My First Windblume Festival In Genshin Impact Was AMAZING!

I switch to English Dub for parts without Tighnari’s VA after day 1! WINDBLUME! The lore was a BIG surprise yet again in a limited time event


Genshin just keeps getting better! So many characters from Sumeru came to Mondstadt! I wish Thoma was there though…


I love playing Genshin Impact, especially on stream, so feel free to come and watch the story unfold with us!


#GenshinImpact #BranOnline #miHoYo


38 thoughts on “My First Windblume Festival In Genshin Impact Was AMAZING!”

  1. 1:10:10 ENG dub switch

    Hey all! As mentioned I play with EN dub after like day 1 with non Tighnari parts. This is a one off dub switch, simply to preserve my own enjoyment and other people's who don't wanna hear the EN VAs voice. If you have a problem with the fact I'm using Korean dub for one video then I suggest skipping and waiting for the next one! Don't be rude about it in the comments, if it's not for you that's fine! Seeing a bit of negativity over a one off dub switch but I think the reasoning is pretty damn understandable. Enjoy the video!

    Edit: the amount of purely rude comments regarding a dub switch not only to make myself but a LOT OF OTHER PEOPLE more comfortable with not hearing a voice is quite disheartening to see to be honest. It takes nothing to be nice or say nothing at all, please realise that the main reason for the ONE TIME dub switch is simply to make people feel more comfortable by not hearing a voice associated with a person who's an awful human being. This won't be a problem in any other video, but still, seeing the hateful horrid comments purely regarding this is simply sad.

  2. This might be my favorite event story so far. Sucrose and Collei are so great together, and I appreciated that the traveler didn't need to be there for their character development. They did something similar in Sumeru Act 5 (other characters progressed the story while the traveler was locked up), so I hope they keep doing more of this.

  3. Oh another one who use the KR dub! I usually play in EN/JP but figured out I'll try something new instead.

    And have you heard Wanderer in KR dub? One of his burst lines just sounds angrier than other dubs 🤣

  4. It may take me a little while longer to watch this video but I say it is a fair trade off!

    I tend to listen to your videos in the background while I work or do stuff around the house.

    However there are so many great sections in this one that I would want to watch your reaction to.

    Unfortunately I can't do that passively when the dub isn't in a language I understand but I do totally understand why you switched it for this event!.

    So yeah no worries about the language and I hate that people are being rude about it.

    I will just have to save this video for my lunch breaks over the next week.

    (If you want a laugh I recommend watching lumine's voice actor's playthrough of windbloom. Her solution to tighnari's voice about killed me lol

  5. unpopular take but lore dumps in time limited events are fine to me. if people weren't there at the time then sucks for them. they can make do with wawiting for the info to be repeted or just read the lore in the genshin wiki or watch the old videos in the genshin youtube channel. these lore dumps are rewards to players who actually played throught the event. new players can mine the info on their own, it's not like it's hidden or whatever.

  6. This was so fun! Also I love the Korean voices; I personally played the event in CN and JP bc I haven't checked out either of those voices but I actually know, like, a smidgen of Korean so this was especially lovely to watch.

    Still salty that the Amber-Collei reunion was offscreen TT. But it's interesting that they focused more on Collei making new friends instead of reuniting with old ones, but it turned out so beautiful and lovely. Sucrose is the perfect person for Collei to feel comfortable with and I love that this was the focus. The thing Amber said really stuck with me a bit and it's true; no matter what Amber does or says Collei will always look up to her as her hero, not exactly placing her on a pedestal but-at least for now-there's this distance that Collei won't cross because of the way she looks up to Amber, while she can get along with Sucrose comfortably because their connection wasn't born from trauma or being saved.

  7. I loved this event so much. it was nice seeing another side to characters like Cyno. Also great seeing the character growth in Collei and Sucrose.

    Korean dub doesn't get enough credit. I switch between it and English pretty frequently. The acting isn't as dramatic as some other dubs, but sometimes the more natural approach is nice.

  8. The reason people believed Rhinedottir was a part of the Hexenzirkel before was that it was confirmed she was old friends with Alice in the past. Considering that fact alone, people believed Rhinedottir was a member.

  9. its understandable why people dont like to hear Tighnari's EN VA

    here's my own personal opinion of the dub
    no matter what, I would always choose the EN dub. After watching Zach's live interview with the other VAs, I never knew my respect for them would get so high. When they chose a job that they wanted instead of listening to people who told them to choose a different path, I can somewhat relate to them

    Im from Asia myself so ya'll knowing how Asian parents think, I think you'll understand. Tho I wont be taking a path of being a voice actor, its nice seeing people wanted to consider of taking as a voice actor just from being inspired to the VAs. So I had a sweet spot for that a lot :')

    tbh, I was really upset when the situation happened since I recently got Tighnari even until now. But I was willing to see him as a character with his own voice just like the others too. Ah, dont get me wrong, Im not saying that people who dont want to hear his voice are being a coward. Just like I said, my own personal opinion. Some people can feel different about this and everyone should respect it not matter what, even if you dont understand or you disagree. I wish ya'll well!

    anyway, whats ya'll favorite EN VA? I really like Zach a lot 😀

  10. I loved this year wind Blume it was great 😊 I wish one day we get to see Alice or Nicole in person (they better NOT BE NPC FACE!)
    I swear to god got annoyed seeing Razor parents they just Npc with coloured hair and moustache 😂😂😡
    I too changed VA to Japanese I prefer it for now until they completely remove Eng VA for Tighnari!
    Also, loved interactions with everyone so heart warming ❤
    Love ya content Bran it helps me during my low days 😊

  11. Ahh I have a question, do you do world quests on stream? If so, do you have the VODs for them? I notice you have Liloupar's bottle and I wanted to see streamers' reactions to Jeht and the Tanit tribe- I don't know how Twitch works so I'm not quite sure how to go about it if they exist

  12. For non English-speakers such as myself, they are definitely playing Genshin in their own language. However I would love to experience the English Dub version as well with all the great CCs on YouTube. For certain aspect such as Cyno's dead joke and his dry humour, or all the memes that Mihoyo likes to put in their text, after I came across them in game, I was also very curious of how they will look like or sound like in English so that's also a huge motivation for me to watch Genshin videos on YT.
    It's just my point of view.

  13. i was not expecting KR dub but i like it! i think all the dubs are good, KR is quite underrated so is refreshing to hear it
    Also! The jokes cyno tells seem to be different in all languages, the ES translation got really creative with his word play jokes

  14. This Windblume was really fun, and I appreciate you changing the language for the Tighnari scenes to make them more comfortable!
    Also, I dunno if anyone mentioned it, but Albedo's Character Story on his profile says that Rhinedottir is friends with Alice, which is how he ended up in the Knights of Favonius in the first place. That's where the theory of Rhinedottir being in Hexenzirkel came from, and now we have confirmation.


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