These are the most underrated characters in Genshin Impact. Here are some of the best characters in Genshin Impact you don’t know about. Beidou, Traveler, Childe, Rosaria, & Kaeya have some true potential!

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0:00 What’s an underrated character?
2:00 Best underrated characters


31 thoughts on “MOST UNDERRATED CHARACTERS IN GENSHIN IMPACT | Best Characters in Genshin”

  1. I also WANT to use Beidou but I don't have a good weapon for her 😭😭. Also AMAZING Video, yesterday I didn't really know what do do next after building Sucrose and Jean. But when your video came up about the Geo Traveler and It got me thinking to build him as well.

  2. Don't forget childe has some LEGIT damage
    My childe at level 80 was consistently criting for 6k per E auto on top of his mark detonation. His ulti in melee with a make applied was criting for up to 50k Combined with a fischl with the electro effect set I'm one phasing or chunking 70%+ on 90 bosses with in a single Oz summon. My team comp is now zongli, kazuha, fischl and Childe and it's bassicly permanent ultimate uptime

  3. My issue with Beido is I can't make her work for the life of me. Either I have long downtimes on her ult or I put so much into ER that she doesn't deal damage anymore… feels like another case of substats make or break the character.

  4. I wanna love Rosaria and she's pretty leveled up on my team but Eula has replaced her. It's good to have the option to swap them out tho because I've got them both as physical DPSers. And I usually carry Xinyan as well (also built as a Physical DPSer). Right now, all my hydro, electro, and geo chars are underdeveloped, so yeah you're right Childe, Barbara and even my Xingqui are not used. Fischl, Beidou, and Razor not used. Chongyun not used. Noelle and Ningguang, not used.

  5. I really have to agree for the Childe part.

    Personally I hate Childe but I respect his damage. I have him also a lvl70 with basically nothing on him and my friend tested and fiddled around with him for a bit and he was able to manage 200k on burst, mind you this has minor buffs with abyss floor7 and bennet, maybe succrose but I'm not sure. Fact is if you have a well built Beidou, well built Bennet, you don't even have to have them, just build your Childe and you wont regret anything.

    My friend made him hit 200k at lvl70, lvl5 or so talents and a very questionable ratio. Imagine what yours could do, if you build him right..

  6. I've been playing Beidou as my main character ever since the game launched. I can comfortably say without a shred of doubt that she's a 5star masked as a 4star. Maybe with her full electro or full physical build not really since she has obvious weaknesses. But with my hybrid build, she is literally comparable to other 5stars. Take it from me, I have 9. Not trying to sound like a simp but from my experience and from what I've seen, Beidou definitely has 5star qualities. I believe the only thing that makes her a 4star is that she requires actual skill and she can be tricky to build. Once you invest the time, she'll reward you for it.

  7. I use Beidou and Rosaria(one of my cryo mains), I use traveler as a backup swirl in the abyss(Sucrose is my main swirl). Some characters I want to build and use are Amber and Lisa( best girl in Genshin and I still use to this day).

  8. I still see Beidou from time to time in lives and coop, especially because of the archon quest etc… But Rosaria went from the most hyped 4* to one of the most underrated and almost forgotten (I love playing her though).

  9. Every time I give Beidou another chance: Tries beidou parry, gets parry proc, dies anyway. Nah, fischl is pretty great. Significantly more consistent. Plus Bennet exists. And I've got him built because he is well, more useful in more scenarios. She was my first claymore character back during 1.2 and she's kinda too niche to serve me any real purpose. Mind you, I love landing parries in dark souls, but she just doesn't do it for me. Let alone much of anything. Just throw in Zhong Li for a much better time.

  10. Im so happy Beidou is getting the attention she deserves! i use her as my main dps so her burst hits 10-15k ticks and her skill does 50-80k. If you do use her as a dps you dont need any er, my beidou has 110% er and she gets her burst back almost immediately


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