Mualani NERFED AGAIN! But Is It Actually That Bad? | Genshin Impact 5.0 Beta Update News & Analysis

A discussion and analysis of the recent changes to Mualani, Kinich, and Kachina (all hypothetical, of course)! Remember that everything is subject to change.

Check out @jstern25 for early calcs and theorycrafting!

00:00 – Intro
00:37 – Mualani Changes & Analysis (Is She Still Good?)
07:29 – Kinich & Kachina Changes
08:27 – Concluding Thoughts

Music Used:
Song: Millelith’s Watch – Disc 3: Battles of the Chasm|Genshin Impact
By: Genshin Impact

© All rights reserved by miHoYo. Other properties belong to their respective owners.
All music credits belong to their respective owners
Genshin Impact Themes by Yu-Peng Chen and HOYOMiX

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24 thoughts on “Mualani NERFED AGAIN! But Is It Actually That Bad? | Genshin Impact 5.0 Beta Update News & Analysis”

  1. hoyo cant stand to see a youngirl win, but also another point to mention abt her extra hit, if the enemy is big enough you dont have to do the little loopty loop which wastes a little bit of uptime. anyway banger vid cant wait for pyro archon to come out and decontextualise the entire nightsoul mechanic

  2. Im conflicted, on one hand the lack of powercreep does help the game quite a lot from be tagged as being scummy p2w, while this also makes stagnation in the difficulty of the game. You can even argue with a faster raise in difficulty we can start rally against hoyo for making you spend money to keep up so they can increase the amount of primos we get per patch but this will probably never be the case.

  3. a buff to a hydro dps is also a neuvi buff so unless xilonen and mavuika have charlotte racism passives like "if character is from natlan, buff this character to be stronger than neuvillette" then i don't see mualani being toppest of top tier

  4. She has become a wait for re run character now. She is going to need very heavy artifact investment. But she can also only use the new set we cant farm yet. She has no alternative set. It can take months to get a usable CV set. They also ruined her team flexibility. You pretty much have to use zhongli now so you can just sprint into a bossess chest which is going to look really stupid. I liked the idea of surfing by and doing figure eights around the enemy.

  5. I also severly doubt the archon will buff her or have faster app than xiangling. More than likely, her buff potential will come from being able to use the new support set. But to use that set properly, you can't have fast app. If she has fast app that means she will always be the aura and unable to trigger the set. I think the chances of the archon helping her specifically are pretty low.

  6. People needs to understand Hoyo can't nerfed Mualani in the future, as if they don't, her DMG to be ridiculous when Mavuika/pyro Archon is released. So their choice is either nerfed her now or Mavuika/pyro Archon who is the one will be nerfed in the future. I believe this direction is fine as Mualani design to be a vape team and not mono hydro team.

  7. i gave up on genshin meta fans, they're STUPID they've been saying pre released characters were bad and not worth primos since HU TAO RELEASE….. over 3 years ago. imagine running in a loop of saying a character is bad and then coming back realizing it's one of the strongest character in the game for THREE YEARS STRAIGHT. Lord AI can really destroy humanity they kinda deserve it

  8. I love the character and it sucks she's such a hard and easy skip.
    Test servers and formula dmg numbers are the biggest contributors to people getting lured into pulling for characters. Look at Chlorinde, her kit and gameplay sucks so much unless you're running Thundering Fury set, even though there is a set that fits her better but that nerf they did to her skill literally broke her gameplay. Same thing is happening here, she's not going to be a good character but people are still going to pull for her because Hoyo marketing team carries this game and content creators instead of urging people to not pull for characters that are basically going to force them to pull for more characters they're feeding the copium more.

  9. I think its a great idea to nerf a character based on whats planned to release after the character, you dont want a character that is as insanely powerful as she was in the first beta to get even stronger because of better supports overtime.

  10. Was never going to pull her on main account, have a C1R1 Neuvillette. That’s all I need…. Though anything is possible on my alt account. There are so many really nice Characters in Natlan, I don’t think I will use any wishes on her.

  11. "Mualani got nerfed!! She deals half the damage she did before!"
    Mfw: 🤷‍♂️
    "Kinich got a slight buff to his skill!"
    Mfw: 😎
    "Kachina was left unchanged but her free weapon got a slight buff"
    Mfw: 😭

  12. Honestly I think I'm content with this version of Mualani? A small buff would be nice but I think this is so far alright. With future Natlan character synergies I think she'll be more than fine in the long run and can stand with the really good damage dealers (like Hu Tao, Lyney, Wriothesley) even if not in the top. I'm just thankful they didn't break the power ceiling.

    Hopefully she doesn't get tuned again for the worse to make this age like milk..


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