins format. People will be very butt hurt to see their genshin accounts thrown in the bin only to play a reskinned genshin from the beginning.

  12. As I end game player I get that genshin doesn't want us to play the game. It at AR60…… they make that easier… Let us condense resin every day for a week's work and we'll play on the weekends. The fact that all there is left to do is the gacha mechanics but really artifact farming is boring AF when that's all you can do and I don't know about the average player I MIGHT get an artifact per week to roll. lol

    I mean as a AR60 lets up the condense resin storage at this point we put in the time, it's a matter of not making the gacha machines less gruelling.

  13. I complete desagree, people who play genshin at least 30% of players just wanna play genshin because is good Game and don't wanna play other games, but no end Game content is just killing the Game, and don't think casual gamers gonna be mad just because we wanna play more and actually have fun, i don't wanna repeat the same cycle af Inazuma

  14. Content creators calling themselves content creators and molding Genshin no content are fake self proclaimed content creators. Where is the creativity? Molding? Complaining.? Its funny they still call their self content creators.

  15. I play because it’s free, that being said I wouldn’t play if cost even a dollar it’s that bad, honestly the most wasted potential I’ve ever seen in a game.

  16. What I've been doing is play my main account enough to do dailies, weeklies for BP and events. And then there is Abyss every other week. Other than that if I'm going to pull a character, just pre-farm if I know what they require.

  17. I’ve come to terms with it. If the cn community wants something, they’ll make it happen. Hoyo only listens to them anyway. And it seems like as long as their c6r5 pixels can clear contents within 10 secs, then nothing needs to change or to be added.

  18. Appreciate your opinion on this even if I completely disagree with most of your points. It feels sort of frustrating as a viewer when we feel like we have a discussion/problem and content creators don’t use their voice on it. Even if it’s something I disagree with I’d much rather they speak on it.

  19. I don’t think it’s healthy to settle. I’m not saying that I don’t believe that people aren’t actually enjoying a game. But people kinda ignore objectivity. I think the healthy balance would be to compare Genshin to other games in terms of what it provides and what it lacks in a fair comparison.

  20. I want Genshin to have a meaningful endgame if it were to have one. I want enemies to actually be a threat and I want them to have mechanics that feel rewarding to remember and master. Combat is only really rewarding due to the abilities and animations because the enemies aren’t really rewarding to fight. I think that’s why people want an endgame because if they want they could just go and kill hillichurls but the combat isn’t rewarding. There’s no difficulty, there’s no rotations, there’s just overkill. But I especially don’t like this aspect the community has of settling instead of looking into the potential. If you make a company 3 billion dollars it’s ok to ask for an endgame they’ve literally done it before in honkai.

  21. Sesame speedster made a post about dropping Genshin and 60% of the poll is still playing and hopping about an endgame. I don’t think the endgame wanters are a minority at all.

  22. 3:56 "the best part of genshin is the community behind it" LMAOOOOOOOOOO if this is referring to the artist and cosplayers of the game sure….but genshin community on twitter? LMAOOOOOOOOOO

  23. I want a Spiral Abyss after the floor 12-3, we can do Endless floor with no reward to see how far player can go. Also fighting, testing character dmg is the only fun part for endgame player imo, so endless Abyss floor is perfect for endgame player.

  24. I feel like it's the case with most gacha games, there is really no end game for any of them. Most of them are just farming and doing events while waiting for more story chapters to release. I especially like genshin because the music, story, world building, and characters are very immersive. The only thing they need to improve on in my opinion is slightly increasing resin cap and add in a new content similar to abyss. And as xlice said, most of the time we have a life so I like how the dailies take only about 5 to 10 minutes to complete. And if we do have the time, when more content is released, we could explore at our own pace.

  25. idk about being pessimis is bad or good but here my thoughts on people suggesting shit that cant anytime soon like 2-3 years. If they listen to some of the suggestions that shit should already be implanted in the game long time ago, when people like xlice say being a crybaby. Yeah ignore shit and just tell that person is pessimistic is not the way. IDK how to explain this, we can suggest shit like xlice said playtest and being tested is completely different things. I dont see any of the suggestions will come in the next 2-3 years after the game 'OLD' enough. Sure we need sand box to test damage or other similar things. Good luck on that. Like everyone said we all can give opinions and shit, the question is either they heard it or just ignore it. Think about it, as much as i love this game, things that they have now , is more than enough that can people ask for.

  26. Genshin = wow , I disagree I already dropped the game and haven't picked it up since but I still watch genshin you tuber . Since their content creators are really good and very entertaining. People will quit when there is a better game similar to genshin until then keep on inhaling maximum copium. Cc will keep the justifying the game state calling out some players pessimistic because their viewership depends on genshin. Regardless of the viewship drought. If they don't play genshin let's be honest they're views really drop.

  27. İmo .. genshin is one of the best side game ever released…
    Story line great… Gameplay amazing .. anime-oreinted fantastic.. graphics fabulous… New Update every month
    İt is such a good game to stick to it without taking your whole day …

    I will stick to it till the end ..

  28. it would be be awesome if we had a way to have bosses drop actual weapons like 4*/ 5 star weapons so f2p players could get a chance to get like the lithic spear or the skyward weapons
    that way we have bosses we can kill and they can create a daily boss rotation, something to keep our attention

  29. Why would anyone start a new Mihoyo game knowing you would run out of things to do there and then have another set of chores to do daily. NOPE. This is probably the last new gacha game I will ever play. Stopped spending six months ago and I buy new games and hardware vs characters I get to use 10 mins a day.

    Former game dev here. They are lazy. Its not 4d chess. Unity devs are a dime a dozen. Lots of copium and rationalizations from players that need that dopamine hit. At the end of the day the bit of gambling I get on my artifacts is enough for me to care 10 mins a day. No more no less though there is no need convince yourself that there is anything more to that.


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