my first experience with helping low ranked players

they are so adorable! running around like headless chickens… lets eat them! YEAAAAAAAAAAH! genshin impact very cooool


28 thoughts on “my first experience with helping low ranked players”

  1. I literally have anxiety playing coop with random people in fear of disappointing others on how i play.
    I just reached AR50 and I still dont have the guts to join others' worlds
    so its kinda cool seeing this stuff is possible with nice people.

    The only time i will ever coop at all is with my younger brother (whom is just starting the game)

  2. Now that's character development.

    Wish my coops were funny like that, but I'm too afraid of being a hassle due to shitty weapon/artifacts, so I just ignore all join requests.

  3. My first Coop:
    I was AR 16 or something but trying to do world quests, I was so underleveled but was still OK because of Qiqi.
    Then A AR 55 or level 55 Korean Diluc came in. I realized how his damage isn't adjusted to my world, so I took him to help me with the Starglow Cavern challenge where I need to kill 4 mobs within time limit and my best attempt was 3/4 mobs – that is, avoiding being frozen. When we fought the abyssal mages, I realized those red crystals are used to melt their shields. Anyways I would never had beaten them as I am seriously lacking in DPS even if I manage to disable their shields…

  4. The first time I joined someone’s world we were all around the same range (except for one girl who was super high) but I was panicking and wondering why I even sent the invitation because the last time I let someone in my world they were kind of mean to me. But they were really nice and helped me get used to Genshin Co-op. They were the first friends I had that I didn’t know in real life. I’m not as scared to do co op now so mission accomplished!

  5. i remember the first time i had a co-op, a razor main joined my world and was looking for the wolf— i was still ar 19 at that time and had absolute no idea what razor wanted do so i looked around with him… he helped me with the four ruin guard flawlessly that i was so relieved it was gone, he left immediately after it with a good bye.. thanks man


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