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Jean Supremacy!!
Jean is not bad but her AA animation is lame I wish it were more like Albedo's
Let us know your jean's build sir
My first 5 star is qiqi and my only 5 star,
Qiqi E +xing + beidou Q is too op
Mine was skyward blade…
The problem if I got Jean would be that I would be throwing everyone around nonstop 🤠
My first was Jean in albedos banner
And I've been trying for diluc.
I dont want venti,mona qiqi,hutao or even xiao. I dont want any other 5 stars.
I just want diluc 🙁 no one else
He man, can I know your jean build?
As a fellow Jean user I have a tip, if you hold down on her skill you can pick up enemies and shoot them up into the air dealing anemo + fall dmg
My first 5 star was Venti. I was so happy because I was simping for him the moment I saw him.
7:26 do you know the name of the soundtrack in the background?
When i got my first 5 star, i had no feeling at all. Cuz it was my second single pull and it was like day 2 of me playing genshin
My first was Tartaglia, just randomly pulled on his banner and saw the gold and was like aww shit thats pretty cool.
my first 5* was jean and i wanted qiqi but now….
i have friendship level 10 for jean, i do not want qiqi anymore
My first five star was Xiao
My first 5* was diluc, it was by AR 25/30. My second 5* was keqing, I litterally got her on the guaranteed on the 89° summon
I just want a 5* healer 😔
Today I wanted Jean but I got Mona at 77 roll :c
My first was Diluc
Xiao: my first 5 star, and the only 5 star I have
Congrats Envi. You got one of the best five stars in the game. Truly deserved it.
That Jean fking hurts, what the hell is that damage
My first five star was Diluc…. I was so happyyyyyy. And I’m happy for you man
My first ever 5 star was Diluc
What's the song called in 7:30
My first and only 5 star is xiao 💆♀️💆♀️
I got the Lost Prayer book but I dont like any of the catalyst users except Klee which I dont have 😆
you know i pulled diluc as my first 5 star and i have only gotten another diluc after i have no other 5 stars and i kinda hate the fact that i got two of him before anything else
Jean was my first 5 star but never touched her until ar50 then discovered that she deal crazy damage and heal with her skills and I felt very stupid.
my first 5 star was xiao
I got a weapon:(
My 1st and only one is keqing.
I got my first five star "jean" in a xiao banner
You know that barbara who first help jean on hes quest
My first 5 star is jean to
And my second 5 star is qiqi im free to play
Really interested to see how you’d build Jean, I have her as a pity from standard banner and I have no idea how to build her to fit into my team 🙁
I love it when he said "Pfftttt" after throwing Bennett AHAHHAHA😂
3:55 this made me laugh so much idk why 😭
Cant relate to this since my 1st 5 star was back in october on the venti banner, game was still new and i did not know that i got a 5 star, it was diluc and loved it though 😁
what's the song at 7:36 ?
My first 5-star is Qiqi i got her on the Noelle banner
My first 5 star was Keqing at the Hu Tao banner, very poggers
what is your jean build envi