MORE UNSPOKEN Rules of Genshin Impact

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22 thoughts on “MORE UNSPOKEN Rules of Genshin Impact”

  1. One time I was trying to ask somebody for fish but they kept ignoring me, they weren’t AFK since they were clearly moving and talking to their friend. So I decided to be an asshole and steal not only their fish, but their scarabs too.

  2. I agree with the build one because I’m not really good at doing builds so I find my own way to fight monsters with what I have but everyone is all like “ you need this team and these artifacts” but in reality I can’t really battle with that team because it’s just not something I like.

  3. I literally hate how many people make fun of me for using wanderer in a team without a shielder.. Well, I find most shielders I currently have too clunky to use, so I never built them and I'm just trying to have fun playing the game, even if I die more often or can't get the most out of the characters..

  4. I’m currently building xinyan! her stats are currently : 50 crit | 187.2 crit damage

    weapon: redhorn swordtresher level 80

    artifacts: 2 piece bloostained (off pieces are on her)

    Constellation: C6

    Talents: 4/7/7

    ill try to farm more ascension materials + talent books

  5. I don’t even build my characters, as long as I do enough damage to counting through the story and beat bosses, im good. Im too lazy to do artifact farming and a stuff

  6. It was kinda an accident but I have a physical Childe-
    He was the first character I “built” but when I saw he could use the noblise set I just put it all on him not taking into thought about the stats

  7. A low rank genshin player was like why does kazuha have so much Def it should be em and I said the artifacts have definitely on it and it has crit rate on it and they friend request me and said you should build you kazuha more and I blocked them but there friend apologized and I forgive him but not the other friend


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